
High School Sweethearts Part 2

"I'm sorry" He quickly apologized. "It's OK " She replied. Lu Xianjian's younger brother, Lu Di was taken to the hospital. He had been sick but there had been no money to take him to the hospital. Since that day when Yin Mian helped his family, his view about her changed completely.

He actually began to like her,she was beautiful, kind hearted and smart. That little spark soon began to grow and it turned into strong love. Yin Mian's family had actually supported Lu Xianjian's family because they were good people but when they heard that the two youngsters had actually fallen in love and even wanted to get married, they were against it.

Yin Mian was their only child and they only wanted the best for her. They wanted her to marry into a rich family and never have to struggle in life. That was their greatest desire. In their last year in high school, Lu Xianjian had written a scholarship exam to study abroad. He had worked so hard so he could pass the exam because he knew opportunities like this one came only once. He came out first and the best in the state, he was immediately flown abroad for his university education. But a day before his departure,he and Yin Mian had celebrated.

They had drank so much that they became so heavily drunk. It was not long before he started using his charm on her and in that state, she couldn't resist and they had sex. That particular day, Yin Mian's parents had gone out and the maid Li Long had gone out to get some stuff at the market. They were alone and in that moment of teenage and immature love, they had actually consummated what was yet to come. The real question should be,were they ready for this?

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