
My Sea, My Home ( BL )

An LGBTQ+ boys' love story revolving around Teo and Josh, who not only belong to different worlds, in addition they have to find their call in life to find out who they truly are. Teodoro Robbins, also known as Teo, a young man passionate about cooking joined his brother's crew to support him, in his new adventure on board of Victoria, Ramon's small cruise ship, where he even made friends he considers family. After a fortuitous incident he met a stunning man in uniform, Captain Joseph Johnson (Josh), who -to his luck- turned out to be the son of one of the toughest guests the embarkation have had ever since it sailed the first time. Fate brought them together so they could discover there is always hopes to find a brighter future even if the waters are turbulent. Survival is key, but could their hearts be strong enough to bear what's coming? Besides, some it contains some side stories within Get on board to find out more as a wonderful love story born deep in the sea anchors at home inland. Trigger warning: Male pregnancy. Use of harsh language in some parts. Adult scenes/Sexual tension, not the whole story just certain episodes. Disclaimer: It's a work of art portraying fictional characters created by the author, myself, so don't take them personal, if some words offend you they are part of the plot as certain scenes are taken from real life events the aithor has witnessed or experienced before, henceforth the use of certain expressions within the story. A/N: If you love messy boy love stories then give it a try, the ride will be fun at the end.

AdriLieben · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Episode 21: Appeasing the storm

"What 's that?" Josh frowned, pulling open the door, dashing out of the washroom.

There the dark-haired found the blonde hitting the pillow as a low screeching left the younger's lips.

"What did the pillow do to you now?" Josh's voice a little pitch higher out of concern for the pillow and the young male's sake.

Teo stopped his actions when the stunning male asked.

Now was a good moment to ask what bothered the young male, so Josh walked over with calm yet firm steps.

The blonde just stared at him, his body might be static yet there was a whole burning chaos within his head asking for help to escape from this situation at any cost.

Josh sat on bed, not too close, giving him some space to open up to him and tell him what was bothering him.

"Is there something I can help you with?" His voice gentle, eyes kind, a subtle smile in u form making his bread cheeks visible.

Teo's strong wish of snapping and running away crumbled down watching the older's soft side, his heart ratio still was wild but somewhat it was soothing.

"No… I might just need a nap"

Josh nodded when the younger's deep frown vanished, one could think he was sleepy as he spoke softly and his puppy eyes came into play.

"Then I'll leave you to it"

He smiled ready to go and give the younger male some space, getting up from the bed, yet his hand got caught within a strong grip.

"I want a pillow to sleep better, please"

The blonde puckered his lips as he spoke, his tone a bit childish, like a kid trying to sulk yet persuasive not willing to take a no as an answer.

"There are two laying right there" Josh aimed with his head towards the headrest, two huge pillows on display there.

"Fine. Go!" Teo let go of his hand, glaring at him with a pout, crossing his arms.

The older couldn't help but laugh at his cute tantrum.

"Don't get used to it" he spoke as he moved onto the other side of the bed, whilst Teo turned to face him grinning.

"I won't. Just using the extra pillows I have at the moment~"

Teo snuck under the sheets in a single movement, facing the other side; seeing how the older one sat on his side of the bed.

"Aren't you going to call your brother before taking a nap?"

Josh asked as the young male seemed eager earlier about calling his brother so he didn't want him to miss his chance.

The blonde's face became blank, blinking slowly, not sure why his question annoyed him a little yet he shook his head in negation.

"No, until I've taken a power nap. Now coddle me"

He made grabby hands, looking up at the dark-haired smiling brightly, his unique boxy smile popping out which got the older pondering if the boy could become even cuter.

Josh laid down next to the blonde boy, thinking to himself, /I truly need to stand my ground, but how to say 'no' to that cute face? This is the last time./

As soon as his back hit the bed Teo wrapped his arms around his waist and a leg around the older's, his head pushing Josh's arm up to make it fit.

"Like a brazen pup now?"

The dark-haired chuckled as the boy squirmed trying to find the perfect spot, eyes closed, breathing in the soft smell of the fresh soap emanating from Josh.

"Why do you smell so well?"

Teo muttered as he started drifting off for real, yeah it was supposed to be a lie yet he felt so comfortable in Josh's hold his body relaxed until he fully dozed off.

A subtle smile along with a fond stare adorned the dark-haired face as he admired the boy's sleeping frame clinging onto him even if he was sleeping.

Unconsciously, his hand moved to the top of his head, running his long, and crooked fingers through his golden soft curls, even swirling it around his fingers when he reached their ends.

"I wish I could have the answer to that question… or to many others popping into my head"

He let out a soft sigh, moving his head aside trying to take a peek of the sleeping boy's face.

From his perspective he could see how thick and long his eyelashes were, even the lower ones.

/are they real? Is he even real?/ he shook his thoughts out of his head, yet his finger ran down from his scalp to the blonde's smooth skin until it met his eyelashes.

Feeling how real they were amused him.

/You're not a dream. So beautiful and adorable, I'm glad I didn't hesitate to jump into the water to keep you safe. Heck, I'd do it all over again if my— What are you on about man?/

Josh scolded himself mentally when he noticed where his thoughts were taking him to, a dangerous path he promised himself to never walk through ever again.

He withdrew his hand from the boy's dreamy features which were stealing the older's sanity.

Slowly he lifted Teo's arm from around his chest, however the boy tightened his grip, taking the older by surprise.

"Dear Lord, are you testing my strength? I'm strong but I don't know for how long./

The dark-haired male took deep breaths to control himself, although it was like a double edge because it along with the boy's soft snoring caused the same reaction from him as last night.

They enjoyed the rest of the morning cuddling in bed, even if they were to call it just taking a power nap.

The door wasn't unlocked, so the elder man, Mr. Rivera, pushed the door open, the sight alone so endearing he couldn't help but cooing at their sleeping figures.

"Stop staring and just let them sleep"

His wife smacked his back slightly, her tiny hands still held some strength making the older wince a little.

"Ya, woman. I wasn't going to wake them up anyway" he spoke sullenly.

"Then close the door. Let's go to the garden"

She retorted as he closed the door

"You really had to go and ruin the fun"

The elder male walked out of the house to the backyard, his wife on his heels.

They let them rest up peacefully.

~~~on the other side of the town~~~

Ramon got into the van which Angello just fetched from his cousin.

"Are you sure it was Timoteo who called ya?"

The red haired asked, concerned with Teo's well being, not sure if celebrating this soon was a good idea.

"Yes, we talked for a while last night. Seems he's staying in the house of a kind couple on the old port, or that's what it sounded like when he spoke, they even have a doggo."

The tall male's voice lightened up when he mentioned the pet.

"You really love dogs"

"I love every creature in this rich world full of wonders with infinite creations"

"Ok, lover man, you can tell me about your platonic love for this world when we get there."

"It's not platonic, I truly love it"

The door unlocked, stopping their bickery, a young brunette getting on the van, a bag in his hands.

"What that?" The cat-like dude spoke bluntly.

"Oh, you mean this? Just some snacks to get in the way"

"That's a huge bag," Ramon spoke without thinking so much into it, yet it flustered the young male.

"He means the bag in your hand"

Angello spoke, turning on the ignition, twisting his keys in the hole.

"Buckle up"

He demanded whilst he drove out of the gas station.

"You coulda been kinder"

Jake answered, buckling up.

"May you enlighten me as to why we're babysitting this pretty boy, monchito?

The younger opened the bag, pulling out some roasted chicken, scrunching his nose like a mad bunny as the nickname was so adorable yet he didn't like it coming out from the red haired lips.

"He said he wanted to help as to make sure Captain Johnson is sent safe back home"

Ramon stated as he stared at Angell on the passenger seat.

"Whatever just don't leave crumbles in the car"

"Sure, Mr Demanding."

Jake mumbled through his half eaten sweet fried potato on a stick.

"At least close your mouth whilst you chew", Angello listed an eyebrow as he saw a glimpse of the young male stuffing himself up.

The youngest amount the three of them gasped, feeling insulted at being called out.

Jake snapped, going for the throat, "Hey! How could you–"

"Angello, this is not the time for this kind of joke. Hope you can understand that." Ramon interjected before those two rip each other.

"Ya ya ya… how about you call Teo to inform him we are on our way? We might get to the old town in 15 minutes"

"Right, good idea" Ramon nodded at his colleague and friend whilst Jake kept on eating, glaring at the man behind wheels.

Ramon dialed to the number which his brother called him from last night, unaware of the matching glares exchanged between his friend and the young guest.