
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Chapter 2: Mom

I exited the room and opened the door for my Uncle and allowed him inside shutting the door behind him. My Father sat at the kitchen counter. "I should have told you. Huh?" I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me. "Yes, but you can still tell me everything. I have so many questions." He released me and took a step back. "Your mother won't like it, but I owe you some answers."

He walked over and sat at the counter. "My mother is Gemma, but who is Faye's mom." My father rubbed his hand over his face and scrunched his eyebrows. "I was a stupid werewolf and didn't wait for your mother. She is my true mate, it was complicated. I was made, not born like the twins, their mates, or Uncle Jacob. I was made with an alpha bite, and so was your Aunt Valor. I didn't know mated where a thing and I had dated Faye's mom before I was a wolf, and to be honest a little after I turned. Bri and I had broken up, and she kept the pregnancy secret. By that time I had moved your mother in and the same day her mother said she didn't want the baby. We decided to keep her if Bri would agree to carry the baby to term. There where stipulations like she could never find out Bri was her mother and some other things, but she never came back."

My Father shrugged and looked at me. "Of course you came earlier then a regular nine month old human baby, you are a wolf and we grow, heal and develop faster. So you two where born around the same time." I nodded and Gemma burst through the front door. "Don't say any more Oliver." She grabbed my arm and pulled me from the house. "Mom let go, I need to learn more." She pulled and I stood my ground only letting her get me as far as the living room before I locked my knees.

"These are to many things. You can't handle it yet." I pulled my arm from her grip as Aunt Valor came in behind her and Uncle Jacob came in from their bedroom. "Let her stay Gemma." Aunt Valor said into her ear. "No don't use that emotional stuff on me Valor." Valor put up her hands and backed away from my Mom. "Gem. She needs to practice. Why not let me pack her some things and she can stay here with Valor and Jacob a few days." My Dad said as he rose from the table and took my Mom into his arms.

She sobbed and I honestly didn't understand why this was such a huge deal. "Your Mom prides herself on schedules and organization. She wanted to keep you all in the lanes she carved for you, but that isn't going to happen now. She feels like she is loosing control and in a way she is." Aunt Valor explained.

I followed Aunt Valor to the guest bedroom and she handed me clean clothes. "Shower love bug. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I nodded and asked another question. "Will I still be able to go to college?" She turned and nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, but it maybe different then you imagined." With that she closed the door behind her and left me alone.

For the first time I felt as though I was complete. I rushed to shower and washed my hair. When I came out of the room from the top of the house my Aunt was running around and cleaning up. My cousins straightening the living room. And my Uncle shook his head. "He said a month or two not tomorrow Valor, and he was nice enough to ask. Not many Alphas have that courtesy anymore."

I wasn't sure what they where talking about, but I had learned enough for the day. I walked back upstairs to try and fall asleep. I threw myself onto the bed and closed my eyes thinking of all the wonderful new things I could do. I awoke to my mother brushing the hair away from my face. "We talked with Faye last night, and told her the truth." She whispered as I sat up. "Is she okay?" My Mom nodded and turned more to face me on the bed.

"You have to know I was just trying to protect you and your sister." I nodded and although was still angry, I was happy to finally know the truth. "Your sister wants to make the change too... But it is forbidden to change people against their Alpha's will. Uncle Jacob won't, but he changed Oliver and Valor. Like I was... He has to deem her fit." She took a deep breath and I understood what she was asking.

"So you want me to talk Uncle Jacob into turning her?" I said and she nodded squeezing her lips together. "Only he can do it." I didn't want to be put in the middle of this. He was my alpha as much as hers, and he must of had a reason not to. "I'll ask, but only once and if he says no I'm not going to push it." My Mom nodded and placed a backpack on my bed. "Come home soon okay?" She whispered before kissing my forehead and leaving.

I walked with her downstairs and Aunt Valor walked over. "Why don't you go help the boys and let me talk to your Mom." She said visibly on guard. I walked away quickly and already feeling the burden of my promise as I flipped pancakes as Archer made eggs and bacon. Nash setting the table and poured orange juice. My Uncle came in just as we finished and we sat at the kitchen table.

My Aunt Valor walked in and sat beside my Uncle. "Why are you radiating anger and some guilt Paisley?" She asked as she served herself. "I promised to ask a question to Uncle Jacob, but it feels wrong." Archer handed me the plate of eggs. "Just ask, Mom and Dad are very open with us and now that you know I'm sure they wouldn't mind explaining." Archer said as Nash shoved pancakes into his mouth. "My mom asked me to ask Uncle Jacob to change Faye. She said she asked and you didn't deem her fit. Mom thought you would say yes if I asked."

The boys scoffed and I looked towards my Uncle. "No I won't do that." Uncle Jacob clipped as my Aunt shot him a look.