
My System Is The Strongest Summon

Jordan was just an average teenager working odd jobs to make ends meet and support his family. He was racially discriminated against because his mother was a foreigner. Jordan had just turned 18 this year and was looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony which he considered the event that would turn his life around and help him to carve out a comfortable living for himself and his family, putting a stop to the racial taunts he and his family received. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. Jordan is now determined more than ever to grow stronger. And his new aspirations? Survive and Conquer! Hello to all readers, this is my first time writing a story/novel and so I hope that you guys will give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always appreciated!

Mysterio2250 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

System Spirit

Sometime exactly 48hrs later Jordan woke up and found himself in a wet and dark environment completely different from where he had fallen asleep.

As he began to move around, he heard a slight cracking sound, which then got louder. In the next second Jordan found himself falling to the ground along with a strange and sticky, milky white substance. Jordan looked up in the direction from where he had just fallen and noticed what appeared to be a diamond-shaped half-transparent cocoon floating in the air.

A few seconds later the cocoon withered away and crumbled to dust which fell to the ground and blew away in the wind as though it was never there to begin with.

It was only then that Jordan got a good look around and noticed that he was in a forested area, but it was unrecognizable to him when compared to the area that he fell asleep in which he knew like the back of his hand.

This forest area was much denser than what Jordan was used to, unlike the tall green trees that were full of life and canvassed the area. The trees here were a mixture of a strange blue and yellow color with red leaves, the likes of which Jordan had never seen before.

These trees appeared to be thousands of feet in height as Jordan could not even see the top. Jordan was gob smacked as he had never seen such grand and magnificent trees. He looked around and the forest seemed to span on forever.

Jordan also noticed that unlike when he had fallen asleep which was in the dead of night, it seemed to be daytime which left him puzzled as he believed that if he fell asleep for a period of 48hrs, then he should've woken up around the same time two days later.

Suddenly Jordan remembered the weird system that popped up in front of him which had told him that he would fall asleep. Looking around now, he saw no signs of this system. This all led him to remember what happened to his mother and siblings, and his mother's message.

He wanted to return home now that he was awake, however, he could not recognize his surroundings and was clueless as to where he should go or what it is that he should do.

Jordan kept thinking about the events that transpired on the day of the Summoning Ceremony and the so-called system that had spoken to him. As he continued in his thoughts, a familiar but strange voice once again sounded in his head.

[Welcome Jordan, I am System Spirit.]

[Fusion between system and host has been completed.]

[Host's body has been altered to suit the fusion of system and host]

Messages kept popping up one after the other in Jordan's line of sight.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, what is all this." Jordan asked with his mouth opened wide and a look of confusion on his face.

[What are you referring to Jordan?]

The voice of the system once again sounded in his head with a tinge of human-like emotion slipping into its voice, unlike its usual robotic voice.

"How are you in my head, what are you, what is all this host stuff about? Jordan riddled off in quick succession as a reply.

[I am system spirit, a greater spirit from the spirit realm. You have summoned me and thus you are my host.]

The system replied.

Jordan looked around himself checking his environment as he moved toward the root of one of the nearby trees. This root was as thick as five adult men together.

He gathered some fallen leaves from the ground which were in excessive abundance as he took shelter between two roots and covered himself in the leaves to hide his presence as he did not want to remain standing in the open due to his unfamiliarity with the area.

"Okay, let's talk" Jordan whispered as he got comfortable.

[You do not have to whisper or speak out loud, I have been integrated with you and we can now be considered as one entity. Whenever you want to speak to me, you only need to think.] The system responded.

Jordan's cheeks turned red as he looked down in embarrassment. The system's voice and tone only worked to make it more embarrassing as it had the voice of a mature older woman lecturing him as one would a kid.

'Okay, on another note…why are you only a voice in my head, and why did you not appear in a physical form like every other summon. Also, why did you fuse with me when we did not even make a contract as one usually would when they first get their summon?' Jordan thought to the system.

[I am a greater spirit, and the system is my power. Although, indeed, we did not form a blood contract I fused with you for my own reasons. The reason I did not appear in a physical form is that your body was too weak, which is why I had to suppress my power and slip into your body through your wound and begin the fusion process.] The system replied.

'Okay, so I understand a little but, what's the difference between a greater spirit and the spirits that are usually summoned? I thought humans couldn't directly speak to their spirit summons and could only communicate to an extent through shared emotions.' Jordan asked.

[That is not information that I can tell you now. However, I can tell you that the reason you can speak to me is due to my power and that I am the first greater spirit to ever heed the call of a human and become a summon. We normally look down on the spirits that choose to serve lowly humans.

Only the weaker spirits leave the spirit realm to serve humans as they can not fit in within the spirit realm with the stronger spirits.] System explained.

'Oh, okay so why did you choose me?' Jordan asked.

[As I said before it was for my own reasons. Now tell me Jordan, are you going to sit here and question me all day or do you not have other things that you should be doing.]

This reminded Jordan of his current predicament and so he quickly asked 'System? Where am I?'.

I apologize for the long delay before releasing a new chapter as i was caught up with work. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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