
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

I aint no air bender yet

Spring is here Tate thought as he breathed in the fresh morning air. The chill in the air was finally manageable enough to spend a decent amount of time outside.

Momma Agnus Tate calls out, since him and the other orphan boys except for two whose mothers survived, they know they have no parents, so this is how Tate refers to Agnus.

"Can I play near the field?"

Yes, but don't go past it and don't climb the cliff.

"Thanks, I promise to listen."

As a kid Tate has no responsibility's as long as he doesn't come back filthy, he won't get is butt popped.

"Ha I'm finally out the house, in my old life I was anti-social and being in that house with three kids and two women is rough."

"I'm going to finally get to really practice with my Air Manipulation".

Tate runs into the tall grass in the clearing and starts to practice, all he managed to do before was just making a breeze but now it's time to really experiment.

"Since the elements say manipulation hopefully, I can shape it and move it exactly how and to where I want".

"I'm surrounded by tall grass at the moment I wonder if I can cut it".

Tate wills the air into the palm of his hand and tries to smash it flat with his will, but it disperses. After a while of trying different methods, he takes a small break he used most of his mana and nothing happened it would always disperse.

"I guess I was too ambitious the skill is only 20/1000 I guess I need more levels before the complicated stuff works."

After an hour of resting and sunbathing Tate resumes.

"Ok time for something simpler, I was able to gather the air in my hand so let's start with a ball."

once again, he willed the air into his hand and starts to make it spin in his palm.

"Ha success that was easy, I wonder what happens when I throw it."

Tate throws the ball toward the forest as hard as he could, then WHOOSH Tate forgot he was only 2-1/2 years old and weak, the ball landed 8 feet in front of him created a baby tornado looking thang in front of him that was 2 feet tall, it Blew all the grass around in a bizarre way, but it ended as fast as it begun.

Air Manipulation: Level up +1

Air Manipulation: Level 21

" [-_-] I don't know if the system just tried to mock me with that level up since it was weak or if it was proud of me."

"I aint no air bender yet".

3 years later, Tate was constantly practicing and trying different types of moves with all four elements every chance he got. Tate is getting close to turning six-years-old and winter will arrive in 2 months, as an almost six-year-old Hes done a lot of running and climb while he practices and plays with the other kids, so the other ladies don't get suspicious.

In Tates previous life he was a 28-year-old electrician that died on the job from a freak accident, he had a wife and several pets and some local family, he missed them all greatly but what could he do about it he died and was born again who knows where.

In other words, Tate didn't mind spending a little time with the village kids, but his "people time" had a limit Tate was more of a solo person that enjoyed the quietness of the forest. As Tates sitting in the clearing waiting on his mana to go back up he suddenly hears some rustling in the grass. He creeps his way toward the noise past the grassy clearing near the tree line he spots a rabbit sniffing around.

"This would be a perfect time to practice on a live target and if I get it, we got meat for dinner".

"The problem is I can't use an air blade that I finally learned after getting mad and throwing the air in my hand that stretched out into a blade, it would be too suspicious to bring a rabbit back that was perfectly cut into, and I can't make the air ball it would tear it apart".

Tate looks down and notices a few pebbles on the ground and then, ding he had a bright idea.

Tate wills the air to surround the rocks and slowly brings the rocks up above and behind the side of his head as he hides in the tall grass and then. Swish, Tate slings the rocks forward at a pretty crazy speed hitting the rabbit in several different areas, but the real winner was the accidental head shot he got, as the rabbit fell over.


Forest Rabbit killed Gained 10XP