
Chapter 206: Visit (Jahi)

Jahi PoV

My eyes wandered over to Kat as my two wives were dragged away by their Mothers, my curiosity piqued by what my maid would do.

Seeing her simply scrubbing away at the bowl that she used to make our breakfast, I didn't know whether of not to sigh or laugh at how well my little puppy was able to deal with this pressure.

It was almost like she was older than us, what with how used she was to these kinds of situations...

Which was odd, considering we were all older than her by a year, and yet...

I let that thought go from my mind; it was obvious that she was much more mature than all of us combined...

Anput, Leone and I all had our small, child like quirks, but Kat kept us all in line when we really needed it; the only time we needed to keep her in check was with either sex or with her murderspree's, which was definitely not a childish quirk.

Returning my gaze to the Empress and the Sultana, I stared at them confidently.