
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 23

As Joon uttered those words, a sudden surge of men poured into the alleyway, dressed in a manner reminiscent of a gang from a Korean manhwa – rugged faces, threatening expressions, bats, and brass knuckles at the ready. A few even wielded knives, all with the clear intent of unleashing their aggression upon Joon. The leader of the group, with a voice as rough as their demeanor, initiated a dialogue with Joon, attempting to intimidate him by declaring, "It's hard to find you, ever since you messed up one of our people." Joon, however, found amusement in the situation and countered with a sarcastic thought: "What's with the face, are you threatening me or holding in your discomfort?"

Playfully, Joon responded, "Oh... who are you from? I can't tell just by looking at you." Irritated by Joon's nonchalant attitude, the leader swallowed his anger, knowing that his chance for retribution was imminent. The leader revealed they were under the command of Choi Goseong, their leader, who harbored resentment towards Joon for an incident that occurred a few months ago. Joon, rolling his eyes, crossed his arms and casually inquired, "So what are you going to do?" The leader, despite his irritation, explained their intention to teach Joon a lesson and apprehend the person he was with, Dae-Ho.

Maintaining his confidence, Joon, unperturbed by the leader's threats, sported a confident smile. Internally, he mused, "Oh wow, what a choice of words. You're making me want to farm the hell out of Pretense +." Leveraging his words strategically, Joon decided to provoke the group, gaining Pretense + effortlessly. "Say that after beating me, so give me your best shot," Joon goaded the surrounding gang members. As these words left his lips, he gained some Pretense +. "Well, that was fast," Joon remarked, noting the leader's rising frustration.

In a dramatic turn of events, a member of the group, with a bat resting on his shoulders, stepped forward. Commending Joon's bravery for not attempting to flee, he arrogantly declared, "You talk so big, you didn't even try to run, so I commend your bravery. Stay still and be my sandbag." Without warning, he swung his bat with full force, aiming for Joon's head. But before the bat could connect, Joon effortlessly dodged the blow, leaving the bat to hit nothing but thin air. Seizing the moment, Joon placed his hand on his face and dragged it down hard to the ground. The resonating sound of the head colliding with the concrete filled the alleyway, bringing an abrupt silence. The group stood in astonishment, witnessing the unexpected shift in the situation.

Joon, maintaining his calm demeanor, crouched down and turned the unconscious man around, searching for any valuables. In the midst of his looting, the leader, driven by rage, shouted and pointed at Joon, ordering, "Kill him!" The leader's anger reached its peak when he saw Joon searching the wallet of the unconscious man, feeling insulted by the apparent disregard for his presence. In response, he commanded his men to attack Joon ruthlessly.

Rushing towards Joon with aggression, the gang members brandished their weapons, attempting to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. Undeterred by the interruption to his looting, Joon swiftly dashed towards them. The men in the front were surprised by Joon's audacity, assuming it would make him an easier target. As Joon approached one thug, the man, with a bat in hand, looked at Joon disdainfully, waving his weapon to strike Joon in the body. The bat passed close to Joon's face, hitting the air in progress. Seizing the opportunity presented by the thug's defenseless state, Joon punched him in the stomach, making contact that left the man shaken to his core. Reacting violently, Joon finished him with a hook to the face. The thug, now knocked out, was caught by Joon before he could collapse to the ground.

Holding the unconscious man, Joon tossed him into the group, creating a spectacle that left the gang members dumbfounded. The full-grown man flew towards them, crashing into the group and knocking some of them off balance. Joon, not waiting for the group to process the chaos, set his sights on a target with brass knuckles, intending to claim them for himself. The unsuspecting owner of the brass knuckles remained oblivious to Joon's approach until a swift fist connected with his face, rendering him unconscious. Joon proceeded to remove the brass knuckle from the man's hand, sizing it up and thinking, "Well, with this, my punch would hit back. I'll control my strength and try not to kill them."

Wiping his bloody fist on the leader's shirt, Joon addressed the onlookers, "What? You're all standing there as if you were going to kill me or something," maintaining his Pretense. Ignoring their stares, the group resumed their onslaught, running towards Joon. Adopting a boxing stance, Joon decided to rely solely on his fists, deliberately avoiding kicks. He dashed forward, effortlessly dodging the blows aimed at him. Quick and agile, Joon's movements were a blur to his attackers, making it impossible for them to follow him with their eyes.

Joon's precise punches found their mark, as he systematically took down the gang members. Each punch to the face, stomach, and ribs resulted in another thug falling to the ground. The leader, witnessing his men being thrown down with remarkable speed, began to sweat profusely, contemplating the gravity of the situation.

In the midst of the chaos, one thug, armed with a knife, attempted to stab Joon in the back. However, Joon, relying on his heightened senses, evaded the attack. The knife sliced through the air, finding no target as Joon grabbed the extended arm of the assailant. A quick succession of punches to the face followed, concluding with Joon hurling the disarmed thug towards the leader. The leader, slow to react, collided with the thrown man, both groaning in pain from the impact.

With the leader contemplating retreat, Joon, fully immersed in Pretense, taunted him, "Your luck's run out, huh?" Crouching down to the leader's face, Joon playfully patted him, demanding information, "You know where your boss is?" The leader, unwilling to respond, faced the consequence of Joon putting force on his foot. Screams of pain filled the alley as the leader teared up. Joon, with villainous eyes, demanded an answer, and the leader, scared out of his wits, quickly relented, revealing the whereabouts of Choi Goseong.

Releasing the leader from his foot, Joon wiped his bloodied fist on the leader's shirt, who dared not complain. Standing up, Joon surveyed the scene and casually remarked, "So, are you going or not?" The leader, now submissive, quickly stood and added honorifics to his words, ensuring he didn't further provoke Joon. Before the leader could guide Joon to their headquarters, Joon halted him. "Wait, gather all the money from your men," Joon commanded suddenly. Dumbfounded, the leader, guided by the intensity in Joon's eyes, hastily collected the money. As Joon tallied the spoils, he received a plethora of Pretense + notifications, amused that some of the thugs were still conscious and playing dead.

Minutes passed, and the leader finished collecting the money. Although not a considerable sum, Joon, placing his arms on the leader's shoulders, allowed him to guide Joon to their destination. As the night slowly enveloped the day, Joon continued counting the money, confident in his newfound wealth and the imminent confrontation with Choi Goseong.