
My System Is The Strongest Summon

Jordan was just an average teenager working odd jobs to make ends meet and support his family. He was racially discriminated against because his mother was a foreigner. Jordan had just turned 18 this year and was looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony which he considered the event that would turn his life around and help him to carve out a comfortable living for himself and his family, putting a stop to the racial taunts he and his family received. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. Jordan is now determined more than ever to grow stronger. And his new aspirations? Survive and Conquer! Hello to all readers, this is my first time writing a story/novel and so I hope that you guys will give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always appreciated!

Mysterio2250 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


[As I said before it was for my own reasons. Now tell me Jordan, are you going to sit here and question me all day or do you not have other things that you should be doing.]

This reminded Jordan of his current predicament and so he quickly asked 'System? Where am I?'.

Jordan got up from his hiding spot and once again looked around at the unfamiliar environment he found himself in.

[About that, there was an incident where I sensed the use of tracking abilities and very powerful, hostile presences approaching your location. I tried teleporting you elsewhere for your safety but there was an error in my system due to the interference of the fusion process that messed with the coordinates.] The system informed Jordan.

"So basically, you're saying you don't know where we are either?" Jordan asked in confusion.

[Well that is indeed true, but based on the amount of my energy that the jump drained from me I would say it was an inter-dimensional teleportation, and before you ask, yes. I'm saying that you should be somewhere in another dimensional plane. Also, you're talking to me out loud again, someone may mistake you for a madman.] the system informed.

'Oh, my bad.' Jordan responded as his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. 'But, what do you mean another dimensional plane, what's that all about' Jordan thought to the system.

[While I could explain the theory and concept of it all to you, it will take much too long. You just need to focus on getting stronger and finding your way out of this forest before you die of starvation or dehydration. While my fusion with your body has increased its robustness, you are still weak and prune to die like a mundane human would.]

Jordan thought about everything and decided to just pick a direction and start moving. Jordan had no sense of direction as there were no landmarks, and everything looked the same. So he decided to just travel in a northern direction from his current position and pray that he was leaving the forest and not entering deeper.

As Jordan traveled and reality began to sink in he could not help but think about his family once again. Jordan once again began to sob as he walked. He silently vowed that he would never forget this pain. Jordan wanted to get stronger, revenge alone was not enough to satisfy him.

He wanted to carve out a kingdom of his very own in remembrance of his family whom he desired to give a place of their own in this world. Of course, he still wanted to see the Triconia village burned to the ground, that would not change.

'Hey system', Jordan did not give the system time to reply as he began speaking once again. 'What do I have to do to gain strength, I wanna be strong enough to topple all others.'

[With my help, that can definitely become a possibility for you. However, for now, I think you should focus on getting out of this forest, we will discuss more later.] the system's voice sounded in his mind.

'Also system, can't you jus…' Jordan was cut off as the system's voice sounded in his mind with a sense of urgency.

[Jordan you need to run, no time for more. Just RUN].

Jordan didn't understand why he needed to run in such a peaceful and serene atmosphere, he thought he should continue walking to preserve his energy as he didn't know how long he would be stuck in this forest.

Nevertheless, Jordan decided the system was his partner and that he should trust in its instincts. Now that it was bonded to him, he was sure it wouldn't purposefully try to lead him into danger.

With that slight hesitation out of his mind, Jordan picked up the pace and began to run, as he passed the massive trees with a look of confusion, as he didn't know what he was running away from.

Just as Jordan passed a giant tree root, a massive tendril-like vine tried to snag his foot. The vine tendril was a dark blue color with spots of red and orange, oozing an acidic like liquid from the tip that sizzled when it hit the ground.

A rock that was nearby got tangled by the vine instead and Jordan watched on in utter horror as the tip of the vine tendril expanded and opened up in a set of five flaps or petal-like lips each filled with razor-sharp teeth and the inside of its mouth filled to the brim with that acidic like substance.

Jordan watch on as the rock was ground to dust by the teeth and acids of the vine creature. Any doubt Jordan had in his mind was thrown to the wind as he increased his pace and ran as fast as his legs would take him.

As he ran more and more of the vine-like creatures began to rise from the roots of the trees all trying to grab him in one way or the other. Some vines would be as thick as an adult male and others as thick as a truck.

Jordan suddenly came to a stop as his eyes widened in disbelief, for as far as his eyes could see, these vines stretched on endlessly and the vines up ahead had already risen. Jordan looked all around him and found that he was completely surrounded with nothing to defend himself.

Once again Jordan truly felt despair.