
Chapter 408: Meeting*

Kat PoV

My lust drained from my body in a single moment as I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again, and I turned around and turned the rod of ice I had been pleasuring myself with into a lance, wanting to stab the woman standing in my room.

However, when I turned and saw her face, I simply couldn't bring myself to do it, even though I very much wanted to.

"It's been awhile, Kat... a really long time, hasn't it?"

Standing beside my bed with her cocky, assured smile was Kyoka, my lover from my previous life.

It was her, and yet... it wasn't.

Sure, she was a few years younger than me, but here she stood in her prime, her skin smooth and unblemished, and her normally warm brownish black eyes were a shockingly bright pink.

"Y-You... You can't be here..! This isn't possible!"

My growl filled the room, and she just grinned at me, as arrogant as ever.