
Chapter Twenty

'' Loren thought as she eyed Anthony in the crowd. He was slowly and surely making his way across the dance floor, but he wasn't moving fast enough, for Prince Friedrich was now attempting small talk. 

"How do you spend your free time, Miss Loren?" He asked, a curious look on his face. Loren focused on the man's face, "Uh, I love reading-" "What books do you enjoy?" The woman was confused, "Why does that matter?" She said, not meaning to come across as rude. Friedrich smiled, "I wish to know the things you enjoy." Loren sighed, "Your Majesty, you seem very kind, but I-"


A wave of relief washed over the woman as Anthony appeared beside her. "Hello, Anthony." Loren greeted as the two had stopped dancing. "Hello, my love. I was searching for you." He said. Prince Friedrich glanced between the two, just as confused as the woman. "I'm sorry Miss, are you courting this man?" Loren was about to speak, but Anthony cut her off, "Yes, we are courting, Your Majesty. I believe that my dear Loren was too kind to refuse your dance." 

The Prince blushed red, "My apologies, Miss Loren, I shall be returning to my Aunt now. Have a lovely evening." Without another word, the man walked away, fearful of Anthony's cold gaze. The ton's eyes were on Loren and Anthony, everyone confused as to what had just unfolded before them. Anthony realized Loren's uncomfort at all of the staring eyes, so he extended his hand toward her, "Dance with me, Loren." 

The woman didn't hesitate to take his hand. The two then began waltzing, ignoring the judging gazes around them. There was a suffocating tension between the two, and Loren was the one to cut it, "Thank you, I don't know what I would've done had you not come to my rescue sooner." Anthony smiled down at her, his gaze filled with warmth and affection, "Anything for you, ."

Loren smiled at his words, a soft blush creeping up her neck, which Anthony most definitely noticed. He felt his heart swell, for he was winning his girl back, and he wouldn't stop fighting for her forgiveness until things were just as they were before. 


Daphne could not sleep. Her thoughts were filled with images of the Duke. This was supposed to be a simple ruse, nothing more. But Daphne could not deny that feelings were starting to form for the man. Her thoughts were plagued with memories of the two together, clearing away all chances of possible rest. 

The girl believed that warm milk could possibly help, so she climbed out of bed, sliding her bare feet into her slippers, which would help muffle her footsteps. Daphne exited her room, quickly making her way down the corridor. Unbeknownst to Daphne, Anthony had heard her door creaking open, and had left his own study to meet her at the top of the staircase, "Sister? Whatever are you doing?" Daphne paused, glancing at her brother, "I could not sleep. I thought a bit of warm milk might help matters." 

"Shall I ring for a servant?" He asked, to which Daphne shook her head, "No, no, do not wake them," The girl hesitated slightly before continuing, "Would you like to join me?" Anthony couldn't refuse, he wished to keep his sister company. The two siblings arrived in the kitchen, and now stood before the stove, confused. Daphne held two glass milk jugs in her hands as she stared at the contraption, "We should light it." She began. Anthony nodded, "Excellent idea." Daphne nodded, "Well,  go on." 

Anthony arched a brow at her, "Me?" He questioned in confusion. "I should not know how do it." "And you believe I should?" Daphne realized Anthony had a point, and then decided, "Cold milk, then." Anthony nodded, "Most refreshing, given the heat." He said as Daphne handed him the jug. The two drank in silence, until Daphne spoke up, "Can I ask you a question, Brother?" The man nodded, "So long as it has nothing to do with the inner workings of that thing." He said, referring to the stove. Daphne chuckled before speaking again, "It is about the Duke." 

"What about the Duke?" 

Daphne sighed, "Well, do you know the reason he is opposed to marriage?" "Daph-" Anthony began, but Daphne continued, "He is your closest friend. Surely you must know things." The man nodded, "The things I know are certainly not for your ears." Daphne scoffed, "How foolish of me to ever even wonder about such things." There was a moment of silence before Anthony spoke again, "He barely knew his father. Never knew his mother. Not one sibling. The duke grew up... quite differently than us, Daph. In all the 20 years I have known him, he has not mentioned his so-called family even once. He has spent his entire life alone."

Daphne was quite shocked, "How very sad." Anthony shook his head, "He prefers it that way. You must not concern yourself with his troubles. You must simply know some people are not meant to be together... no matter... how much we might wish otherwise." 

The girl tilted her head slightly, arching her eyebrows, "Like Loren?" Anthony glanced at his sister, attempting to come up with a response. But Daphne was too quick, "You should tell her how you feel, Anthony. If you wait too long, you might miss your chance with the most lovely lady of all." 

The man was speechless. Daphne only smiled, "Thank you, Brother, for the milk. We will have to do this again sometime." She said before leaving without another word, leaving Anthony alone with only himself and his thoughts.