
Chapter 750: Emor

"Now THIS looks like it'll be a bit more interesting... Don't you think so, Miss Jahi?"

Like with Huran, we stopped our carriages on top of a nearby hill and looked down at the trading city Emor below us, taking in its not so empty, ruined magnificence that was being populated by clusters of humans, all of whom were dressed in ragged clothing and rusted, damaged armor.

Even from afar it was clear that these humans were here to loot whatever was leftover, their squads going into houses and coming out with whatever they could find before piling their loot up into the streets, where the others were picking through it and taking out the valuables.

"Think they might be bandits..? Perhaps just unfortunates who are hoping to strike it rich in this former mecca of wealth inside the Kingdoms? Maybe people who used to live here and got lucky, returning after the decimation of their home?"