
My Roommate Is Actually A Writer

I am Lan Xing and I became roommates with an infamous transfer student. But, when I lived with him, I proved the rumors are wrong. I also discovered something as I lived with him: I started liking him, in a romantic sense. I am Hong Yue and I became roommates with a famous athletic student. As we lived together, he showed me where I was wrong. I discovered something when I lived with him: I like him, in a romantic sense.

HuilongShenghou · LGBT+
41 Chs

Chapter 6: A solicitous person has an evil intention.

"Hong Yue? It's time to get up." Lan Xing called Hong Yue as he knocked on his door. He had worn his clothes and is about to eat breakfast when he noticed Hong Yue is still asleep. They were going to be late for their first class if Hong Yue still wouldn't wake up. "Hong Yue...? Ah." He muttered when the door opened. "Hong Y... WAH!" he exclaimed when he saw the pale-faced, dry-lipped and panda-eyed face of Hong Yue appeared when the door opened a little. "Hong... Yue...?" he called. Did he stay up late to watch porn again? He thought as he stared at Hong Yue who looked like he a ghost. If Lan Xing didn't know that Hong Yue's door is locked last night, he'd thought Hong Yue had invited a succubus to suck him dry. "We're going to be late. Come and eat breakfast." He told Hong Yue.

Hong Yue blinked before he stared at Lan Xing as if he had met for the first time. Compared to his appearance, Lan Xing looked refreshing. His brow suddenly twitched when he felt pissed.

"What's the matter?" Lan Xing asked when he saw Hong Yue was just staring at him. Is there something wrong with my face? He thought and became conscious.

Now that I saw him clearly, this guy is really handsome. Hong Yue thought as he looked at Lan Xing's sun-kissed skin, thick brows, deep eyes, tall nose, cherry-red lips and muscular body. He's the usual male lead in every novel – be it BL or BG. He thought. He can be the supporting male lead also. He added before he shook his head as an answer. "You go first. I'll follow." He told Lan Xing before he closed the door and immediately looked for his clothes and towel. When he went out, he saw Lan Xing still standing outside. "You're still here." He said.

Lan Xing saw Hong Yue's about to take a bath. "Do you know where's our first class going to be held?" he asked.

"... no." Hong Yue suddenly felt ashamed. "It'll only take me five minutes to have a bath!" he told him before he dashed towards the bathroom.

"... okay." Lan Xing said and reheated their breakfast as he waited for Hong Yue. When they finally ate their breakfast, Hong Yue ate his food as fast as a lightning before he brushed his teeth.

"Let's go!" Hong Yue told him.

Lan Xing stared at his face and clothes that's still wet after he washed his face. His clothes became wet due to the water dripping down from his face. He sighed before he grabbed the face towel on the side and wiped Hong Yue's face dry. "Let's go." He told Hong Yue as they took their bag on the side.

Hong Yue was taken aback by Lan Xing's sudden gesture earlier. What was that? He thought when he felt his heart skipped a beat earlier. Does he have an OCD thus he wiped my face? He thought before he followed Lan Xing outside and locked the door.

They went to their first class, and barely arrived in time.

Huang family Villa.

"Young miss!" the butler called the beautiful blonde young woman whose face registered anger. "Please wait! Don't just suddenly appear in young master's school!" he told the young woman.

"What do you think I would feel when I heard it's a man who answered Hong Yue's phone?!" the young woman snarled at the butler.

"Young miss..." the butler worriedly looked at her. He immediately prayed the master would arrive to stop the young miss from her plans.

The young woman marched towards the big gate since she didn't call the driver. She's going to the Shuihua University herself! "How dare he make Hong Yue cook! How dare he make Hong Yue walk for more than ten steps! How dare he make Hong Yue fix his own clothes!" she muttered as her brows knit in anger.

You might as well not make young master Hong attend classes. The butler thought as he looked at their young miss. "Call the Master, immediately!" he told the servants waiting on the side while he ran after their young miss. "Young miss!" he called when he saw her finally reached the big gate and went outside. Then, she walked towards the car waiting outside to take her out of the villa.

"Away!" she told the driver of the car and went inside.

"Young miss. Please calm down." The butler said as he followed her inside. When the car started, he sighed in defeat. "Young master Hong would be mad if you'll just go to him without any warning... ehem. Without informing him of your arrival." He explained.

"I'm angrier than he is!" she said as she stepped in the accelerator to immediately reach outside the villa. "He – he... how can he live with a man?!" she asked.

Do you prefer for young master Hong to live with a woman? The butler thought.

"He also cooked for him!" she added. Her voice upset.

The butler secretly rolled his eyes. He knows the young miss is worried for Hong Yue. She treats him as a fragile person. Hong Yue can't walk for more than a hundred steps in one day. He also can't skip his meals, but since he's writing and when he's particularly immersed in it, he would forget to eat. Thus, the young miss is very worried for Hong Yue.

"Hong Yue... wait for me!" she said when the car finally left the villa.

"Young miss..." the butler called. She can drive. However – "Do you know where is the Shuihua University?" he asked her.

"..." she immediately stepped on the brake. Her father also finally appeared in front of them. Crap. She thought. She was caught sneaking outside.

The butler secretly rolled his eyes. She could've just made him drive, and they will not be caught.

Shuihua University.

"Hong Yue. We didn't know you have a sickness. I'm sorry." Their classmates told Hong Yue.

Lan Xing glanced at the sleeping Hong Yue. Did he even hear them? He thought when he saw Hong Yue didn't reply. "He's asleep." He told them.

"Eh?!" they said and turned to him. "Did he...?" they immediately lowered their voice as they whispered to Lan Xing. "How was it? Did you hear loud noises from his room?" they asked.

"Did he really watch porn?" another one asked.

"He doesn't look like it... but, well, he's still a man, after all." Another one said.

Lan Xing looked at them before he turned to his seatmate Hong Yue. "No." he honestly answered.

"What?" they said. "No, no. It can be he's just being considerate for you?" they asked.

"I really didn't hear anything last night." Lan Xing said. "And I also stayed up late reading." He added. He meant, Hong Yue can't watch a porn or he'll hear it from his room which is adjacent to Hong Yue's room.

"Really? So, he really doesn't watch porn?" they said.

"He can't." Lan Xing answered.

"Then, what is he doing all night? He looked tired..." they said and saw Hong Yue's sleeping face. "He's really cute." They added as they stared at Hong Yue's face.

Lan Xing agreed. Hong Yue is definitely a fair and handsome young man. "Stop it." He told one of their classmates when he's about to take a picture of the sleeping Hong Yue. "It's not good to take a sleeping person's face." He told him.

"Eh...? Fine, fine." They said. "Wanna grab lunch?" they asked him.

Lan Xing shook his head. "I'll wait for him to wake up." He answered. "He might skip his lunch and collapse like yesterday." He explained.

The author has something to say:

This story is really slow since I'm only writing this to relax myself. XD

HuilongShenghoucreators' thoughts