
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 37: Two Weeks till The End

The sunlight blared in my face and I sat up. I rolled over to hit a hard surface. "Mom?" I grumbled and two arms wrapped around me. "Gavin it's to early. What are you doing?" He snorted and kissed my cheek. "Mom you've been out for almost two weeks. You missed so much." I shot up and a dizzy wave wracked through me. "Two weeks." I said as I touched my neck. A crinkle sound made me freeze, and Gavin shook his head.

"He was out of control. Uncle Jacob had to take him away. I think he thinks you are dead. Your wound was leaking black ooze and it smelt really bad. It turned red yesterday and Aunt Valor said you where fighting." A tear slipped down his cheek. "Are you okay?" He nodded and turned away. "I should have stayed and helped. I should have fought with you. But I ran like a coward." I shook my head and took him in my arms. "Gavin Wright you are not a coward. You got away and that's what I asked you to do." He nodded and snuggled closer to me.

"What now?" I shrug and hold Gavin. "I guess we go see your Dad when I get my strength back. But for now I think I'd like to eat and shower." I said as I turned to tickle him. "Mom stop! I hate that." He laughed as I climbed out of bed. A new dresser and Mirror sat in my room. "Gifts from the asshat." Gavin said as I grabbed clothed and headed into the bathroom. "I'll make us something." Gavin said before leaving me to shower.

Black crusted gunk and blood swirled down the drain. I cleaned it, but it stung. Jackson's voice rang in my head. "Paisley is that you?" I didn't answer as I scrubbed myself and checked it over. All the Knicks healed and left no marks. I let out a deep breath and got out. I looked in the mirror to see a huge piece of my shoulder missing at the base of my neck. Bruises littered my neck, and arm. Tears gathered in my eyes as I choked back a sob. "Mom?" I swallowed and answered weakly. "I'm fine, I'll be right there."

I got myself together and opened the door to see Gavin stairing at me with worry. "What did you make?" He shrugged and walked with me down the stairs. "I tried to make frames, but they didn't come out so good. So I made eggs and toasted some bread." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "You did great Gav." I sat down and he watched me like a hawk. "Come eat with me." He nodded and moved slowly to the table.

"How's school been?" He looked up and dropped his fork. "School is fine. I'm always okay. Everyone is fine except you. So let me take care of you for once." His eyes flashed gold and I jumped. "Sorry. I can't sit here and pretend everything is okay." He left out the back door and I took a deep breath.

I cleaned up and moved my head slowly. I went to wipe the table when my parents voices crashed over me. "Run!" My Mom yelled as My Dad yelled for me to hide. I opened the back door and saw Gavin sitting on the steps. "Gavin run to the surf shop." He shook his head and looked before running. I closed the door and ran to the third floor and locked the door. A loud crash sounded downstairs. "I am here to claim you Paisley." A growel rang out and my neck throbbed. "I Paisley..." A snarl broke oit and the door splintterd towards me. "I Paisley Rae Sterling of the Beach Wolves reject you Jackson Prince or No Prince of Ireland." I whispered and a pain shit through my chest as I watched Jackson crumble onto the floor.

Gavin ran up behind him and pushed him over. "I Gavin Wright Sterling challenge you Jackson Truth to a duel. Winner stays here and looser leaves this beach forever." Jackson rose to the challenge and I opened the door. "Stop this right now!" I yelled as they circled each other and changed into wolves.

My family rushed in behind them and surrounded them. "Jackson don't you dare hurt him." I yelled as Jackson knocked him over. He snarled and lunged as Gavin turned and bit Jackson's neck and raked his nails down the stomach of his father. He didn't let go as he dragged Jackson towards the center of the room. He changed and looked down at his Dad. "Never touch her again and now you have to leave. Go back to Ireland or wherever you want to live alone. I never want to hear from you again." He roared and a glowing energy passed from Jackson to Gavin.

Jackson stirred and weakly stood. "More of a Truth then I thought." Gavin smiled and turned to me. "No I'm definitely more of a Sterling." Tears ran down my face as Gavin picked me up. "Never again Mom." He whispered as he hugged me. "Don't scare me like that again." Jackson laughed and we turned. "My pack would have felt that shift, you are now Alpha of Ireland. King of the werewolves." He walked closer and collapsed.

"What does he mean Mom?" I looked at him and then to my family. "It means we have to go back to Ireland after graduation and you will reign." Gavin shook his head and pinched his nose. "And everyone else?" I shrugged and they all looked at Jacob. "Means we now have family vacations spots. We can go there with Gavin's permission, and you guys are always welcome here." Aunt Valor jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. Gavin shook his head and dragged Jackson outside. "You are lucky my Uncle is letting you stay after what you did to my Mother. Don't me catch you near us."

Jackson went with no fight until the door. "If I where you I'd kill me Gavin, you never know when I could come back." He smiled and Uncle Jacob reached over and crushed his neck. "Fuck you Jackson. You lost yourself."

Everything calmed down after that and we fixed up the house. Jackson had left Everything to Gavin and it floored him. He decided to sell the white house and everything in it. He asked me about the shop and I told him he could leave it open or close it. He decided to give it to Ginger who cried and told me I could always have a job there. He sold Jackson's bike and car. Then we sold most of our things and got plane tickets to Ireland.

"You ready your Majesty?" Gavin shook his head. "No not really." I nodded understanding and we boarded the plane. We where welcomed in and the place was just as I had remembered. We learned that Jackson had killed his older brothers along with his parents for more power and I remember that little shop that had helped me along with the man.

So after we settled I took a few hundred pounds and drove the city streets spotting a familiar woman who looked the same only now some white graced her hair. "Excuse me mam, do you think you could help a girl out?" She smiled and I gave her a lift home. I gave them a trunk of gold. "It's not much, and late... But your new King sends his thank you for saving his life, and the life of his mother." They cried and hugged me as they unloaded the car.

My next stop didn't take as long as I pulled up to a best up shop. When I opened the door the man smiled. "Here for some boots?" I pointed down at the boots he had given me. "No sir, just here to repay the favor. Your King says thanks for saving him and his mother." I heaved the other chest and slid it accrosd the counter. "No! That's to much!" He yelled as I smiled and ran my hands through the gold. "I don't think the King would like it if you refused a gift." I smirked and he nodded.

"Right." He said as he slammed the trunk and hid it behind the counter. "Thank you for your kindness." I bowed and exited the store heading back to the castle to help my son rule a country.