
My Mermaid Evolution


HolyAssassin · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Scythe and Chains

After finishing the history section Izumi exited the library. He wanted to sleep for staring at those tiny letters for so long had his eyes tired.

Walking back to the room alone Izumi noticed something but kept walking. He walked through the hallways taking only left forming a circle, his suspicions were confirmed, he was being followed. He doesn't know if the one following him wished to do harm or not so he didn't attack. Until, Izumi approached room whoever was following Izumi made a grave mistake, they let out there killing intent. Now Izumi was sure that it was an assassin.

Izumi took his lolipop out of his mouth and changed it's form to a dagger. Izumi turn and throw the dagger at an incredible speed, it went right through his head. A body suddenly fell to the ground with a giant hole in it's head.

Izumi walked up to the body and patted him down, Izumi came across the mans wallet. Izumi took it and tossed it into his [Dimensional Space].

"I will take that as compensation for wasting my time" Izumi said as he put his foot on the dead body an said

[Blood Drain]

[Draining has begun...]

[Draining completed skill [Shadow Step] and [Shadow Cloak] has been learnt]

"Yuki" Izumi called out.

The air behide Izumi suddenly went wavy. A small all white wolf with golden eyes and a golden lotus on it's head crawled out. It was Yuki.

"Want a late night snack?" Izumi said with a playful expression on his face.

Yuki then ate the body and clean the blood. Izumi decided not to send back Yuki and let him stay out for the night. Izumi went back to his room and took a bath. In his room there was a shower and bath tub. The bath tub was big enough to fit two people which was perfect for Izumi and Yuki.

Izumi hopped in the bath and so did Yuki. Izumi washed Yuki fur and brushed his teeth, Yuki was a cute dog so Izumi had to take good care of him. Izumi then bathed himself.

After the nice shower, Izumi dried Yuki and himself, put on his pajama pants a head to bed. Izumi went to bed and Yuki went sleep on Izumi's chest. Both of them slept soundly.


Izumi opened his eyes, he let out a might yawn as he stretched. Looking down to his chest cute little Yuki was laying there sound asleep. Izumi patted him on the head for a bit. It was time to get up and get ready so Izumi placed Yuki who was sound asleep on the bed and went to go and bathe. Finishing getting ready Yuki was still sound asleep. Izumi didn't have anything to do today besides got to the library so it should be okay if he brought Yuki along.

Izumi picked a blanket gave to the butler that waited outside his door and took Yuki. Holding Yuki in his arms, Izumi went to the library. upon arriving he had the butler fold the blanket and put it down for Yuki to lay on, while Izumi did his research.

The next couple of days went along like that,it was a nice and peaceful time, but today was different. Izumi's training started today.

Today Izumi trained with the the knight commander. Izumi would probably be busy with training until school starts which would mean he won't have time to train Yuki. Izumi decided that he will send Yuki out on his own to survive and get stronger. Izumi wasn't very pleased with it since his beautiful puppy was leaving and could get hurt. But it had to be done.

That morning Izumi went to the front gate and placed Yuki on the back of a carriage. Yuki will decide the path he will take.

"Take care buddy, don't get hurt come back safe and sound to papa" Izumi said balling his eyes out.

Izumi then hurried back because it was almost time for training.

Arriving at the training center Izumi went and got changed into a plain long sleeve shirt, brown long pants and light leather armor. Izumi walked into the center of the training arena and started warming up.

After Izumi done warming up he heard a suddenly clapping come from behide him.

"Hahaha, We done young man, you were on time and seeing I wasn't here yet you didn't just sit around you started warming up, ahah" he said as he was walking going to Izumi.

Izumi then bowed and greeted the commander.

"Please no need for formalities, It isn't my style."

"What weapon do you use kid?"

"Nothing, I haven't chosen yet"

"Okay follow me" the commander said as he turned around and started walking.

"To train you have to at least know what weapon suits you" He said opening a door with one of the keys attached to his sided.



the sound the doors made as the commander pushed them open.

Inside were all sort of weapons. The commander said it was the treasury and the king had granted Izumi a pass to choose one weapon he would like to use.

"Oh, your majesty" the commander said as he bowed.

"How is he doing, has he chosen a weapon yet?" Kenji the king of the human country asked

"No sir, he just entered" the commander replied

"I am interested to see what weapon he will choose" Kenji said with smile on his face

Izumi walked through the treasury looking at the variety of weapons in there. Walking further in Izumi started feeling like something was calling out to him, as he walked further in the voice got louder. In the back of the room laid a box wrapped in chains. The thing on the inside called to Izumi. Izumi stooped down and reached for the lock on the chains, Izumi grabbed it and yanked it off, the chains then retracted into the box and Izumi went to open it. Lifting the lid, loots of energy poured out in a dark mist. Inside the box laid a scythe and chains.

The scythe was black with a purple blade and black chains. Izumi reached out his hands one grabbing the chains and the other holding the scythe, as he touched it he could feel it sucking up his bloodlines, which was strange they weren't taking his mana but his bloodline.

The system then announced that it would be sending the bloodlines Izumi acquired to the scythe and chain. The king and commander was watching this sight, a red and powerful aura appeared around Izumi. But then something changed, the weapons then sent all the bloodline they acquired back at Izumi, but to there surprise Izumi absorbed it all and was absorbing more.


[World Class weapon Demon King's Scythe And World Class weapon Dragon King's Chains has been subdued]

[Demon Kings Scythe] [Rank: World Class]: ???

[Dragon King's Chain's] [Rank: World Class]: ???