
My New Life in a Modern Fantasy world

Anime_Guy_0915 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Exams (Part 1)

The parking lot was crowded with people and there were barely any spaces to park but I managed to find a space, I then looked out the window to see the academy, it looked like a normal collage but based on my research the doors to each classroom had Space magic casted on it to fit gymnasium sized classrooms that had shooting ranges.

I got out of my truck and noticed a building off to the side that had a line of potential tutors lined up I let out a sigh of annoyance "I hate lines." I muttered as I joined the line.

when I got inside the building the line lead to a desk with a receptionist after that the line went into another room and from what I could see it was a movie theater, when it was my turn I was asked a request "May you please hand over your cellular device." The receptionist asked, I gave him my phone and he plugged it into his computer after a few seconds he gave it back, I was confused as to what he did but he told me not to turn my phone on until I was told to and he directed me towards the theater "Your seat is seat A2." He said.

When I came into the room it looked like a normal movie theater, what I noticed was that from what I could see was that I was seemingly the only beastmen that applied, I found my seat which was really comfy when I sat in it, it even made me want to take a nap and after a few seconds I closed my eyes.

I woke back up to a PA system message "THE INTRODUCTION VIDEO WILL BEGIN IN 1 MINUTE, PLEASE GET TO YOUR ASSIGNED SEATS." It stated in a loop, I looked around and saw more seats being filled up with people including the area around my seat 'Lot of people here, can this school really hire that many people at once?' I wondered.

I had to wonder more later cause then the screen was projected a video onto it, in it we saw a white void then from the right side of the screen walked in a man that was surprisingly young, he had long black hair in a ponytail and wore a buttoned white shirt with black pants an loafers.

"Hello, my name is Adrian Falmoy, founder of this school." He said with a bow "I'm sure you may know about my family, especially my grandfather Fred Falmoy, the father of magic tutorage, now what is the difference between Magic Teachers and magic tutors, well magic tutors teach magic and how to use it in battle, which is what we do here at The Academy of Magical arts where we help students learn how to harness magic and learn more about it." Adrian explained.

I knew about all of this and that what surprised me the most during this video was that Adrian was born in 1904, apparently he used time magic to rapidly slow his aging to a halt in his mid 50s and then used it again to revert him to his early 20s, but other then that the video was pretty basic except in the middle of it he told us to turn on our phone.

when I did I searched through it to find a new app was on it, it was a app that lets me modify a new personal A.I but I decided to do it when I got home cause now it was time for the written part of the exams which had a twenty minute time limit, a test long enough to have to two pages of paper on a clipboard and a pencil appeared on my lap and everyone begun the test.

*20 minutes later*

'Phew, I finished right on time' I thought to myself the test and pencil suddenly disappeared from my hands and a door appeared beneath the video screen [Please head to the door in front of you, those who passed the written test will pass through the door, those who have failed will be teleported outside the main entrance!] the PA system stated.

we all lined up in front of the door, I was third in line and I felt nervous as I didn't know if I passed or not, one of the testers went through but then she disappeared without a trace the moment she was passing through the door, when I saw this happen I swallowed saliva, the next tester passed through just fine and now it is my turn, I closed my eyes and took a step forward.

I slowly open one of my eyes to find that I was still in a hallway on the other side of the doorway, I let out a sigh of relief 'Thank god, I'm not out.' I thought, I then began to walk down the hall, when I reached the end of the hall I found myself in some sort of waiting room that had about a hundred chairs and there were a few tables with magazines, next to one of the tables was one of the participants, it was a blonde man with sharp facial features wearing your usual Chinese martial arts cloths that were red in color and he was reading one of the magazines.

I then sat down in the seat next to him, "Excuse me, I just moved here, can you help me out choosing stuff from this catalog?" He asked me "Sure, where'd you move here from." I asked as he gave me the magazine "Well I moved here from Hong Kong two days ago and I need stuff for my home." He explained, I begun looking through the catalog 'this magazine was yesterday's edition, this academy really makes sure that everything is up to date, even the littlest of things' I thought.

I told him what to buy which were things that he needed on sale, "I just realized, I didn't ask for your name." He said "I'm Kai, Kai Kizuki." Kai introduced himself "I'm Tobias Grant." I said, "So what made you sign up for these exams?" Kai asked "I want to be a magic teacher here so when I was searching for a job I stumbled across this schools website and I signed up for the exams." I said.