
What the hell did you do?

It was a night-time panic attack that was nothing short of Noah's.

  Noah was seeing what Lily was doing sleeping with horror. 

That was so scary to him. 

The girl was moving her eyebrows and her cheek was bouncing. 

She was making emotions like she was talking to someone.

  It was all sleeping. It's like she looked like the people whose soul was captured by jinn or evil spirits.

  In the end.

  That was what freaked out Noah. She suddenly opened her eyes. Lily was like returning from the dead. She was.

In the end, the result was the same. I'm both freaked out.

"That girl is more than a rebel girl. Noah said that to himself. 

He didn't know what he's doing.

  He saw her sleepwalking like she was a good-bye angel.

Now he sees it as a whirlwind of evil spirits.

Lily was yelling at him.