

On the lofty mountains of Zhao Ge, the deep night became the best shield concealing the three spirits from Xuanyuan Tomb.

"Su Hu's daughter has just married to the King. The King probably won't take another consort for a while. What should we do?"

The charming Nine-Tailed Fox demon's face revealed a hint of worry as she anxiously looked at her two sisters.

"Sister, don't worry. Goddess Nuwa instructed us to infiltrate and disrupt the order of the Shang Dynasty within two or three years. It hasn't been that long," said the Jade Pipa.

"If we miss the opportunity, there's no way to achieve positive results. It's likely a wasted effort," the Nine-Tailed Fox expressed deeper concern in her beautiful eyes.

"What does it matter if we miss the timing? I bet Sister Nine-Tailed long been lovesick. Look at King Zhou, so handsome and charismatic, surrounded by the aura of the sovereign. Isn't it possible that sister has fallen in love at first sight?" teased the Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit.

"Bollocks! I haven't, don't slander me," the Nine-Tailed Fox instantly lost her composure.

"Hey, look at her. She's getting anxious!"

The three demons, like close friends, laughed intimately, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Before the sun had risen, Di Xin was already busy attending the early court session.

In the evenings, he would usually visit the chambers of Su Daji, occasionally go to the chambers of Concubine Huang, or those of Empress Jiang.

This routine had continued for a long time, earning the admiration of many ministers, and the harem became extremely harmonious.

Everything was improving, and the academy supervised by Huang Feihu was gradually taking shape.

On the other side, Grand Minister Wen had also received continuous good news. Just after the Morning court session, Grand Minister Wen eagerly presented a well-made paper to Di Xin.

"It's soft, smooth, and exquisite." Di Xin marveled at the paper, the quality of which seemed extraordinary for this era. It surpassed even the paper quality of modern times.

In the early days when the paper was invented, it was considered a luxury item due to its high production cost, and the quality was quite unsatisfactory, rough and coarse.

During the Han Dynasty, when paper was first invented, common people couldn't afford it and had never even seen it. It wasn't until the Tang Dynasty that papermaking techniques became more refined, and people finally gained access to quality paper. Education was closely linked to the craftsmanship of papermaking and printing.

During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong's implementation of the imperial examination system garnered widespread popularity, earning him enduring fame in history.

However, in the present time, these benefits naturally belonged to Di Xin, and there was no room for comparisons with Emperor Taizong.

"This paper is excellent, of extremely high quality. I wonder about how much you’ve spent on making it," Di Xin inquired. With such high-quality paper, it must be challenging to make. It's fine if it's expensive; he could find ways to reduce costs later.

"The raw materials for making this are nothing more than scraps of old cloth and worn-out fishing nets, so the cost is very low," Grand Minister Wen explained slowly.

"Can such fine paper be made from scraps of cloth and fishing nets?" Di Xin was astonished.

Grand Minister Wen's revelation shook Di Xin's understanding. In the present day, exquisite paper was associated with advanced technology. In this era, where people perceived ancient nations as primitive clan, the idea of such high-quality paper was astounding.

"Your Majesty, in the process of making this paper, I used spells and magical tools to refine the pulp, making it finer. Then, I used magical power to smooth out the filtered pulp," Grand Minister Wen explained.

This information opened Di Xin's eyes to the existence of Religious methods in the world of divine beings.

If these magical techniques could be effectively utilized, advancements in productivity similar to those in the modern era could be expected.

"Well done, Grand Minister. I wonder if the use of these magical tools can be increased to mass-produce such exquisite paper?" Di Xin inquired, considering the potential difficulties faced by a spell-caster like Grand Minister Wen.

"No problem. I plan to visit other old friends to refine more of these magical tools. With these tools, even ordinary people can easily produce such paper," Grand Minister Wen said confidently.

"You are truly extraordinary. I eagerly await the good news from you to start organizing the academy," Di Xin exclaimed excitedly.

With many disciples of the Jie Religious Sect and the ability to refine magical tools being a rare talent, having them under Di Xin's command would pave the way for an industrialized era.

The Shang Dynasty was about to enter an industrial age, surpassing Western Zhou.

After a lengthy discussion, Grand Minister Wen prepared to leave the palace to visit his fellow brothers. Di Xin saw him off and then received a report from Shang Rong and Bi Gan.

"I call you two here primarily because the construction of the academy is about to be successfully completed. It is crucial to ensure the smooth entry of the first batch of students into the academy. The lasting prosperity of Great Shang relies heavily on the success of the academy. I have the utmost trust in both of you, so I can only request your assistance."

"We are honored and will wholeheartedly do our best to share Your Majesty's concerns. May I ask what specific matter Your Majesty is referring to?” Bi Gan Inquired

"Uncle, when recruiting apprentices, the primary requirement is that their background must be flawless. Intelligence is secondary, but the most crucial aspect is that they must be honest and trustworthy. Among the apprentices, the number of aristocratic offspring and common people should be evenly split. We cannot recruit too many aristocratic children just because they excel."

The academy was meant to teach ethics and laws.

While he appreciated intelligent children, recruiting someone like Nezha would be asking for trouble.

Great Shang was just an ordinary dynasty, and he was far from immortals like Taiyi Zhenren. If trouble arose, it would be challenging to handle.

The recruitment of aristocratic offspring as students was simply to balance the social order and prevent unrest. The first batch of apprentices must set a good example, preferably all being exemplary students, to ensure a confident recruitment for the second batch.

"I will do my best to alleviate Your Majesty's concerns," Bi Gan pledged.

"Shang Rong, you can proceed to formulate the rules for the academy to facilitate management."

With this, the matter of the academy was temporarily settled. Di Xin then brought up the idea of printing techniques.