
Chapter 698: Slow Transition

The funds for the bones and scales were given to us swiftly afterwards, the older Vampire smiling innocently at Jahi and handing her the large pouch filled with Platinums, which the Demoness accepted worriedly as she endured the various smirks aimed her way.

I had already scolded her a bit after Lady Lorelei left to retrieve the funds for her purchase, pulling on her pointed ear and reprimanding her short sighted greed that would cost her in long term debt most likely, since the Vampire was much older than us and likely much wiser then us, and if some of the studies from my old world in regards to psychology pertained to this one as well, then she was also likely very spiteful and sociopathic, and even if her daughter was married to that woman, I have no doubt that the woman we were dealing with could - and would - separate personal ties from business ties.