
My Lust System In The Anime World

Training, Hard work, and struggles... why should I bother with such things when I could just conquer powerful wives? All I have to do is enjoy the beauties of the multiverse

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Upgrade complete

"Where Is Alex?" Makarov asked with a raised eyebrow seeing Cana and Erza return with an uneasy look. Erza wasted no time and quickly gave Makarov a breakdown of everything that happened, and how Alex up and flew away when the body heat he was giving off reached a point that the ground around him was melting 

"He said it was too dangerous for him to be near anyone, and he just up and flew off," Cana said in worry. Makarov frowned deeply for some time, now knowing not he should go about this. 

"Try and track him down, and I will go see what I can do." He said to which Cana nodded slightly before trying to divine Alex's location. but she quickly realized she couldn't divine him, almost as if Alex was something that didn't exist.

Swallowed in unease, they could only wait. and they didn't have to wait for long as once it was the Afternoon, Alex entered the guild. Cana and Erza seeing him almost jumped to hug him, but seeing as he was but naked they stopped themselves.

"It seemed like I grew stronger with the sunrise and went back to normal with sunfall," I explained calmly, to which the two nodded in understanding. but they couldn't take the fact I just walked around naked like it was an everyday thing... that was even more so with that large thing between my legs.

All of the males couldn't help but look away in shame, the fact a kid 15 years of age had a bigger tool than them was enough to cause them all to lower their head in shame. 

"W-what are you doing walking around butt naked!" Mira's eyes were wide in shock upon seeing the scene before her. She quickly covered her little sister's eyes, not wanting her pure sister to have her purity destroyed by this evil man.

"I just returned, I wanted to calm you guys down just in case you were worried... plus, Cana has my clothing," I said calmly, with a blush, Cana quickly pulled out a card that had Alex's clothing and money from the quest they had done. 

I took the card and went on to take the stuff out, before going on to get dressed before everyone. 

"How do you plan to get around if you grow that strong with the sun?" Erza asked calmly, to which I shrugged slightly.

"I sealed it away. it's not like I was a fighter in the first place. if needed, I will break the seal, if not then It's for the best." I said with a shrug, once the upgrade was complete which was within a few more hours, I would no longer grow stronger with the sunrise.

But before we could speak anymore, a leg came flying towards me. I was already on guard against the fairy tail guild bully, so I quickly crossed my arms just in time to block the kick which sent me flying back.

"I have been waiting to give that pretty face a good beating," Mira said with a smirk, but before she could jump at me, Erza stepped in to stop her. this only led to the two fighting, and seeing this Natsu cheered before picking up a table and throwing it. this quickly caused chaos to explode within the guild, 

'Well, charming Mira it's going to be a pain in her current state.' I thought while scratching my head, Mira in the future would go from a bully to a pure and kind woman. but I didn't want that Mira, I wanted the Mira of today to become the sin of wrath. but how do you tame a bully without overwhelming might?

"..." I looked at Erza and Mira clashing back and forth for some time. Mira and Erza were rivals, what would Mira do when Erza suddenly became stronger than her? I could have Erza pull Mira towards me... or I could charm Mira's little sister and use that to get to Mira. Or I can try and use the connection at the fact we are demons to get into her heart. 

But it wouldn't be easy, dating her sister would be sure to get me beaten up... Well, Erza was a beautiful bodyguard. She would protect me.

"What's wrong," Cana asked seeing me lost in my thoughts, At her words I snapped back to reality and just shook my head slightly.

"this guild is just lively," I said with a smile, Cana smiled slightly. She hesitated for a moment, wanting to take hold of my hand. But Erza seeing this felt strange. 

"Mira, you have the power to turn into a demon... Do you know a way to break a curse that can turn people into demons?" I asked seeing an opening to step in. At my words, Mira stopped fighting Erza and looked at me in confusion. 

"Me and my tribe have been cursed and are being turned into demons. the curse affected me, but not by much. but I need to find a way to break the curse and save my people." I said softly, Mira frowned slightly. Makarov had told her about this, so she knew about the curse. but why did Alex think she tried to fight him? That was her way of trying to help. she just couldn't outright say it.

"Okay. let me see how the curse affected you, if I'm feeling like it, then I might." She said with a shrug, to which I sighed as I had to take off my clothing. Mira's eyebrow twitched seeing me getting naked before everyone's eyes, she was about to lash out but stopped when bat-like wings grew on her back, along with a tail.

Mira looked at the bat's wings and the tail for some time, she couldn't help but notice the tail had a heart at the end. but honestly, that was the most notable thing about my form, the bat wings were not that huge, and the tail wasn't that long. just enough to wrap around Alex's waist one time

"Thoughts?" I asked while looking at Mira who was trying to avoid looking at my dick, but in the end, seeing her sister covering her face while secretly looking through the gaps in her hands, her face turned red. her sister wasn't the only one, as all of the females couldn't help it. not all of them had strong wills like her to resist my charm.

"Put your clothing back on or else," Mira said angrily, to which I just shrugged and put my clothing on. meanwhile, Gray stood there in confusion while looking at the reaction everyone had... why didn't everyone have this huge of a reaction when he was naked?

"I use take-over magic to turn into a demon... you seem to have been turned into one." Mira said after I put my clothing back on.

Take Over allows the user to, essentially, "take over" the power of an entity and use it to fight. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the Caster, One can only "take over" the power of beings that they truly know. There are many known kinds of Take Overs: Beast Soul, Animal Soul, Satan Soul, Machina Soul, God Soul, and so on.

Mira's Takeover Magic was called Satan Soul. This magic was something Mira didn't learn, but something she was born with. It pretty much picked Mira. it was almost like how the demon lord magic picked me. But she didn't know it was magic and thought she was a demon, 

Mira to take on a demon form, Mira has to first absorb the demon. pretty much taking over them. but 2 years ago, Mirajane helped townspeople by defeating a Demon that had taken over a church. However, being unaware of her magical abilities at the time, she had used take-over magic on the demon after its defeat without knowing, leading to her to transform slightly into the demon.

She had absorbed that demon power without knowing, this also had the added benefit of increasing her base form capability. this is how she could defeat many people within the guild without having to transform. 

"Can I see your transformation?" I asked to which Mira shrugged while transforming into her Devil soul. With a thought she transformed, her hair became wilder, jutting upwards and getting curlier. her ears enlarging, extending backward, and gaining pointed edges, bearing resemblance to those of elves. She gained sharp canine teeth, and their lips became covered in dark lipstick.

Her forearms and hands receive noticeable changes, becoming covered in scales and each sprouting a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She also grew a large, stocky tail seemingly made of metal plates or scales, getting smaller and smaller near its end. Her clothing had also changed, becoming more revealing. 

"... Mine looks better," I said with a shrug, causing Mira who expected me to be scared to freeze slightly. but the moment she realized what my words meant, her eyes narrowed

"I mean I can fly, you can't. Yours only looks cool." I said seeing the veins on her forehead. but at my words, huge bat-like wings grew from her back, far bigger than mine. She looked at me with crossed arms, wanting to know my next move. 

"Why did you bring your wings out? Are you about to go somewhere?" I asked with a pure innocent, confused look. Mira went blank for a moment before her face turned dark. she never wanted to hit someone so much in her life. Why else did she pull out her wings if not to show off? but could she say that? She wasn't so shameless.

"You need to know your place." She said angrily, but before she could do anything, Erza stepped forward, causing Mira to glare at her. But she snorted and returned to base form, she would simply beat up Alex when Erza wasn't around.

"My place? and where would that be?" I asked with a confused look, to which Mira snorted slightly.

"Crying benif me."She said with a snort, to which I raised my eyebrow, before taking a step backwards

"You pervert," I said with a stunned look, Mira was confused for a moment, before her face reddened once she understood what I meant.

"Y-you, I didn't mean it like that." She said with a bright red face. everyone seeing her panicked face, couldn't help but laugh as this was the first time they saw anyone push her into her current condition.

"Really? So you wouldn't attack me?" I asked with a pure look, leaving Mira speechless for a split moment. She didn't know what to say for a moment as she realized she was being toyed with.

If she said she wanted to beat him up, she was sure he would turn things around to ask what she meant with her last sentence. She was annoyed, now she didn't simply want to punch him because he had a pretty face, but because he was annoying.

Alex smiled slightly, before leaving with Cana and Erza, leaving an enraged Mira behind. Erza couldn't help but laugh along the way. to see her rival left like that, she was of course pleased.

"So, what are you planning to buy with all that money?" Cana asked as Alex had made a shocking 300k on his first day of work.

"Well, I plan to buy some food, shampoo, and other stuff," I said softly, we had already eaten at a few villages along the way. after all, we left early, so we had to fill our stomachs

"Well, mind if I help you buy some stuff you might need?" Erza asked with a smile, to which I nodded slightly. to which Cana pouted secretly, this was a perfect moment for some solo moments, followed by them returning home for some...

Sadly, she didn't dare to think past that. the thought of yesterday's events had her face redden, while her lower body thirsted for a replay of that pleasurable event. 

the three quickly arrived at a store, where they went on to walk around gathering everything they thought Alex could need. Alex spent a huge amount of money that day, 30k on food, household goods, and many other stuff. It was so hard to money, but easy to lose it.

Meanwhile, Cana and Erza were secretly cursing at the life of a handsome man. everything seemed to be so easy for them. Alex might have not noticed it, but the female workers were all fighting to be the ones to ring him up. Honestly, It was a war for them to keep them away from Alex.

"So, what is your plan tomorrow?" upon arriving home, the two helped Alex put things away. but of course, it would be boring without small talk, and Cana couldn't help but bring up the question, wanting to see if she could take Alex out on a date. 

"well, i'm planning on doing nothing. Did you have something you wanted to do?" I asked with an interested look, to which Cana nodded slightly.

"You haven't looked around that much, so tomorrow we can go around together to view the city... and maybe in the future we can go to other cities," Cana said softly, making Erza blink her eyes slightly... she was envious, but at the same time she knew they were dating. it would be rude to get in when they wanted personal time.

"Sure, that would be perfect. Erza what do you think? are you free tomorrow?" I asked with a smile, leaving Cana speechless. but Erza's eyes brightened as she nodded,

"Then it's set, tomorrow you two must show me around the City," I said with a smile, to which Erza nodded with a smile, while Cana just nodded.

"That reminds me, do you have some soap or something?" Erza asked while seeing the soap she had pulled out, she couldn't help but ask that while looking towards me and leaving me confused for a moment before I smelled myself. She should be talking about [Enhanced Sex Appeal] effect.

"Do I stink?" I asked to which Erza quickly shook her head and explained.

"No, I just wanted to know the soap you used... it has a nice smell," Erza said softly, stunning me slightly. but seeing Cana also nodding, I smelled myself but smelled nothing. I shrugged while explaining how I had just taken a bath without soap, something which shocked them.

"Maybe it's because I'm a demon?" I said to which Erza could only nod as it sounded as if it made sense. they quickly finished unpacking, before the 3 sat back to relax. 

"..." and so, silence fell. Cana wanted to have sex, while Erza had nothing better to do, so she just sat back and enjoyed herself. for a moment, no one said anything... until Alex's body shook, a scene which caused the two to frown as they felt something was off.

they stood up in confusion before they were sent flying away as Alex's body exploded with dark red magical energy. Alex let out a cry of pain, and his wings grew out, almost doubling in size. his tail also grew, its size increasing by 50%.

Small horns grew on Alex's forehead, but they were small, not even the size of a person's fingertip. the transformation didn't take long, just 10 seconds, before Alex slowly tried to stand up.

Erza and Cana helped him up, ignoring the fact he was naked. breathing heavily, Alex looked at himself for some time before secretly cursing the system. Did It have to be so painful?

the demon lord's magic was upgraded to better suit him. In other words, the current magic I had was a perfect suit for me, this led to my bloodline being shaken, causing my bloodline and magic to empower each other. 

"I guess the curse still affects me... is this a curse for mocking Mira?" I asked, I had to keep up the act after all. but I noticed something was off, Erza and Cana's faces looked off. 

{Host, this new magic is called Demon Incubus Lord Magic. A powerful magic that is 100% suited for you... The host has unlearned [Holy Ray] and [Holy Light] host has regained 6,000 Lust Points.} the system said while Alex looked at Erza and Cana whose faces were bright red.

Erza and Cana who were touching me felt the current effect of my magical power which wasn't being controlled. The Power of Lust was powerful, be it from touching me to smelling me. that lust which was hidden was growing at a rapid rate.

Cana couldn't control herself for long, after all, after feeling that pleasure, how was she to control herself? She threw Alex onto the ground to Erza's shock. before Erza and my shocked eyes, Cana sat on top of me and pressed her lips against mine.

She wrapped her hands around my head, making sure our heads were pressed hard against each other. feeling the thing growing below my pants, Cana couldn't control her hips from moving, allowing her wet pussy to rub against my dick. but the more she did that, the more lustful she grew.

Cana unable to take anymore, removed her clothing, sliding backward, her hands rubbed against my dick bulge, before freeing it from my pants. sitting up, I couldn't help but look towards Erza who was watching this, too stunned for words. 

her eyes were locked on the scene of Cana who wrapped her hand around my large dragon, before taking it into her mouth. I couldn't help but let out a moan, not expecting my sensitivity to pleasure to be far greater than before. I couldn't help myself, from taking hold of Cana's head, helping her head go deeper to swallow my dick.

Unlike last time, I couldn't control myself, and pushed her head deeper, causing Cana to gag slightly. Yet, Cana didn't resist, as the deeper my dick entered her, the greater the pleasure felt. but her gag reflex was getting in the way of that.

The sound of a gag reflex, slopping sounds, and soft moans and groans filled the air. Erza stood there while watching all of this, her lower region growing more and more restless, at first she could hold on, but Alex had formed many cracks around the armor around her heart. 

if this was anyone else, she could withstand this and even fight. thats how strong Erza Will was, even with the level of lust she currently felt, replace Alex with anyone else and she could stand strong. but with Alex? She couldn't stay strong, her hands snaked down playing with her pussy which was quickly becoming wet.