
My Multiverse Trip

Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language I planned 0 chapters in this whole book and I literally started writing it because I simple wanted to read it myself. It contains parts from bringing the farm to another world, shadow hack, and supreme Anime system. leave any advice you want I read all comments and try to take them into account. (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) also there will be some grammar errors and some plot holes think of this as a rough draft I'm just winging it basically at this point lol doing well so far tho I plan to go back later to fix small things like speech and paragraphs sometimes I miss things. be gentle it's my first time.

Ryan_Colman · แฟนตาซี
467 Chs

309. Emperor battle team.

Me and a slightly less happy flender wall back into the team room. I'm carrying something i didn't leave with. This item appears to be a massive weapon. half of it covered in scrolls the other half was bladed looking like a cylinder with a blade. it looks a bit too big for my body.

"Ryan what kind of weapon is that it looks a bit odd." Rongrong asks as she had a deep interest in all my weapons as they can be used for her clan to protect themselves and loved hidden weapons training.

Xiao Wu noticing the massive blade takes a few steps back with fear in her eyes.

"Ah my dear rongrong this isn't a weapon it's a paintbrush for the noblest art. we are going to be in the main combat arena today I mist show off my art." I say with a fiery gaze.

Everyone takes a cautious step back. They know what my art implies. "Can you tell me the name of your uhh paintbrush?" she asks nervously.

"Certainly it's called the blastsword or explosive blade." I say swinging it around happily.

This confirms their thoughts. It's something that explodes.

"What's the range of your art in this form." They all lean in to hear the reply.

"Everything in front of me will be artified." I say with a slightly insane look. it was decided then an there everyone would stay at the back of the arena.

Grandmaster raised his hand to tap the cloth on the table and the silk materials spread out on the table, saying with a serious expression:

"Good, these matters can wait for later. First we'll research your enemy."

on the materials there was a list of who we would be facing I quickly glanced over them There was a lightning tyrant dragon user, a poison user, 2 turtles users, a bird user a healer and a cat user. simple enough.

"Dibs on first battles." I shouted. "I'll pay for dinner if you let me do the fighting and I won't artify you by accident."

This seemed like a good deal to the others and I could show off a bit.

Grandmaster just rubbed his eyes. "Fine try to lure them into one on one battles and see what you can do."

I happily starting calling out items and checking them over. double checking all my gear all we had to do was wait.

45 minutes later we are escorted to the main arena by a receptionist. Making our way up onto the stage I notice that the ref is giving me a dirty look apparently my little gamble might of upset him.

Standing across from us is a group of seven teens a little older than us.

The referee makes a countdown and my team leaps back to the edge of the arena far away from me confusing the opposing team.

"Ah sorry about that you see my team thinks I alone can defeat you. I'm always up for challenges and seeing you guys in person I'm highly dissapointed I won't even have to use my spirit." I mock them sadly

Sure enough teens like this with massive winning streaks all have all ego and they are furious.

The male in the front looks at me. "Little brat did your mother drop you as a child?" there's an intake of breathe from behind me as my smile goes even more sinister.

"Ah in all my life Noone has ever said anything about my mother's to my face. Step forward bitch boy. I'm about to teach you some manners. unless you all want to come at once and try to over power me?" I sneer.

he laughs." I'm all that's needed to deal with you short stuff. since you should know who your fighting im Yu Tian-Heng, spirit: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon power attack system. better not regret your words."

His spirit rings float out and his arm undergoes a transformation it turns dragon like covered in lighting with a blue sheen he quickly rushes at me trying to take me off gaurd.

He swings his scaled claw towards my head only for me to grasp onto his wrist making him come to a full stop. He tries to pull or push me away to get his arm free but no luck he swings his other arm towards me only to have that wrist locked into place.

"since you refuse to let go don't blame me for being unkind." his body starts to crackle as electricity runs all over him into my body.

I just look at him with a bored face before loud snap followed by another rings out. Looking down in horror both of his arms are snapped downwards in a sick angle with bones popping out.

He goes to scream but it met with a fierce uppercut to the chin snapping his mouth closed with a nasty clack of teeth.

The healer on their team is quickly trying to summon her spirit to help but it's no use with a nasty punch to the gut he's blasted rolling right across the arena floor leaving a trail of blood in his wake. finally smashing outside the arena halted by the wall.

"If you weren't so young and from my teachers clan I would have killed you. let this be a lesson." I spit out.

I look towards the enemy team. "So who is next?"

out walks a pretty teen girl with a flirty smile. "Hello little brother that was quite ruthless of you. But seeing that his lighting didn't effect you I guess you must be some kind of lightning user and a strong one at that."

"My name is Dugu Yan, spirit: Jade Phosphor Serpent control system. Be careful or you might die." She says and suddenly her rings shine and green mist starts spreading out of her body towards me.

"The poison user right? I've heard all about you and I even know about your grandpa the poison duoluo." I casually talk to the confused girl ignoring the poison mist brushing over my skin.

"Really what a pathetic poison and to think both you and your grandfather are being killed by it. What kind of idiot gets killed by their own weapon?" I say absorbing the mist into my skin.

"Impossible how do you know that?" She screams at me.

"Well I'm both a doctor and a poison user and your about a thousand years to early to try to use poison on me." I chuckle.

She shouts and more rings light up sending out different colored poisons towards me.

"Really pathetic princess im sure you couldn't even give someone a rough cough with this poison." I give her a nifty backhanded slap right out of the ring.

So whose next I say to the remaining five.

they all look at each other and not before the two bulky boys step forward.

"If I'm not wrong you guys should be the turtle duo. I once had an adventure with an old turtle it was fun times however I'm going to use a strong move becareful." I smile picking up the blade beside me.

They took it seriously and all their rings light up making their bodies develop shelled armor and shields.

They set their stance and I charge at them.

*Kabooooom* They are launched out of the arena like rockets turtle shells embedding in the wall followed by chunks of the arena.

All that's left in front of me Is a smoking crater and destroyed arena.

The leapord user and the healer look at each other before quickly jumping off the arena in fear.

All that's left is the now flying bird boy. "You've only used close range moves and your explosions can't reach me if I fly so all I have to do is keep my distance." He says arrogantly.

"Oooh I've always wanted to try this." my hand opens up and inside is my blue silver grass with a spear shaped tip.

It quickly shoots out after him with a shocked look it imbeds itself into his stomach.

"Get over here!" I shout yanking him out of the sky before cracking him with and uppercut knocking him out.

the ref walks over to make sure he's okay before announcing us the winner as the crowd is stunned into silence. There's furious roars from the nobles side but we ignore them.