
My One Sweet Love:Darling Superstar Wife

Yin Mian, a beautiful but daring girl who is compassionate meets with her heart throb, Lu Xianjian in a silly high school affair that ends up producing a child after Lu Xianjian's departure to America to study. With no way to contact her sweet love, Yin Mian just has to keep hope alive waiting for him but for how long? Six years pass by quickly with so many unexpected events including the loss of their daughter. Finally, Lu Xianjian's back as the king of entertainment but he's not back alone, he's come with a girl who claims to be his fiancée. Yin Mian sees her hopes and dreams shattering in her face? Could her beautiful time with Lu Xianjian have been a lie or an illusion she needed desperately to wake up from?

Bademosi_Catherine · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
30 Chs

Good Bye

Neither Lu Xianjian nor Yin Mian regretted what they had done. They did not tell anyone, they made it their little secret. The next day,Lu Xianjian hugged Yin Mian for the last time and said goodbye, then he entered the aeroplane. Yin Mian cried, he was not yet gone, but she was missing him so much already. She left the airport and went back home. She wrote many letters to Lu Xianjian, many of which never reached him. Yin Mian gained admission into university B and tried to move on with her life.

About a month after Lu Xianjian's departure, Yin Mian fell sick. She had fainted and was taken to the hospital where the reports of a test carried out on her showed she was pregnant. Yin Mian was inwardly happy that at least, she had a part of Lu Xianjian in her to always remember their promise to each other. "Yin Mian I promise, I'll never forget you. You are in my heart and I'll love you forever." Lu Xianjian had promised, she remembered his words clearly. "Lu Xianjian would have been excited to hear this great news but, too bad I can't tell him now."She told herself.

Yin Mian's parents were furious at hearing the news of their daughter's pregnancy, they told her that she must abort the child. She refused and tried to run away. They locked her up and said they wouldn't let her go anywhere until she agreed to abort the child. It was the intervention of Yin Mian's aunt that saved she and the baby. At last after some persuasion, her parents allowed her to have the baby