
My S-Class Dream Come True

Andrew_Edwin · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Years Ago,A portal appeared in the sky all around the world and this portal began to multiply.Humans at first were afraid of these portals but as years passed and the portals never showed any harm to humanity,Humans began to ignore the portals until 5 years Later the portal turned from colour purple to colour red and then creatures which humans have never seen before began to come out of these portals and these monsters began to kill everything in sight.....

Humanity was starting to crumble.Up in Heaven,God had noticed this monsters attacking the earth,so because of that God called his 4 children Zeus,Jesus,Michael and Eve.God created 3 more Earth's and gave his children one earth each and told them to help the humans in their Earth's and that in 15 years time,There will be a contest amongst his children's humans and whoever wins the contest will become the Next God.

And so his children split apart and went to their individual Earth's and gifted their humans powers to fight these monsters.But there was an abnormality in Michaels system and because of that,random humans were given powers and Michael did not want that,so he put up a ban to that whoever gets powers when he did not give them the powers,they wouldn't be able to increase their powers...

With only 5 years left what will Arthos Caliente Do next....