
Sneaking Out

It's been 4 months since I found out about Carter Cohen and I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw that Carter posted something about a concert in Beacon, NY. That's where I was! And it was tonight too! I didn't hesitate and tried to find something to wear even though I still had 4 more hours to get ready.

I jumped in the shower then put on some black jeans with holes in them, a white t-shirt with a checkered red and black button up shirt over it (not buttoned) along with brown knee high boots. After I got dressed I dried my hair and curled it then put it up in a nice ponytail with a white bow then put on some makeup. I don't wear makeup that often so I just put on some mascara, foundation, blush, and lip-gloss then ran downstairs. I now still had 2 hours left till the concert so I walked to the Gas Station that was 2 blocks away and bought a Gatorade, Twizzlers, and Funyuns then headed home. I looked at my watch and saw that I had an hour in a half left till it started to I went to ask my mom to take me there. 'So Mom. There's this Carter Cohen concert that I was wanting to got to and I was wondering if-' 'You were wondering if I could take you? I'm sorry Sofia but you know that I don't like boy bands.' 'But Mom please! It's just one time!' 'I said no Sofia. Go back to your room and take that silly stuff off.' She unpaused her show and continued watching it ignoring anything else I had to say. I walked back upstairs not getting upset because I knew that she would say no so I had a plan.

I put my snacks and phone charger in my blue sports bag then snuck back downstairs.