
my super hero can't be this bad.

In a world full of superheroes, not having a system is not a big deal. But it’s a big problem if the superheroes here are more jerk than jerk. In the cabin of the plane that was about to fall into the Atlantic Ocean, Wei Chen began to write a suicide note: the plane was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet, the cab was filled with fireworks, and the safety door ruptured, causing the cabin to lose pressure. The only life-saving straw – superheroes leave us alone, what should we do? Online wait, very urgent. This book is also known as “Superheroes Begin with Black Robes”, “I Formed the Justice League”, “Batman Through Time I Am Your Father”.

Namelessempire · ภาพยนตร์
52 Chs

My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk Chapter 51: You are not brave at all

The little girl who said in the mall just now that the motherland is the patron saint of New York is watching TV with red eyes.

After seeing the people of the motherland being punched into the sky, tears flowed instantly.


She sobbed and wiped away the tears with the back of her hands.

The people watching the TV beside them were in a particularly heavy heart. Everyone stared blankly at the TV, na na speechless.

In the CNN studio, the guests seemed to be strangled by their necks, staring at each other, not knowing what to do with the show.

Originally thought that the motherland would win, and the opponent could only create some trouble for him at best, the difference was the size of the trouble. Never imagined that the people of the motherland were unilaterally beaten.

The world is so crazy!

All the trump cards of the Walter Company were hanged and beaten. Who else can stop him?

Although the bald guest thought so in his heart, he would not say it, otherwise he would receive a lawyer's letter from Walter Company tomorrow. So he coughed softly and said, "No wonder I lost my hair this morning. It turned out to be a hint that I would encounter such a battle of the century tonight. That bat mysterious man is really terrifying, terrifying, terrifying, and infinitely terrifying. "

(The English translation pays attention to the letter and elegance, which is almost the meaning)

Another guest looked at the few hairs on his head, and pouted. When you wake up in the morning, your hair falls out because of kidney deficiency. Kidney deficiency is caused by staying up late every day, and it has nothing to do with the affairs here.

On the starry face, he also pretended to be the same as everyone, with a sad face.

In fact, my heart has already blossomed with joy.

Because I wanted to maintain a very sad look, I didn't dare to make big moves, for fear that I would laugh out loud, otherwise the fun would be great.

The motherland is very strong!

Ever since he received the first punch from the motherland, Wei Chen has been extremely convinced of this matter.

If the combat power of the motherland is 100,000, he estimates that he is at most 2,000, which is still explosive.

But the battle is never a simple numerical competition, otherwise Vegeta will not be beaten by Sun Wukong, and the invincible King Frieza will not overturn.

In addition to physical strength, the battle is more important than the game of spiritual strength. If there is a strong physical strength, but there is no matching spiritual strength, people will take advantage of it. Now the people of the motherland have been mentally broken by Wei Chen, and their strength cannot even show the usual level.

The native leaned his back against the wall, his head a little dizzy.

Confusion, fear, self-doubt, trust and betrayal, many complex emotions entangled in his mind, like a mess.

Wei Chen walked towards him step by step, "You have always been a monster, and you have never understood what love is. The love you desire and desire is all false. Everyone around you loves you because of fear. you', so you'll always be alone, forever!"

While Wei Chen carried out the force attack, he also carried out the psychological attack.

The natives roared and stood up, "I'm the greatest superhero in the world! I can do whatever I want, without me I can't get anything!"

Wei Chen instantly activated "teleportation", moved to the right side of the motherland, raised his fist, and banged his right cheek.

At this moment, the natives of the motherland were given a mental buff, their body reaction was extremely slow, and they couldn't dodge in time, so they took the punch.

The fist burst out in an instant, and the natives only felt that their face was hit by a big truck.

With a bang, the head of the motherland smashed into the stone wall.

With a "click" on the wall, a big hole was knocked out by his head, and the rubble shot out like an explosive.

His blond hair was damaged a lot at the moment, swaying in the wind like a dog's bite.

His face was covered with stone debris, his eyes became dark blue, and he was very embarrassed.

"No, you are just a complete failure, a failure full of holes in the heart, no matter how perfect the outside is. Today, everyone will see clearly the fact that you are not brave at all, only human beings are brave!"

Wei Chen grabbed the collar of his battle suit and punched him on the chin!

Although the native of the motherland subconsciously stretched out his arm to block this punch, he was still hit and flew out.

The whole person slammed into a big tree!

The big tree broke from the middle, making a "click" moan.

Most of the battle uniforms of the motherland were shattered, and the American flag they were wearing was blown away. I don't know where it fell.

The sluggish motherlander slowly fell to the ground, and the trembling muscles all over his body could not even exert the strength it should have.

Wei Chen "teleported" to the motherland again and pinched his head, "Do you think you are a god? Omnipotent? No, you are just a dangerous child who lacks love, a **** who does everything according to his preferences. Can you do evil unscrupulously with your own strength? Do you think no one can stop you, a narcissistic and anti-social giant baby? No, as long as I think, I can instantly destroy you, both mentally and physically... Because, in the adult world, giant babies have always only been given milk!"


Wei Chen pressed the head of the motherland and hit the ground with a bang.

The earth seemed to be stirred up by a bomb, spreading out layer by layer.

The whole body of the motherland was pressed into the broken soil.

The impact of the bang made all the audience in front of the TV could not help but shrink back.

The four Hueys, who watched the live broadcast in the secret basement, couldn't help taking a breath when they saw the natives being beaten into the mud.

Butcher stood up and seemed a little tired, "It's just a stronger **** who defeated a worse bastard."

Huey didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't want to ask more. He just opened his mouth and looked at the other three people in a dazed way, "The people of the motherland have been suppressed."

"He seems... to be beaten to death."

The motherland is still far from death, but he does smell the smell of fear.

Wei Chen dragged out the dead dog-like native of the motherland and performed another set of combined punches.

The hands formed an afterimage, which slammed into the faces of the people of the motherland one after another.

Boom boom boom!

The violent collision between the fist and the skinThe air waves gathered around the two of them like a storm.

Wei Chen was like hammering a piece of aluminum alloy constantly, and the people of the motherland who were beaten retreated again and again.

After the face was hit by a set of punches from Wei Chen, the steel body of the motherland finally broke the defense.

His face was swollen and deformed, and nosebleeds continued to flow out of his slightly crooked nose. Physical pain and a strong sense of humiliation swept over him instantly.

In front of the people of the United States, being slapped in the face like this makes the people of the motherland who pay great attention to their own image go berserk in an instant!

Lifting his shoulders, he bumped Wei Chen away.

The eyes are filled with red energy, and the hot vision is activated instantly!

"I'll **** shoot you!"

Wei Chen immediately activated the invisible state and evaded.

Heat Sight instantly shot past Wei Chen, hitting a building and penetrating it.

Exuding high-temperature, super-destructive heat vision, cutting a building is like cutting tofu.

With the sound of "ZZZZ" and the sound of glass breaking and exploding, the entire floor of the building was swept by the heat eye.


The face of the motherland is hideous, and the blue veins are cracked. After the hot sight cuts the office building, it continues to sweep towards the sky.

A red meteor with murderous aura rose from the ground to the sky.

The news helicopter that was relatively close suffered bad luck!

The tail rotor was cut in an instant.


The collapsed blades flew downward at a high speed, and the helicopter lost the anti-torque provided by the tail rotor, lost its balance in an instant, and rolled and fell to the ground.

"It's embarrassing!"

Huey, who was watching the live broadcast, saw the footage of the helicopter crashing, touched the sweat on his forehead, and looked at the other team members, "It's a big deal!"