

- Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! ... (Yrsa)

For fifteen minutes I had been pretending to sleep, at first Yrsa was just screaming, being Lagertha's husband for so many years, I learned to ignore when she yelled at me, so my daughter wasn't much of a challenge. When Yrsa's screams didn't wake me up, she climbed onto the bed and started jumping for me.

Gods for what sin you are punishing me for. I don't cheat on my wife ... just once, in England, but more than 700 kilometers from home does not count. I work hard, don't drink much. I am a rather good father, all my children are alive and have all their limbs ... and if only once, once, I could sleep until noon.

- Yrsa, I had a rough night ... (Ulf)

- I heard Mom and Hild last night. (Yrsa)

Fuck, I'm not ready for this talk about birds and bees, it's too early ... a few years too early and let Lagertha handle it.

- Well, what did you want my daughter? (Ulf)

- Nothing, I wanted to wake you up. (Yrsa)

What a wicked being, Lagertha's fault, she raised her that way. I lifted Yrsa upwards, took the bedspread with one hand, so as not to parade naked in front of the children. Holding her in hand, we went downstairs, then to the front door, I opened it and gently tossed Yrsa into the mound of snow. I only heard her scream as I closed the door, and left, since I was awake anyway, headed for the kitchen. Lagertha was sitting at the table and pretending to drink milk, but I could see that she was covering her mouth with a cup so I wouldn't see her laughing.

I heard footsteps behind me, they were small and quick ... I instinctively dodged and only saw a white snow ball fly past me and hit Lagertha in the shoulder ... which caused her to spill milk on herself... I started laughing out loud. Yrsa, seeing how much she messed up, immediately hid behind me, looking for help.

It wasn't such a bad start to the day... Unfortunately, I thought about it at the wrong hour, seconds later Arne and Revna showed up in the kitchen.

Lagertha made breakfast, and I was left alone on the battlefield against the three barbarians... Now he knew what the Christians felt when they were thrown to be eaten by wild animals in the Colosseum.

One thing I noticed, which was rather obvious, but I'm not the best person when it comes to children ... My children had different personalities, Yrsa was like fire, she destroyed everything in her path. Revna was like water, rather calm and did not talk much, did not show the destructive qualities of her older sister, of course she played and joked like other children, liked to listen to stories, but was also more composed. The hardest thing for me was to describe Arne personality, he was something between Yrsa and Revna ... he was very interested in stories from wars, raids. He also liked to watch football games ... maybe he heard stories about me from other people and now he asked me dozens of questions each time.

- Dad, tell a story. (Arne)

For the sake of peace of mind, I always succumbed to and told him about my adventures, sometimes about the adventures of some historical or literary figures.

This is how the next days and weeks passed for me, I decided that next year I would not go to any wars and raids, but I would take my family on vacation. For a long time I had intended to visit the East and make some alliance with the Slavic tribes. I also had a task from Weles to do, and with the help of these tribes it will be much easier for me.

I was sitting in the workshop and enjoying a moment of peace when Mira informed me that Skarde would like to talk to me. I told her to bring him ... a few moments later he was already inside.

- How can I help you, my friend? (Ulf)

- I wanted to clarify our last meeting. (Skarde)

- Are you talking about your wife's brother? How is he ... Olaf? (Ulf)

- Yes, it's about him. (Skarde)

- I remember that you behaved very officially, for years of our acquaintance. (Ulf)

- Olaf is a merchant just like me, but he also provides information. I provide information to you, he provides information to King Horik. (Skarde)

- I understand, you did not want to show him that we are on good terms, but the fact that he provides information to King Horik does not surprise me at all, everyone has to live somehow. (Ulf)

- I learned from Olaf that Horik was very interested in the lands you conquered in the west, Jorvik and England. (Skarde)

- I am interested in settlers, especially from Denmark, the population is larger there than in Norway and Sweden, and there is less land. Work on acquiring settlers, don't worry about Horik. Denmark is surrounded by Christians to the west, and Saxons and Slavic tribes to the south and east. I doubt if he will also want an enemy in the north. (Ulf)

We talked for a few more minutes, then Skarde left me alone ... now I was able to return to my woodworking ... King Horik, I did not consider him a serious threat. In the series, Ragnar was in a much weaker position than I was when there was a conflict between them. If I remembered correctly, Ragnar was still just Jarl, and he swore allegiance to Horik ... I had two kingdoms, so I don't have to worry about him at the moment and Skarde will be monitoring the situation.