
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Chapter 27: Keep Moving

I slipped it on and ticked the ticket into my bra. I tossed my clothes under the bed and grabbed the tank top shoving it in my pocket. I pulled my hair back into a bun and tucked the feathers into my hair hiding them as I exited the room. I followed the bread smell, and found a door on the far side of the room. A small round older woman looked up to see me. My ring glowed like it did in the dungeon. "Dear this is the wrong way to run. Behind here is a garden and chicken coops then about a mile of open land before a huge rock wall. Then the forest, and thays a few days hike." She grabbed a bowel and kneeled the bread. "Best way is through the tunnel and coming up in the town."

"How do I find those?" She looked up and smiled as she added herbs to the bread. "There's one in the dungeon, one in here, one in the princes room, and one in the carrot garden." I looked around and took a deep breath. "Don't trust anyone." A voice rang in my head as I walked around the table. The apple fell from my hand and hit the table. "Well thanks for the tips." I watched the apple roll towards the woman. "It's not much, but thank you." The lady snatched the apple and nodded as I ducked out the door.

I didn't know if she called for help or not, but I didn't want to wait and find out. I ran through the garden and pulled off the maid apron. I tied my tank top to my ankle and ran around in a few circles before running towards the wall. The large stone fence was definitely designed to keep people in and out. It's rocks smooth and hard to grab onto.

I jumped and started to climb slowly as it lightly rained. I was halfway before I heard dogs barking and I hurried myself to the top just as some came into view I ran west and tied the tank in a tree then ran east. I kept running until dark coming to a stream. I drank and rolled in the cold water. Freezing I moved.running my hands over trees, and rocks. "Keep moving Paisley." I told myself as I cut back west. I started to feel lost as the sun rose and I caught sight of a mountain. "You have got to be kidding me." I ran to the road and it was quiet. I crossed the street and used my wolf hearing. Nothing... Good. I climbed the mountain and as I sat for a break the rain picked up more. I found a few caves, but didn't stop to rest making it to the top. I look a piece of shale and sat on it sliding down the back side into the forest. It broke about half way where I picked out another one and did it again. I walked weakly through the forest and saw a small store.

I ran inside dripping wet. "Your gonna catch a cold if you 'avent got one yet." Said the man behind the counter. I looked through the clothed and found some jeans, boots, a shirt, jacket and sweater. "How much for these?" I asked as I searched my pockets. "Trade me that there ring and it's free." I glanced down and shook my head. "Sorry it was my Father's it is all I have of him." The man nodded and bagged the clothes.

"You are a smart girl, recon ya need it where your headed." He handed me the clothes and a bottle of water. "Mountain is a dangerous place to be walking alone." I took note of the store. "When I am safe I'll send you money. Thank you." I grabbed the bag, and ran to the door and behind the store changing under the roof. I tossed the maids uniform into the trash bin and walked in the woods alongside the road.

I took out the water and checked it for holes, nothing and the seal was unbroken as I twisted it. I drank and the cool liquid hit my tongue. I followed the road for a day and came to a small town. I noticed a woman walking with her children. "Excuse me mam." She jumped and pulled me into an alley. "Don't say a word. The guards are here." She snatched a poster with my picture in it off the wall behind me. "Stay low, and my husband Rich will come here tonight to meet you." She looked before returning to her children.

I unruffled the edges to read the poster, but the sound of metal clanging had me jump. Guards I thought as I ran further into the alley and jumled the small fence. Wanted for murder of the Queen's father. "What a joke." I said as I tossed the flyer into the grass. As it grew darker I heard less and less people. A man came down the alley looking and rubbed his beard. "Rich?" I said as his head snapped towards the trees. "Yeah, you the girl?"

I nodded and glanced down to see my ring silent. "Yeah." I stepped oit and climbed backnover the fence checking down the narrow road and into the alley. He handed me keys. "Blue truck on the street. Take it North to the airport in Dublin. Buy a ticket and get the hell out of here." I nodded and slipped him the black rock from around my neck. "May it help give you strength, and protection Rich." He nodded with a small smile and walked one way as I walked toward the street. The value truck sat five feet away.

I ran to it and climbed in. As I started it a guard came around the corner. Hoping he couldn't see me in the dark I took off and headed North. A phone sat in the passenger seat. I picked up to call home. It went to voicemail "Mom! It's Paisley I need you to listen. Do not let the King or Queen into our territory. ugh!" I ended the call and called Aunt Valor. She picked up and I heard the ocean as a sick feeling came over me. "They are there aren't they?" Her voice came in sweet and strong. "Why yes Mini." She chirped using my childhood nickname. "We are enjoying a day on the beach. How about you?" I tried to read between the lines. "Currently driving to Shannon Airport. I miss you, and love you all so much." I heard her texting and a message came in. "Be safe Mini and we will see each other soon." She hung up and I glanced down to see an address in Chino.

I memorized it before erasing the phone and crushing it into pieces. I chucked it out the window. I arrived in Dublin by morning and dug the ticket out of my bra. "Where to mam?" I looked up at the board to see the next flight was in ten minutes. "Colorado please." He went to hand me my ticket and paused. "You look very familiar? Do I know you?" I shook my head and smiled. "I get that all the time, I must just have a friendly face." He nodded and handed the ticket over. I walked to through security and to the gate and boarded with no issues. As the plane sped down the road I let out a deep breath.