
My Magic Upgrades All

What would you do if you have power beyond your wildest dreams.... Maybe help the world with your power.... Maybe rule the world and be the King of the world ..... Or maybe just open up your heart and live However you want..... And so we meet a simple man by the name of Noah and learn how he reincarnated to another world . He did not get overpowered the moment he reached the new world but what he got will overpower everything ....... He got the power to Upgrade Each and Everything and when I say everything I mean Everything ...... per week one chapter will come

Bloodlydevil · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 5:- A holy Sword?


I could almost see endless problems in front of me. All my plans of enjoying this life peacefully shattered in a second.

Seeing the titles I was sure of what the heck happened because I decided to show sympathy. But if I was given a chance again, I believe It would have been possible to save some people by killing others and gaining power. It might seem cruel to people, but saving some even if it's a single person is better than nothing while ensuring my safety.


This was supposed to be the story of a Hero whose soul came from another world to the body of Ethan Winters. Surprise, Surprise that's not me. But guess what he would wake up when he was in the wagon and meet the 6 most special people. 5 of them being the saints in making and the last being the Future Demon King. Through fate or some other bullshit, he would only be able to escape with the saints leaving the demon king to the hell of mankind. That being the birth of some cheap-ass love story between the hero and the saints all the while trying to kill the demon king for the greater good.

But the climax of the story is…


The Idiot, who appeared at the wrong place at the wrong time and landed in the hole. Appearing in this world in the one body I should not have.

Now that I think about it, from all the stories I have read and how similar they are to what was supposed to happen, was the hero the red shirt kid who died just before me.

Died from the truck, did a " Heroic " thing before dying, then reached a new world became a hero got himself a harem and then happy ending.

The more I think about it, the more believable it sounds. But there was no solid proof that it was true.

If the words of the titles are correct then the story of the hero and demon king happens every few centuries, but why does this cycle repeat every few centuries, does history really need to repeat or is a higher force at play?

Another to notice is the zero luck I have and my title "ENDER of the Hero" and if the words written in it are to be believed then I am truly fucked.

Gods, or you may call it the will of the world or anything beyond the scope of the world, and it or they know about me and cheery on the top is that they are not happy that I disturbed their sweet live drama.

Could I even hope to fight the gods or should I just ask for forgiveness from them?

As soon as the thought arose in my mind, I felt a burning force from deep within me.

No, I am not gonna fucking let anyone come in between me and my life even if it is god. I will fight if I can, scheme if given time or die trying if luck is not on my side but there is no fucking way am I going to let God decide my life.

With the newfound strength, I started to think about how I am going to gain enough power in this world to survive and the only answer I found was "UPGRADER" my class.

I can upgrade things but to what extent can I do that?

But before I can do any test I had to understand how to use the MP on my stats. And so I did the only thing I can think of to use it and that is to imagine using it.

I closed my eyes and pictured a ball of water above my hand, and I could feel something move out of me.

Opening my eyes I could see a pure ball made of water. I could feel every part of the ball, it is a weird feeling, not something I could explain with words. I could control every part of the ball and make anything I want with it and it easily followed my imagination. I then tried to taste a small part of it and it did not have any taste. I then tried to let it pass through the wood near me and as soon as it passed through it my connection with all of it decreased and there was only some part I could control. And before I could do anything I lost all my connection to it.

All through the experiment I was keeping an eye on the stats and my MP recovery rate is something close to 2.5ish and I got a new skill




Water Ball Magic (Active ) Lv1 Exp: 0/10


Initial Cost:- 10 MP per 500 cc

Maintaining Cost:- 1 MP per sec


A simple explanation of what I just did. Something not written in it is that the speed with which I could move was dependent on my mind.

Now time for the main thing and use my class and the best target is the new skill I just got.

So I imagine putting exp in the exp of skill.

Exp: 1/10

Exp: 2/10

Exp: 3/10

As soon as it reached 3/10 I could feel a slight headache, and as soon as I saw my MP at 8/38 it became clear that MP cannot be too low.

The conversion rate was 10 MP for 1 EXP

After a series of quick rest and putting EXP into skill, the level increased by one.




Water Ball Magic (Active ) Lv2 Exp: 0/10


Initial Cost:- 10 MP per 600 cc

Maintaining Cost:- 0.9 MP per sec


Per 600cc was something to notice. Does it mean I can only make 600cc water balls or smaller too? And so I tried to make it smaller and I could create it but it required more MP than what was stated.

Now time for this wooden shard to upgrade. As soon as I put a little bit of MP in it, I could see its status.


NAME: Wood Shard

LEVEL: 1/1

EXP: 1/10

AGE: 160


HP: 2/2





STR: 2

DEX: 1




And then came another mystery, what the heck is LEVEL: 1/1, does it mean the limit of level it can have? And how can my curious side leave this mystery unsolved, so started my work and put my MP in its level.

EXP: 9/10

As soon as the last exp filled and the shard leveled up it turned to dust. Now time for the real deal, I took another shard and put my MP in all the things I could see on the status of it.

After my little experiment, I was left speechless by the shear amount of what I could upgrade


NAME: Wood Shard (EXP: 1/1,000,000,000)

LEVEL: 1/1(EXP :1/10)

EXP: 2/10

AGE: 160(EXP : 1/100)


HP: 2/2(EXP :1/10)



PHYSICAL: 3(EXP :1/10)


STR: 2(EXP :1/10)

DEX: 1(EXP :1/10)




I Can UPGRADE anything from the Max Level to stats to age to even its Name.

Even though I was so happy I could not let it empower me and started to calm down. I will not even talk about what will happen when I upgrade Name because I truly have no clue about it.

Then came the age which might help me in increasing the age of anything, I could think of a couple of its use.

There was also the Max Level which I could increase to make anything have unlimited potential.

Stats upgrading is what is my main focus. As upgrading the stats will help me in the long run.

Now I could technically increase my max MP to have more MP which will help me upgrade more things or increase my MP recovery rate which will ensure that I have always MP to use. Answering the question was easy I just have to increase my MP recovery to have more MP per sec to use in more things.

So switching the focus from the shard I started to put MP in my Mental stats as it will most likely increase my MP recovery rate. I started to put MP in WIS as it is the highest stats I have.

WIS: 7

WIS: 8

WIS: 9

After almost 80 sec my WIS reached 9 I could feel a burning sensation in my body, like my body was on fire but before I could understand it I saw a new thing on my status name BUFF.


Stats OverLoad


Your Stats is imbalanced and your body is starting to break down.

The stats ratio of physical and mental can't be more than 1: 2

And inside the physical and mental same is true for individual sub stats

If this is not followed H.P. is reduced by X per sec and X starts from 1 and increases by 1 per 20 sec


As soon as I saw it I immediately started to put my MP on PER.

It took me around 40 sec before PER went from 4 to 5 and the BUFF was removed. That was close to something death than I would love. If the increase in BUFF was more then I would have surely died.

Now that I have understood the way stats work I started to put MP in it Accordingly to make sure that I do not have to go through it again.

After sorting my things I stood up and reached for the door to leave the place. But as soon as I went for the door the scene outside rendered me speechless.

Outside the house, there was a stone and a sword was stuck in the stone. The sword itself looked old and something you could break with the tiniest force but the scene looked holy and magical.

"A holy Sword?"

on a weekly streak

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