
Chapter Twenty-One

The Bridgerton's had arrived at Somerset House, and Loren couldn't be more annoyed. After reading Lady Whistledown's sheet this morning, she was beyond furious. This woman had now pried into her life multiple times, and was now spreading a rumor that was only produced to save her from the Prince. She didn't want to deal with the stares that she would surely receive due to Whistledown's gossip. 

Anthony knew the woman was angry, he could feel the annoyance radiating off of her. He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but there was still an awkwardness between them, and he knew that despite all he'd done, Loren still had not forgiven him. But he wouldn't give up. 

The family entered the new wing at Somerset House, and were amazed. The large room was filled with the ton, and paintings covered the walls. It was a beautiful sight, but Loren immediately felt overwhelmed. She once again was escorted by Benedict, who was quite excited to be here. In front of them stood Violet and Anthony, Daphne had already departed in search of the Duke. Violet began speaking to Anthony of eligible bachelorettes, hoping that if she continued pressuring him with ideas of other women, he'd realize his true feelings for Loren.

"Miss Anna Vaughn. Speaks several languages, I hear.  Oh! And Miss Mary Egglesfield. She's meant to be quite the reader." Anthony sighed, "Were I looking for a list of debutantes and their dubious accomplishments, I could have stayed home and read Lady Whistledown." He said in a low tone of annoyance. Violet rolled her eyes, "That is enough from you." Anthony walked away without a response. She then set her eyes on Benedict, who immediately rushed away, dragging Loren with him. This left Colin alone in the clutches of his Mama.

Benedict had led Loren toward a painting. It was quite nice, but dull in her opinion. Obviously Benedict agreed, for when Lady Danbury joined them, he voiced his thoughts, "It's much too cold. Where's any sense of the subject's spirit? And the light! Given the quality, I do wonder why the piece was not skyed with the other daubs."

Lady Danbury nodded, "Perhaps we should ask the artist." "That would be something, Lady Danbury." He responded. The elder woman then turned toward a man who was standing beside her, "Mm... Mr. Granville, why was your piece not skyed?" Loren attempted to hide her laughter at Benedict's embarrassed expression. "Mr. Granville, I-"

The man cleared his throat, "If you will excuse me, I must find my wife." The man then walked away. Lady Danbury chuckled as Loren snorted with laughter, Benedict was fuming, "You diabolical... How could you let me rattle on like that?" "How could I not, my dear Mr. Bridgerton?" Loren giggled, "It was riotously funny, you must admit." Benedict was about to protest when Loren heard a voice, "Miss Loren!" 

The woman froze, recognizing the accented voice of the Prince. She did not want to be around him again, for she knew that rumors would spawn from it. So, Loren bid Benedict and Lady Danbury a quick goodbye before rushing into an empty room. The area seemed to be unused, for no paintings were upon the walls. The woman sighed, thankful for the isolation from the crowd. That is, until someone joined her, "Whatever are you doing all alone, Loren?" She turned around to face the man, "I am avoiding certain people, just as you are Anthony."

"Guilty as charged." The man responded, approaching the woman. There was a moment of silence before Loren spoke, "Did you read Lady Whistledown this morning?" Anthony simply nodded, "It seems as though rumors are being spread." He said. "The rumors will probably only grow if someone were to find us, " Anthony took another step toward the woman, leaving only a small gap between them, the tension suffocating, "Are those rumors really an issue?" His voice was low, and Loren felt a blush crept up her neck.

Loren attempted to respond, but his gaze was so intense that she couldn't think. She was too distracted. Anthony closed the gap between them, his deep eyes burning with desire as they raked over her body. "Anthony-"

"Forgive me."

"W-What?" She questioned, confused as to what was happening. Anthony stared at the woman, raising his hand, brushing the woman's curls away from her face. Loren's breath hitched at his gentle touch. She didn't understand, it was a simple gesture that he had done millions of times before, but this time, it felt different. 

The man spoke again, "Forgive me, my love. Forgive me for my behavior at Vauxhall." His voice was husky with lust, "Let me fix it, Sienna. Will you allow me to do that?" She was thrown into reality. Anthony seemed to understand his mistake immediately. "Loren, I-"


The couple jumped apart, their faces burning red as Benedict entered the room. "What're you two doing in here?" He questioned, suspicion laced in his voice. Loren cleared her throat, answering for the eldest Bridgerton, who was attempting to draw himself out of his horny daze, "We were simply escaping the crowd, Benny. Nothing more." She said, glancing at Anthony, who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, feeling guilty. Loren knew that Benedict could tell that something else was happening, but decided not to pressure them "Well, Mother is looking for the both of you." He said simply. Anthony nodded, "We should go." "Indeed." And without another word, Loren exited the room, followed by the two brothers. 

Unbeknownst to Loren, Anthony regretted his actions. For while he was sincere about Loren forgiving him, he had been imagining Sienna the entire time. He burned for Loren, and yet he yearned for Sienna. And he could not choose which one he wanted more. And now he had revealed his true intentions to Loren, and he had only hurt her once again.
