
My S-Class Dream Come True

Andrew_Edwin · Fantasy
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2 Chs

-Chapter 1-

Arthos POV

[Arcadia City]

Arcadia City,A Beautiful city that was once in ruins but now was in beauty.I am Arthos Caliente I am the third child of Vandre Caliente.Yes Vandre caliente the most powerful Translyin that had retired,some may be thinking that I'm powerful like my father but they are wrong,I haven't even Transed


I walked around the street in boredom,I didn't exactly know what to do.My older brother was a translyin,My older sister was a fashion designer and my younger sister worked for orcinic.

Orcinic.A large company that trains translyins into becoming strong warriors,orcinic is the main base for every translyin and you can only enter orcinic if you're a translyin.Translyins are people that have superpowers that were given to them by Michael and failed translyin are the ones that were given powers by the abnormality in the system

'Damn,I wish I was a translyin then maybe Dad would be proud of me...'

I looked to my right to see a group of men beating up a young boy

'The hell' I walked towards the commotion and put a hand on who I guess is the leader of the groups shoulder

"Huh,what the hell"The Thug said and he looked at me

"Excuse me sir,but may I ask why you're beating up this young boy"I asked politely while staring at the man

"Beat it Kid.This brat here owes us some money"The second thug said while walking up to me

"owing money?" I noticed on their shoulder there was a tattoo of a cobra and my eyes widened

'Oh shit...These guys are members of that gang called cobra,the gang filled with failed translyin and the leader is a A class former translyin'I thought and I was pulled out of my rain of thoughts as the third thug punched me In the gut and I fell on my knees holding my stomach in pain

"Ouch...That hurt"I said while in pain

"So mind explaining what business you have with this kid"The leader of the thug asked me

"Oh trust me,I have no business with the kid...I just wanted him to escape"I said with a smirk as the gang looked behind them and the boy wasn't there

"You little...."The leader of the thug looked back at me but I wasn't there,I was running away at a fast pace

"Bye have a great time!"I said while increasing my speed and the thugs began to chase me

'There is no way in hell that I can beat them,they may be failed translyins but they are still stronger than the normal humans' I thought as I jumped over a car and dodged a car and I ran again and I looked behind me to see the thugs were getting close

'Damn, they're faster than the normal humans too' I thought and I didn't notice the wall in front of me and I hit it an I fell on my butt

"Ouch,my nose"I said as I rubbed my nose

"We got you now kid"The fourth thug said to me

"Gentleman Gentlemen.We can settle this like men can't we"I said nervously

"Oh... We'll settle like men alright"The leader of the thugs said menacingly

'i'm screwed'I thought

"You know boss, isn't he that um...third son of Vandre caliente.you know that rich former translyin"The third thug said and the leader of the thugs smirked

"He sure as hell is.If we kidnap him and ask for a ransom, I'm sure his family is gonna pay"The leader of the thugs said and I closed my eyes ready to accept my faith until I heard a thud and I opened my eyes and there he was.....my shitty older brother Thomas Caliente

"You sure got yourself messed up,Arthos"Thomas said with a smug look

"Yeah Yeah,no need to rub it in my face Thomas"I said as I looked to the side annoyed

"No way! That's Thomas Caliente!"The second thug said while being scared

"The cobra gang,orcinic has been searching for you guys,for months now.Show me where your base is and this won't get....ugly"Thomas said as he glared at the leader of the thugs

"Never! We'd rather die!"The leader of the thugs shouted and Thomas frowned

"Then you choose death..."Thomas took out his sword and activated a B class skill

"Slash Hit!"Thomas shouted and he began teleporting at a high speed and in an instant 2 of the thugs were killed

"N-No way!"The leader of the thugs shouted while being scared and he began to run towards Thomas with a dagger

"I refuse to be killed here!"He shouted and swung his dagger at Thomas but Thomas simply raised his blade and cut the dagger in half and then stabbed the leader of the thugs in the chest and took out his blade and the body fell limp

"W-wait,I'll do anything.I'll tell you where our base is"The last thug said while being scared

"Then tell me"Thomas said as he walked towards the last thug and the last thug took out a pocket knife and ran towards Thomas

"In your dreams Bastard!" The last thug shouted and with one swift swing of his blade,Thomas cut off the thugs head and he turned towards me and I looked at him

"How are you even here, don't you have translyin work to do?"I said annoyed

"I do...But when I heard that there was a chase down the street I just came to see what was happening"Thomas said with a smile

"I'm not buying it"I said and Thomas smile turned into a frown

"Guess you're smarter than you look, you're right I didn't come here just for that...

Dad wants to see you and he sent me to bring you home"Thomas said and he placed his sword in its sheathe

"Oh no"I said with a scared look and Thomas walked up to me and grabbed me and then everything went black.

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