
Chapter 267: Under Siege

Facing the army of humans that charged towards us, I too began to display some of my real prowess, forgoing any Water or Wind magics as I instead weaved together a few Ice spells, starting first with a simple carpet of frost to coat the field, and tower, before us.

The enemy soldiers yelled out warnings to their comrades, thinking an attack was coming, only to slip and slide off of the now frozen over mud, the sounds of bodies falling into the moat below joining the shouts and curses hurled our way.

With that momentary distraction created, I joined the others in thinning the herd, simple bolts of sharpened ice flying forwards and shattering against, and inside the Westerners.

Each impact activated {Frost of Despoina}, the soldiers that managed to survive having an icicle explode on or inside them now needing to worry about the frost that clung to their bodies, slowing down their movements and freezing their flesh.