
Papermaking Begins

Di Xin, a keyboard warrior for persuasive speech in cyberspace, was articulate and eloquent. Perhaps, in the current world of divine ascension, no one could match his skill – those capable might not have been born yet!

"If Your Majesty have said so, then I will certainly carry out the orders." Grand Minister Wen, bewildered by Di Xin's rhetoric, could only obediently seek his friends from the sect to assist.

"On behalf of the Human Clan, the vast community of scholars, and the future prosperity of the nation, I express my gratitude, Grand Minister."

It was unusual for a king to bow to his subjects; this act astonished Wen Zhong, who hurriedly dismounted, saying, "Absolutely not, Your Majesty. This old minister is only performing his duty; there is no need for Your Majesty's gratitude."

This was no longer the tyrant portrayed in the tales of despotism but a ruler worthy of being called the world's first wise king.

Wen Zhong admired Di Xin even more for his modesty.

The academy was a great cause benefiting the world. If successful, it would undoubtedly be recorded in history, leaving an enduring legacy.

After thanking Grand Minister Wen, Di Xin looked at the King Wucheng, Huang Feihu.

"Huang Feihu receive the decree."

"I command you to personally select an auspicious location and build an academy, naming it White Deer Academy. Ensure it excels in every aspect."

"I would die ten thousand times before refusing."

Taking the decree, Huang Feihu quickly departed. Having just completed the Dragon King Temple, there was an abundance of manpower available for constructing the academy.

"Grand Minister, please."

Leading Grand Minister Wen into the palace, Di Xin saw a group of craftsmen quietly waiting aside. Initially planning to discuss papermaking with these artisans, he had become eager to welcome Grand Minister Wen, leaving no time for such discussions.

After guiding Grand Minister Wen into the palace, Di Xin provided a detailed description of his ideas for papermaking, earning even greater admiration from the Grand Minister.

"If we can succeed in making paper, it will be a meritorious deed benefiting the people. With you as the king, how could the prosperity and well-being of the nation not be assured? However, Your Majesty, remember, avoid repeating the mistakes of composing poetry in Nuwa Palace."

"If Di Xin’s words hold true and paper-making succeeds, it will indeed be a great meritorious deed benefiting all people. With Your Majesty leading, how can the nation not be prosperous and the people at peace? However, Your Majesty, please remember, refrain from such actions as presenting poems at the Nuwa Palace in the future."

Grand Minister Wen's admonishment was stern, and Di Xin could only obediently accept it. Being hit with a royal whip was quite domineering; the memories from the original host reminded him that it hurt quite a bit.

Being gentle was tolerable, but if Grand Minister Wen struck too hard, he feared he wouldn't be able to get out of bed for at least half a month.

"Let me handle the matter of paper-making. I will not disappoint the trust of Your Majesty, allowing you to focus on managing the court affairs."

With Grand Minister Wen taking charge of the troublesome matter of paper-making, Di Xin felt carefree and content. Paper-making was actually quite simple—grind the fibers, wash them, filter, and then press. The paper-making process, following these steps, produced delicate and soft paper. Di Xin was a seasoned veteran in the world of novels. Making paper was just a minor task for him.

"This task of paper-making, though not without its challenges, involves four steps. First, soak the raw materials rich in fibers, such as bamboo or straw, until they become soft and boil them to remove the glue."

"Next, grind the boiled materials. The finer the grind, the better the paper's resilience. It's advisable to add some resin."

"Then, scoop out the paper pulp, filter out excess water, and preserve the pulp properly."

"Lastly, spread the remaining pulp and sun-dry it. If the process is not successful, return to the second step and try again."

Di Xin summarized the paper-making process in simple terms, attempting to reduce Grand Minister Wen's surprise.

Nevertheless, Grand Minister Wen was left dumbfounded. Although always proud, being a disciple of Nuwa Palace, he was well-versed in immortal arts. However, he struggled to comprehend Di Xin's explanation, requiring several repetitions and vivid gestures to make sense of it.

"Grand Minister, you understand the profound technique of papermaking. I am truly delighted. However, remember, this method must not be spread outside."


Grand Minister Wen began to feel puzzled again. This was a tremendous boon for the world, and spreading it would be even better, wouldn't it?

Di Xin chuckled, "Because, if the paper-making proceeds smoothly, it will generate substantial income. This could instantly replenish the treasury of our the Shang Dynasty. With ample resources, we can alleviate the burdens on the people, allowing them to live more comfortably."

“Your Majesty is truly wise."

Having heard Di Xin's explanation, Grand Minister Wen suddenly realized the significance. With a grateful expression, he bowed deeply.

Blessed by the late king, a wise monarch like Di Xin leading the Shang Dynasty was not only the fortune of the nation but also a blessing for the common people.

"No need for excessive courtesy. I hope you can bring several senior disciples to assist me in fulfilling this wish."

Di Xin hastily helped the kneeling Grand Minister to his feet. This esteemed elder was precious; he was the key to Di Xin's wealth and success.

With the papermaking matter resolved, Di Xin could finally catch his breath.

After rushing from Chentang Pass to Zhao Ge, he had to appease the old ministers, discuss matters with Grand Minister Wen, and now he longed for a relaxing bath in his palace.

Warm sensations enveloped him.

Exhausted from the challenges of travel and strategic endeavors, fatigue melted away in an instant.

However, solitude in the bath seemed too dull for Di Xin, prompting him to summon a palace attendant to arrange for a charming woman skilled in playing the zither and dancing.

Admiring the beauty's dance while soaking in the bath brought endless joy.

Imagining the scenario alone made him feel weightless. No wonder everyone aspired to become the supreme king, unafraid of death.

Being the ruler, doing whatever he pleased felt immensely satisfying.

After a relaxing bath, Di Xin dismissed the palace attendants waiting nearby.

The exquisite service provided by the palace maids during his dressing left him elated.

Then, Di Xin headed straight to the chamber of Su Daji.

On the way, he remembered Concubine Yang and instructed a palace attendant to summon her as well.

With two sons growing up, it wouldn't be long before Guangcheng Zi and Chijing Zi took them as disciples, leaving him bereft.

In this era of divine ascension, the absence of an heir was a grave matter for a country. The emperor's descendants, once taken as disciples by prominent figures like Guangcheng Zi and Chijing Zi, would inevitably become opponents.

In this game-like crossover, every step was crucial. Thus, the most urgent matter now was to ensure a continuous bloodline.

"Well, I have no other choice. For the prosperity of the Shang Dynasty, I can only do it this way. In case there's no successor for the Shang, I would be deemed a great sinner. So, I'll reluctantly help boost the imperial lineage for the sake of the Shang Dynasty's prosperity."

With these thoughts, Di Xin whistled and headed straight to the chamber of Su Daji.