
My Magic Upgrades All

What would you do if you have power beyond your wildest dreams.... Maybe help the world with your power.... Maybe rule the world and be the King of the world ..... Or maybe just open up your heart and live However you want..... And so we meet a simple man by the name of Noah and learn how he reincarnated to another world . He did not get overpowered the moment he reached the new world but what he got will overpower everything ....... He got the power to Upgrade Each and Everything and when I say everything I mean Everything ...... per week one chapter will come

Bloodlydevil · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 3:-Run

My heartbeat was running so fast, I might just die of cardiac arrest. It was Surreal, magical, ethereal, I was at a loss for words to describe the situation. Time seemed to stretch too much, that even this moment felt too long.

It stood in front of my eyes with all its majesty. A blue-coloured window of endless possibility. It is semi-transparent and the blue color is illuminated in my eyes but not in the surroundings. My hands trembling to touch it and I know that I will do it but not now, now I have to survive what has to come in any way, for my STATUS.

middle-aged man -"Are you Listening boy?"

I know what I am doing and I am completely sure of the personality of the boy, but I can't help but think about everything that has happened within a few moments of me coming here and think that I might be wrong.

middle-aged man-"Now, if you want you can test now"

As soon as I heard that I knew exactly what they are trying to do. This Mr Darth Vader is here to buy me, now why me? Well, the only reason I can think of is that if my assumption about the original body is correct then their requirement is a living doll.

Knowing the severity of the situation I may have to sell the idea that I am the doll they needed because I can't show a single emotion on my face, no reflex, nothing. And in the worst-case scenario, my current situation might pass as my condition becoming worse or else if I showed anything then this might be my first and last day in this world.

Darth Humes - "Don't blame me kid for what is about to happen but your luck, that your mother whored herself out "

It's good to at least know that this world has a prostitution system. But above all this world is male dominant which is extremely beneficial for my survival. (it's male-dominant because he abused his mother first and you always attack weak points with which we have a deep mental connection)(and such things are inherited from generation to generation )

After his failed attempt to anger me, he tries to make me laugh by tickling me. Using his hand to try it under my arms and then on my neck before eventually trying on my sole of legs.

And as he fails to make me laugh, he goes to slap me. How I wished I stop the hand and beat the crap out of him but I can only hold in my anger, and be calm. After slapping me he tries again and then again and again, he tries it till his hands hurt and my mouth is swollen and blooded. I watch as my health drops to 1/10 at which point he drops some liquid on me and my health goes to 10/10. I could feel my very heart about to burst when he punches in my guts and I get flanged to the other side of the room and landed on the wall on the other side. Before I can even catch my breath he comes stomping down and beats me with his legs on my body constantly till a crisp voice of bones breaking is hurt. And I swear to god this was the first time I almost lost consciousness from getting beaten to such a degree. At this point, he doesn't stop but punches my balls and I almost faint, thankfully he pours some liquid on me and the pain starts to go down.

During the whole process, I did not show a single speck of emotion on my face and the only thing on my mind was how I would torture them.

Darth Humes - "This… one is… good, send him along with… others tomorrow. "

One thing I know for sure is that they are dead and I will be the one to end their misery. But not now.

During the process of getting hurt, I could hear some notifications but I could not concentrate on it. In just some short breaths of time, I was back to health but my clothes were dyed red.

Some staff came to change my clothes and take me to my room and let me lie on my bed. Even they made such a face that I had killed their whole family while they were taking care of me. Now I wonder if the original host of this body was really mentally challenged or if he was fed up with the way people treated him here.

I just stayed there on the bed till the sun set and the moon rose high in the sky or so I thought. Only now did I realize that I was drugged and I was not in my bed but in a carriage. The sound of horses and wheels told me that I don't have a lot of time. Around me, there were 6 other girls 5 Beautiful beyond anything I have seen but the last one was simple and I swear I saw her in the orphanage. But thinking about what will happen to them in the future I feel bad for them. I search the whole place but I could not find any way out of the carriage except the back where it was tightly shut.

Guard 1-"Let's make a camp here for the night"

And lo and behold my way out of this mess, I just have to wait sometime and I will have my chance to leave this place once and for all. Before anyone comes I just lay at the same place where I woke up.

I could feel some movement at the back and someone opened the back door and came inside.

Guard 2-"Are you sure it's this one ."

Guard 3-"Yes we are only allowed to use this one"

They took a girl and went outside. I just lay there motionless to save my skin and the best part of it is that I don't feel any sort of guilt for it because it is a cold hard truth that I could not even save myself much less her.

After some hours, I could not hear anything outside so stood up and tried to open the door slowly. Thankfully it was open and so I opened it slowly making sure there was no one awake. Everyone was sleeping near the fire giving me the perfect opportunity to escape. The party stopped in a forest which is perfect for my escape.

But before I could leave this place I searched around the area slowly to find any weapons I could take with me to protect myself. And thankfully after searching for some time, I found one near another carriage.

As I was just about to turn away I saw the inside of the carriage near me and my heart skipped a beat. Even if I knew, seeing it is different from knowing. She just lay there on the ground like a thing, she wasn't even more than 17 years old and yet she now has no life in her eyes. Covered in all sorts of things, food, sperm, mud and whatnot and her eyes, were begging me to help her.

I saw the sword in my hands and knew what I have to do and so I did it painlessly, in one strike I ended her suffering. And I swear I saw her eyes and they had gratefulness inside of them.

I can not even take grantee of my own life so how could I think of helping her? With my mood off I came back to my carriage to see the 5 girls and just had a thought, is there any possibility of saving them? And knowing that the answer will remain no I steeled myself and went inside the carriage and ended the life of the rest of the girls before they are made aware of the cruel world.

Ethan-"If you all have to blame someone then blame me, I am the one who is your killer "

That's all I could say to all the 6 girls before I killed them. Maybe there was some chance that I could save them and escape but I could not see it and I am not someone who let the luck do its work so I could only help them from the eventual dreaded future.

I am not someone who will just leave things to fate or some higher power, I take hold of everything in my life and then take decisions. And at this moment I am as powerless as an ant, could be easily crushed by anyone but one thing is for sure I am going to get powerful, so much so that I could burn this whole fucking world.

Seeing enough of things I ran as fast as I could, not seeing back thinking that what happened there I would forget, somehow it would not affect me if I just run from there.

I was running from the place but maybe I was running from facing the situation of me killing those children. Maybe I was running from those girls and their faces.

Maybe I was running from my weak self.

week 3

Bloodlydevilcreators' thoughts