
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Chapter 36: Trying

I let Jackson clip the feathers in and we slow danced on the balcony until the wind picked up and he blew out the candle. He picked me up and carried me inside. As he carried me down the stairs and into my room.

For weeks we had all lived together and things where picking up. Gavin finally made a truce with the three idiots on his basketball team. Jackson had been trying to help me find a job, even as he tried to distract me. He took care of the house and even made dinners for us. We all went to Gavin's games together and rode home blasting music.

One morning after Gavin left for school Jackson came up behind me. "I have a surprise for you." He whispered and ran his nose up my neck. "Come on grab a coat." He pulled me away from the dishes and tossed me my blue jacket. He ran to his car and opened the door. "Move your cute little ass Paisley." He yelled as I locked the door and hurried to the car. "So pushy." I said as he cranked the car and raced down the road.

He stopped in front of the empty warehouse, I had seen and got out. He opened my door as I read the sign. "Truth Tattoos." I said as he ushered me to the window. I saw everything set up and forest green booths built along the newly painted rust colored walls. Plants decorated the front black front desk and the waiting area had green booths with different colored throw pillows. "It's beautiful." Jackson smiled and handed me some keys. "It's yours."

I looked down at the keys and back to Jackson. "You where the buyer?" He nodded and grabbed my hand to pull me inside. My head was reeling and I didn't know if I wanted to be mad or cry from delight. "Why in the world would you do this?" Jackson's face dropped and he studied me. "I did it because I love you. Because I could and I know you needed a job. One that wouldn't bore you." I shook my head. "And how am I going to pay you back and the house payment."

Jackson slowly wrapped his hands around me as I pushed him away slightly. "Your house and this building is paid off. I took care of it two weeks ago. It just took me a bit to find a good decorating team. But your Aunt pulled through." I looked around one more time. "I can't accept this Jackson." I placed the keys in his hand and walked out tears streaming down my face. He has learned nothing.

I walked to the cliffs and my Aunt padded up next to me. "Didn't like it?" I huffed and looked over at her light blue dress. "I loved it, but I can't let him buy everything for me. I don't want to feel like a whore." She let out a laugh. "Paisley he ain't treating you like one. He's showing you he cares in his own way. Jacob's love language is love. Touching, cuddling, sheltering. Jackson's is protection, and gift giving. He buys you what he thinks you'd like and things you need. Like buying that house for you, and the shop. He wants you to be happy."

I shook my head. "Does he make you happy Paisley." Aunt Valor asked as she glared at me. "Yes okay. Yes he makes me happy, but I don't need him buying everything for me. I was fine, I've been fine since we split. I just wanted him and now he keeps tossing gifts at me. Feathers, my house which I thought my parents owned, and now a tattoo shop. It's to much." She shook her head and bumped my shoulder.

"Sometimes they go overboard, but you are making a mistake. He loves you and stops at nothing to get you there. Yeah he made a mistake and he lost you for years over it. You both suffered with out each other and trust me when I say he missed you and often sat on the beach all night. Or on your board in the waves. He wanted to feel close to you." My Aunt got up and left me to my thoughts.

Maybe I didn't deserve him. I sighed and picked myself up and walked down the beach to see the lights on upstairs. "No I won't watch that movie again. Mom always picks it." Gavin groaned and I slid open the back door. Jackson made his way down the stairs hearing me and froze as he looked me up and down. "I'm sorry I freaked out on you. Did you guys eat?" He nodded towards the counter where three pizza boxes sat. "There's some in there if you want some." I nodded and dropped my coat onto a chair.

I opened the box and smiled seeing that there was one with m&m's on it. "Gavin said you liked chocolate and pizza." I nodded and took three pieces. "I do." I smiled at Jackson and he walked closer. "I'm sorry I upset you." I shook my head and scrunched my brows together. "You shouldn't be apologizing. I was the one who acted rudely. I just don't... I'm not used to being treated like that. You know... Given things just because." Jackson nodded and wrapped his arms around me.

"Does that mean you'll use the shop?" I nodded and he let out a deep breath. "Good cause I still need a tattoo." He kissed my neck. "Come watch a movie with us." He grabbed the pizza and I followed carrying the slices on a paper plate. We all sat together on the couch. As Jackson amd I snuggled he moved his hand over my stomach and ran his fingers around the waist of my jeans.

Gavin could feel the tension rising. "I'm gonna go finish my homework. Thanks for dinner Dad. See you guys tomorrow." He kissed me and dissappeared through the doorway. "He called me Dad." Jackson said as he froze. I sat up and kissed his cheek. "You are his Dad." He nodded and pulled me closer. "Yeah, bit he always called me Jackson." He beamed and I kissed the corner of his mouth. "Well I guess that was his way of saying welcome to the family." I whispered and nipped his ear.

He smiled and pulled me up and closer to him as he kissed me. "Marry me Paisley?" He said as his lips danced across mine. "Say yes!" Gavin yelled causing me to laugh. I nodded and Jackson pulled out a small black box. This one velvet and soft. He placed it in my hand and I cracked the lid. Inside laid a beautiful dark teal pear shaped ring wrapped in a gold setting. "Figured color was more your style, but if you want a diamond I can change it."

I kissed him and his hands slowly made their watmy I to my hair. He picked me up and slid me into his lap. I straddled him and closed the box. "Put it on Paisley." He groweled. I smirked and slid it onto the side table. "Not yet, I need you to Mark me first." He grumbled as his eyes stayed gold. "Was that you giving permission?" He whole chest vibrated and I jumped up and ran down the stairs to the bedroom. He chased me and snarled. I heard his bang on a door. "Turn up your music son, it's gonna be a long night."

He opened my door and slammed it closed. I had already hidden myself imunder the bed. "Oh Paisley. I had this room sound proofed and I can smell you. You are dripping." I squeezed my legs closed and he opened the wardrobe. My panties hung there and he groweled as he sniffed it. "Oh you are in big trouble." He dropped my panties and opened the bathroom and moved the curtain. "Paisley the more you make me wait the softer I'm going to be. Painfully soft. So if you want it rough like you want, I'd suggest you come out now."

I bit my lips so no sound would escape my mouth. as he opened drawers and then finally lifted the bed. His eyes shined bright with anger as I slipped from the bed. I rolled and as he placed the bed down to make his move I rolled over the bed to the other side. "Mark me Jackson." I said as I tossed my top and pants onto the floor. "No bra or panties?" He asked as I shook my head and he dove at me. I skirted around to the bottom of the bed and he roared.

"You are not being very nice Paisley." I took down my hair and ran my hands down my breasts and towards my center before rubbing up my hips. He sniffed the air and snarled. "Come touch me my Alpha." He roared and this time I didn't move as he ran and scooped me up. "Soft it is he laid me down on the bed and ran a finger down my leg. He crept up the bed like the true wolf he was and covered my body with his. "Lay still." He whispered as he leaned in close. I leaned up for a kiss, but he pulled away, running his hands down my body.

"I missed you." He ran his fingers between my breasts. "I missed your face. Your smart ass mouth." He covered my breast lightly with his mouth. "I missed your hair." He ran his hands over my bare arms as he sucked on my breats. My breathing increased as he let go of my other breast and his nose traveled down my stomach. "I missed your scent." He nuzzled my nose and parted my glistening bare pussy. His breath danced at my opening. "I missed you." He whispered before slowly licking my inner lips. "Jackson." He smiled his rough cheeks rubbing the insides of my legs.

"Patience Paisley. You made me wait." His eyes brightened as he glanced up. "How bad do you want it?" He smiled as he ran his hands up over my hips. "Bad." I whispered as he covered my body with his. Jackson ran his fingers through my hair. "And the mark? My mark? If I gave it to you again will you reject me again?"

His question sent a slive of pain down my side. I glanced to see his nails digging into me. "Jackson." He groweled and removed his nails. "Answer me Paisley, cause I don't think I could survive that again." He was mad and not just playing I realized. "I won't if you won't betray me again." He let go of me completely. "Is that what you think?" He groweled and smashed the mirror above my dresser. "You betrayed me. You left with our son." He snapped punched the dresser making it explode. Wood sprayed everywhere and pieces flew nicking my face and body.

"I left because you didn't protect me, how where going to protect him?" I groweled getting irritated. He smashed a lamp and I tossed one at him. "Quit ruining my house!" Hisbhead snapped to me and he took a piece of wood from my cheek. Then he wiped the blood with his finger and licked it. "You mean my house?"

I mind linked Gavin. "Get out now go to Aunt Valor's not your Grandparents. Now Move!" I heard a window break next to me and he grabbed me pushing me against the side. "You took away everything and when I give you everything you run again." I gasped for breath as he let me drop and I tossed on a robe. "I came back and apologized for running." He roared and grabbed me again slamming me on the bed. "Give me your neck." I shook my head. "Not like this." He pushed me down as he clamped down on my neck making me scream.

Ot tore from my throat until he let go. My neck felt like fire, and the pain co sumed me. His eyes flashed and they returned to their normal color. "Oh shit Paisley!" Jackson yelled as the door blew open and my world went black.