
Chapter 653: Summoning...

"You... are a worrying young woman, Katherine. Really... really worrying."

I donned an innocent smile as I turned towards Adelina, meeting her golden gaze and saying "What's so worrying about me, Adelina~? I only retaliated. They attacked me first, after all~! What's wrong with that, hmm? Should I have not killed them for trying to kill me?"

"That's... That's not what I was saying, Katherine. I was saying- You know what... You're messing with me, aren't you? Hah..."

The Lioness let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head and turning towards the center of the city, where the sounds of fighting had only grown stronger despite quite a bit of time passing since the start of this siege of ours.

"Me? Messing with you? No... Never~! What would give you that idea Adelina~?"