
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

A New Hunter

"System Activate"

Name: Tate Klaus Michael

Class: The Manipulator

Age: 5-3/4

Level: 1

HP: 5/5



Speed: 3

XP: 10/100

Status Points:0

Strenght:1 - Lift or fight with heavy objects or use status points after leveling up.

Dexterity:3 - Using ranged weapons, quick and nimble actions or status points to level this up.

Vitality:1 - Increases health, leveled up by taking damage or Status points. [1 point here is 5 HP]

Stamina:5 - Running, fighting and using status points level this up. [1 point here is 4 stamina]

Mana:31 - Practice using the elements or use status points to level this up. [1 point here is 2 mana]

Skills: Fire Manipulation Level: 18/1000, Earth Manipulation: 45/1000, Water Manipulation: 30/1000, Air Manipulation: 65/1000 - level up by using for certain periods of time per level or by using skill points. Every 5 levels a skill increases Tate gains 1 mana level and 2 mana points.

Skill Points: 0

"10xp for a Forest Rabbit not bad for a start, I guess I need to show this to Agnus and hope she doesn't ask to many questions."

Back at the hut, Tate walks through the door.

"Momma Agnus I was able to hit a rabbit with a hand full of rocks and got a lucky hit, so I got meat for dinner."

You did what Agnus said with her mouth hanging slightly open.

"I killed a Rabbit with a rock, so we can eat some meat for dinner."

I don't know what to say Agnus said.

"I didn't leave the field I promise don't be mad at me."

I'm not mad Agnus said I'm just slightly shocked you are not even six yet and are already hunting, you may be the youngest hunter ever in the tribe I will have to let Marcus the chief hunter of the tribe know he has future competition for the chief hunter spot.

The next day before lunch Agnus walks in and says Tate after lunch go see Marcus, he wants to talk to you.

"Ok Momma Agnus."

An hour later in front of the huts but between the field and the stream Tate meets Marcus.

"Good morning, Marcus, momma Agnus said to come talk to you."

Yes, she told me you killed a Forest Rabbit yesterday, how did you manage that.

"I creep through the tall grass picked up some rocks and threw them and just got lucky."

I am just surprised, kids your age don't usually want to hurt any animals let alone a rabbit, but you actually stalked one and took it out I'm surprised.

"I just wanted to bring some meat back to everyone, fruits and vegetables get old after a while."

I understand what you mean we only have four hunters, and we cannot keep up with all the mouths to feed, so this is what I want to talk to you about little Tate. Agnus told me you are going to be six in a few months so in the meantime before your birthday I want to teach you how to be a hunter. I know you are too young, but we need the extra help, we also know of some safe hunting spots that you can work in after we train you, how does that sound.

"Sound like a plan I get bored walking around the village and would like to explore a little more".

Very well then meet me here in the train area every day after lunch and me and the other hunters will take turns teach you what we know, we still have to do are morning hunting.

"I guess in the mornings I will practice my magic and practice my hunting skills they teach me after lunch for the next two months till my birthday then I will start doing my own thing Tate thought to himself."

It's after lunch but there's a chill in the air from the coming of winter, Tate meets with Marcus in the practice area.

Ok little Tate are you ready.

"I hope so."

Since your still too small and weak to use an atlatl, we are going to pass on that weapon, but we did piece together a short spear that will help you if you get in trouble and we will teach you some moves but that's not going to be the main weapon, For I think the sling will be good for you because of your size.

Here is the problem none of the hunters have ever used it because we all use the atlatl, so you're going to have to self-teach yourself, but I can tell your rather bright for your age, so I got faith in your ability to learn how to use the sling.

So, I decided form now on in the mornings practice with the sling and in the afternoon, we will try to strengthen you up a little and do some running through the forest there's plenty of obstacles and that will help with your dexterity.

"Sounds good Marcus, do we start the exercise now".

Yes, let's start with push-ups and see how many you can do.

4 Push-ups I was expecting a couple more Marcus said, ok next follow me, they arrived near the wood chopping area.

Grab one of though logs that's not to heavy or to light and hold it to your chest and do squats over and over as may time as you can.

After Tate did eight squats he was huffing and puffing as his legs were trembling.

Ok no time to waste push-ups again, Tate managed to do four push-ups once again he laid on his stomach for a quick breather, but then, stand up no time to lay about grab that log again and do more squats Marcus said.

This cycle repeated itself 2 more times and Tate couldn't move he wasn't even sure if he could crawl home. Marcus gave him a 15-minute break that he used all of it to lay there and pant for breath.

Marcus nudged his feet and said follow me to the forest, time to run.

"RUN, my legs are still shaking Marcus."

You will get used to it, they set off on one of the hunting trails at a slow pace to warm up the legs. After that Marcus said follow me as best as you can and then he swerved off the trail into the trees at a quicker pass.

They are moving through the forest at a quick pace jumping over falling trees sliding under them, jumping in and out of trees at a rapid pace. They were all over the forest with no direction in mind then Marcus steps it up a notch and starts to pull ahead and as Hes getting out of sight, he yells find your way back home I will be watching from a distance every true hunter can follow tracks.