
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Journey in the Temple

Tate was debating on if he should return back to the house or not to get Stacy, he didn't know what he was going to encounter in the temple and didn't know if she would help or hurt him. Tate just so happened to turn around and looked back at the house when he sees Stacy walking towards him, she is halfway there near the level 5 and 6 golems.

Since she was already coming that answered his question, Tate watched her walk to him, he didn't know why but he was suddenly finding her very attractive as he watched he legs and hips moving with each step, now that she was clean, she was even more appealing.

"I have been looking at her for the last four years and never felt anything except hate, now I don't want to look away, maybe because I broke her, and she acts like a different person now, instead of the spoiled bulling brat that she was. Unfortunately, I'm still ten years old."

Tate took a break as he waited on her to catch up.

"How was the bath."

It was nice and very relaxing.

"Good I had a feeling you would enjoy it, that's why I built the hot tube for you."

You built it just for me Stacy asked.

"Yes, I'm more of a shower guy I may use it one day though, do you like to swim."

There isn't anywhere clean to swim near the Forsaken Citadel, so I never learned.

"I was thinking about building a pool in front of the house since we have this nice weather 24/7, I have been wanting to go swimming for a long time."

In Tates current life he had nowhere to swim he just had a creek at the village but in his past life he enjoyed swimming in lakes and oceans occasionally.

"Maybe I can teach you later once I build the pool but first let's go investigate that temple."

Sounds good, I am curious what the inside looks like.

They walked to the temple; it took an hour, but they made it.

The temple didn't have any doors on the front, because if it had doors, they would be 300 yards tall. As they approached the entrance the interior was pitch black except for a few rays of light, that shined in creating a path that they could follow.

Stacy stayed behind Tate, Tate had a bunch of different earth shield surrounding them just in case something attacked or jumped out of the darkness. They pressed on through the blackness it was very eerie they had no clue what was around them they could have walked into a big mouth and probably wouldn't have even noticed.

They were both thankfully for the little rays of light shining in occasionally and the stone path that they followed. Off in the distance they finally saw more lights and a lot of them shining in from all different directions lighting up on single area.

From a distance they couldn't tell what the light was shining on, but they continued, once they arrived, they still didn't know what was happening, all the lights were just shining on the floor and that particular section of the floor had all kinds of carvings that was glowing.

"I don't know a lot about runes, but I have a feeling that's what those are maybe some sort of ancient runes, they look different than the ones your dad used on me."

I think your right.

"The path doesn't continue so I have a feeling we are supposed to stand there, lets step on at the same time ok 1, 2, 3, go."

Nothing happened immediately as they just stood there looking at each other. Everything started getting bright, then in the next second they seen pure white everywhere and nothing else not even each other. The light started to dim, and they realized they were in a whole new area, Tate looks down.

"OH SH*T."

Tates legs give out, he suddenly lands on his stomach looking straight down. Tate and Stacy were teleported to the top of the pillars, that went high into the sky beyond what they could see. When Tate first looked down, he realized he was standing on a glass floor and went into full panic mode, as he seen the land below him.

Tate didn't like being that high in the air in this life or the last one. Being 20 stories up in air, Tate could handle, he worked on top of some tall hotels before but being as high if not higher than an airplane was a whole other story.

Tate quickly rolled onto his back, so he didn't have to look anymore. He then notices that Stacy is just fine and was actually enjoying the arial view of the temple, the massive grasslands and the forest that goes on for as far as the eye can see even in the air.

"Stacy are you not scared that you are this high in the air on a glass floor."

No doesn't bother me.

"Well, I'm about to have a panic attack, do you see anything I want to get back to the surface."

There is something big over that way, Stacy points with her finger.

"Ok I'm closing my eyes and walking over there you lead the way."

They walked for a long time before they reached it, Stacy said open your eyes just don't look down we are here.

Tates eyes opened, and he seen the biggest stone statue ever, the statue made the Skeleton King look small. The statue was once again sitting on a throne equally as big.

"Holy crap, that's a big statue."

I AM NOT A STATUE, a booming voice echoed across the heavens.


"I apologize Great Titan for mistaking you for a statue."