
My Second Chance at Life

Living a life of crime, the MC met an unfortunate end at the hands of someone he considered a brother. Unexpectedly, he was granted a second chance in a different world. Now it's up to him to decide whether he wants to return to his life of crime or to turn over a new leaf.

DrFantasy · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Is He Human or Just Heartless?

"Well, well, well. A human was able to defeat a camp full of succubi. How curious," The woman smiled.

Raza panicked and jumped back. Once he made the distance between them, he fired at her with his pistol. The woman didn't even move from where she was. Instead, she raised her hand, forming a magic circle, and blocked all of the bullets. No… That wasn't it. She completely erased them from existence. Upon closer examination, Raza noticed that she was glowing blue!

The beautiful, red-haired woman laughed as Raza failed to attempt to attack her. She wanted to play with him for a little longer, but she knew that backup would come soon, so she decided to introduce herself.

"I am Allura Lustenfallen," She bowed. "Fear not, I am not here to harm you nor harvest your energy. I have a husband after all," She teased Raza.

"A Succubus implying that she is loyal to a single man is a contradiction. Especially with the name of Lustenfallen," Raza replied.

She gasped and pretended to be hurt. The man before her was a blunt and cruel person.

"I'm hurt! Don't compare me to these cock lovers. I actually am capable of keeping my sex drive in check," She giggled.

Raza on the other hand was not laughing. His guard was still up, and he was thinking of a way to fight Allura. He still didn't have enough mana to use his assault rifle, so he was planning an escape. Allura sighed when she realized that Raza was still on guard. She hated flaunting her title, but she had no choice.

"I am an ambassador from the mutant kingdom of Exilliania," She pulled out her ID. "These poor excuses for succubi are my responsibility from this moment on. I humbly apologize on their behalf… though they already met their fate," She sighed.

Raza looked closely at her ID. One of the things he studied was the difference between a counterfeit and a real ID since he had experiences similar to this in his past life. He relaxed slightly and put his gun away.

"I'm Raza Angovo," Raza finally introduced himself. "If these women were your responsibility, you did a poor job handling them."

"For some reason, I have a feeling you don't have many friends," Allura said coldly. She sighed. "Succubus are a subspecies of Elves that are able to use dark magic. That is how we can take one's life force through sexual intimacy. As a result, our sex drives are abnormally high," She explained.

"Thanks for the information," Raza lost interest.

"I'm not done yet, you impatient runt," Allura wanted to smack Raza. "There are two ways for Succubuses to refrain from being sex-crazed beasts like the women you fought. Refrain from sex altogether, or take the necessary steps to stop yourself from going crazy. Both will make a succubus weaker than the average one."

"But you are stronger than anyone I have met so far," Raza found her explanation suspicious.

"That's because I was lucky… The one and only man I have ever been with is my current husband, and he is a very, very powerful man. I work him just enough to keep him away from any other woman," Allura smiled.

'That was information I didn't need to know. Whether or not she's actually faithful doesn't concern me, and as long as she is the actual ambassador, she wouldn't hurt me. At least not now,' Raza reasoned with himself.

He got up and dusted himself off. Fatigue hit him all at once, but he didn't want to pass out in front of this mysterious woman.

On the other hand, the simple thought of her husband aroused Allura to no end. It had been a few months since they had been together, and Allura wanted to see him, badly. When she saw Raza getting ready to leave, she spoke up.

"Raza Angovo, I should warn you, Succubus blood lingers. To species with heightened senses, you are no different than the Grim Reaper himself," Allura warned him.

"It's nothing new to me," Raza sighed as he left the building.

'What a peculiar young man. He seems more interested in power than being wary of differences in our race and appearance like most people in this kingdom. He's also cold-blooded. I wonder if I'll see him again,' Allura thought.

Raza saw a notification pop up in front of him when he exited the building.

Achievement Unlocked:

First Mission Completed

Solo Mission

Succubus Execution

Points Awarded: 10,000 pts

Raza was surprised by this. His total point count was now 10,280. He wondered why he was awarded so many points for this mission, but he wasn't complaining. If the missions that Alfred was going to send him on doubled as a way to earn points, then Raza should try to go on as many missions as possible. However, he doubted that not all of the missions could be resolved in a matter of a day.

On the positive side, he could use his points to get a more advanced magic that was a bit more expensive. He couldn't purchase a summon since the least expensive one was 50,000 points. Raza sighed. He figured it was best to review his battle with the Succubuses and his interaction with Allura. From there, he should make adjustments. 

Unfortunately, before Raza could do that, he saw Krieg and his man advancing towards his location. He felt some relief since things were only going to become easier from here.

"By the king, you really did finish everyone off on your own," Krieg was surprised.

"I said I would," Raza sighed. "Hurry up and write your report so I can go home."

Raza began walking past him. Krieg smiled to himself.

'This brat looks exhausted, but he's as cocky as always. Did you actually think I will report that some random kid came and saved our asses? You must be out of your mind!' Krieg mentally schemed.

He, Ron, and the rest of the soldiers already planned to betray Raza. They did nothing but be humiliated repeatedly ever since Raza showed up. It took more than half of them to take care of one succubus while this random 18-year-old kid finished an entire camp. To them, their pride was more important than carrying out their orders. Krieg and the others reached for their swords.

"Sure thing Raza…"


'Huh, Why is everything spinning?' Krieg thought.

To him, everything around him was spinning in circles until he felt the solid ground. He saw his own body standing in front of him and Raza with a bloodied sword. All of the other soldiers stood in shock. Ron was frozen in fear.

"Congratulations, you were just promoted," Raza coldly said. "Unless you want to test your luck too?"

Ron shook his head violently. The rest of the soldiers repeated the same action. They were beginning to see why Raza was able to handle the group of Succubus by himself. He was a heartless beast!

"Krieg was lost during the battle with the Succubi," Raza gave one last order before he put his sword away and walked away.

As if on cue, Krieg's body collapsed on the floor. The death of their commander finally began to settle in as they saw his body fall, but none of the guards dared to do anything to avenge him. Ron, the new commander looked into Raza's eyes before he turned away.

'What was that look? It was like he's been to hell and back. Where did Duke Alfred find this kid!? Not only did he kill a group of Succubus, but he also didn't hesitate to kill Krieg at the moment he sensed malice. It was like he was expecting us to betray him,' Ron's mind raced.

His knees gave out as he fell to the ground. In all of the battles that Ron had fought, never once in his life did he fear death as much as Ron did in that moment. Ron looked up and watched the young man walk off in the distance. He was thankful that Krieg made the mistake of crossing him before anyone had the chance to. He wanted to go home to his wife and kids, and the rest of the soldiers had similar thoughts.

Allura witnessed this entire event. She finished cleaning up the mess in the warehouse, and she sat on top of the building as she watched Raza behead the commander. She smiled to herself.

"What a heartless human being. Does he not value life, or is it something else?" She hummed to herself. "A shame. If only he was born a mutant, that power of his would take him much further in my home country than this one. He seems like someone who's decisive and competent. Unlike the Gannon Karam," She sighed.

Allura stood up and sprouted her wings. At the end of the day, it didn't matter to her. She knew that if she got involved with shady characters, then it would make her nation look bad, and that could cause some unnecessary problems. She flew away as her mind wandered to other things.

'I can finally go home in a few days! I can't wait to see my hubby and devour him,' She licked her lips.

And the story continues... I just imagine that one JoJo song from part 2.

DrFantasycreators' thoughts