
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
62 Chs

Chapter 24

As the night unfolded its dark embrace upon the city, Joon and the leader of the gang sauntered through the dimly lit streets, garnering quizzical glances from passersby. Joon, enveloped in an air of Pretense, greeted the onlookers with familiarity, as if he were a resident of the neighborhood, subtly accumulating more Pretense + with every nod and smile. Though the Leader felt a pang of humiliation, he swallowed his pride, realizing that any display of arrogance was a small price to pay for his continued existence.

In the midst of these casual interactions, a member of the crowd recognized the person in Joon's arms. Shocked, the individual hastily retreated into the shadows, prompting only a knowing smile from Joon. The two continued their nocturnal journey, encountering a group of local thugs who attempted to intervene told by the person who knew the person in Joon's arms. Joon, with the man in his arms, unleashed a whirlwind of swift kicks, gracefully incapacitating the would-be adversaries. Unfazed, they pressed on towards their clandestine destination, leaving the bewildered thugs in their wake.

After navigating the labyrinthine streets, the duo arrived at a neon-lit haven of nightlife – a bustling nightclub. Joon, casting a scrutinizing gaze upon the venue, inquired of the leader, "Is this the place?" A nod from the leader affirmed their arrival. The entrance was guarded by imposing figures, their eyes narrowing as Joon and the leader approached. With a sudden burst of speed and strength, Joon dispatched the guards with precise punches, leaving them incapacitated before they could raise an alarm. The Leader, witnessing Joon's martial prowess, marveled at the thought that these new adversaries within the nightclub might finally pose a challenge.

As they crossed the threshold into the pulsating heart of the nightclub, Joon's eyes scanned the crowded hallways filled with laughter, cigarette smoke, and animated conversations. Ignoring the curious gazes, Joon pressed forward. However, an audacious stranger, unfamiliar with Joon, arrogantly demanded his attention, insisting on a proper greeting. Intrigued by the man's bravado, Joon approached with a subtle smirk playing on his lips.

The man, oblivious to the potential danger, attempted to assert his dominance with a resounding slap towards Joon's face. In a display of preternatural reflexes, Joon effortlessly caught the man's wrist, his grip tightening with an ominous warning. The crowd hushed as the man screamed in pain, the arrogance fading from his eyes. With a mocking comment on the lack of manners, Joon unleashed a thunderous slap, leaving an indelible mark on the man's face as he crumpled to the floor.

The man's companion, witnessing the abrupt turn of events, became the next target for Joon's peculiar form of greeting. Attempting to interject, he found himself at the mercy of Joon's swift and precise movements. A well-placed slap echoed through the hallway as the second man joined his companion in unconsciousness on the cold nightclub floor. The surrounding patrons stood frozen in awe.

Turning his attention to the speechless onlookers, Joon posed a rhetorical question, "Do you wish to receive my greetings as well?" The once defiant crowd, now thoroughly intimidated, shook their heads in unison. Left in the wake of Joon's mysterious exploits, the nightclub continued its revelry, the pulsating beats of music now accompanied by whispers of the enigmatic stranger who dared to disturb the status quo.

Joon's smirk widened as the chaotic scene unfolded before him, Pretense + accumulating with each stride of his swagger. The bystanders dared not meet his gaze, as if his very look could unleash an unpredictable greeting upon them.

"Am I really that scary? Didn't mean it, you know," Joon chuckled to himself, observing people actively avoiding him. With unwavering confidence, he reached the crowded door, the pulsating beats of the music resonating through him. After a moment of contemplation, he forcefully kicked the door, abruptly halting the dancing and merriment inside. All eyes turned toward the disruptor, including Choi Goseong, who inquired about the sudden commotion.

Joon, seemingly unfazed by the sizable gathering, assessed the crowd, noticing at least a hundred men and some scantily clad women. Disregarding the latter, he was approached by a man attempting to restore order. In a swift move, Joon sidestepped, delivering an elbow to the man's face, leaving the surrounding women in stunned silence.

"Ladies, tonight's going to be rough. Take your leave and find peace elsewhere," Joon advised with a charismatic smile. The women blushed and promptly departed, passing Joon with winks and compliments. Now, only the menacing men remained.

Undeterred, Joon walked back and securely closed the door, locking it for good measure. Retrieving something from his pocket, he nonchalantly inquired, "Do you know a man called Choi Goseong here? Heard he's a big shot around here." The people, angered by the insult to their boss, fumed silently.

Soon, the legendary Choi Goseong emerged in Joon's sight, questioning Joon's motives. "So you're the one making all this ruckus. Did some faction send you to ruin my business?" Goseong asked, suspecting a rival gang's interference. Joon, unimpressed, revealed, "It was you who sent me here." Goseong, initially confused, recalled sending a group for payback due to an earlier incident.

"You're stupid for confronting us alone. You think you're so—," Goseong began before being cut off by Joon's interruption. "I didn't come here to listen to your speech," Joon retorted, irking Goseong further. The gang leader pointed to three men, selecting them to teach Joon a lesson. The trio, one bald, one scarred, and one lanky, stood before Joon, presenting a smirk-inducing sight for Goseong.

As Goseong returned to his seat, anticipating the usual outcome when someone tried to act strong, he was met with a surprise. Turning back, he found three of his chosen men already incapacitated by Joon's swift actions. Joon, now armed with brass knuckles, declared, "You all think I'm being surrounded, but the reality is, you're all surrounded by me." Despite a mental cringe at his own words, notifications started to pile up, a fruitful harvest of Pretense +.

Goseong and his men were dumbfounded, feeling the sting of insult from Joon. Anger consumed Goseong, who bellowed, "Kill him!" As his men rushed toward Joon, the latter greeted the impending challenge with a confident smile, fully prepared for the confrontation ahead.