
Chapter 280

Nothing can definitely beat a mother's love. She would fight her way through all kinds of hell just to ensure, that her baby remain safe and sheltered. Although I really wanted to know, but I knew that asking her who the father of her child was, may not be well received as we were not close. Are they still together? Because since they have been here, no man has come to meet her, or at least acted close to her. This is the main reason she reminds me so much of Italula, they are both strong female fighters, who are determined to see it all through to the end.

"I have taken up more of your time than I actually planned too. I apologize, but it was actually fun talking with you" I stood from where we were seated and scanned around with my eyes looking for Naki,

"I actually do not mind after all, if you do need someone to talk to next time, and we are still here, I am happy to oblige. It was a new experience speaking to a person that does not know my background" I understood what she meant, when one is unaware of a person's background, your emotions are not fully affected and you can advise logically,

I simply smiled at her and took my leave, I did not want to overstay my welcome more than I had already done. I searched around for Naki, even asked around, I really asked around this time and did not digress like I did earlier. Eventually I found her when I walked down a bit, she was all alone and was gazing at the sky but it was very obvious that her mind was far from it all. I called her name out quietly so she would be aware that I was around and not be startled, but she still did not move.

I did not know if I should leave her to her thought and come back at a better time, or break her out of the funk she was in. I almost turned back but when a cold breeze blew past, I quickly realized the reason for my search and ran back to where she was. I sat down beside her, I knew she was aware of my presence the moment I sat by her side from her eye movement, but she did not utter a word, so I decided to keep quiet too.

"I have a friend who loves the stars a lot, he usually gives a lot of meaning to their placement which are most time applicable to one's situation, but I do not have an idea of the one's present, maybe it means our lives are peculiar and we are the only ones who have lived them" I laughed at how absurd it was, it definitely sounded better in my head

"You may be right, there are no laid down precedence we can follow. We live to set an example for others".