
Chapter Forty-Three

The carriage ride to the secret destination was one full of laughter. Charles had entertained her with stories of his childhood, telling her of the dumb things he had done as a boy. Loren had told him about the young Bridgerton boys, and all of the shenanigans they'd pull. Her heart ached at as she spoke of Anthony, recalling their last conversation in the stairwell. But there was no point dwelling on the past. It wasn't meant to be, that much was sure.

She now had Charles, the perfect man, an angel sent from the deepest depths of heaven whom God had been saving just for her, and Loren had never been happier. 

Her stomach ached from the constant laughter as the carriage slowed to a halt. Charles sent her a handsome smile, "Looks like we've arrived." Loren felt excitement bubble inside of her as a footman pulled open the carriage door. Charles clamored out first, and waited for Loren to approach the open door. He extended his hand to her, "Take my hand and close your eyes." The woman arched a brow, "Close my eyes?? Where are we, Charles??" 

"If I told you, darling, it wouldn't be a surprise. Now, take my hand." Loren felt her stomach flutter at the name he had called her. It was far different than Anthony's 'my dear', and she found herself yearning for him to call her that once again. 

She obeyed his wishes, squeezing her eyes shut, Loren reached for his hand. He gently held her hand, his touch sending warmth throughout the woman's body as he helped her out of the carriage. The sound of chatting and doors opening filled the air. "Where have you taken me, Charles?"

A rich chuckle was heard from her right as he spoke again, "Go ahead and open your eyes." The woman wasted no time, her sapphire eyes snapped open. A small gasp escaped her lips as she stared at the building in front of her. It was the cutest antique shop she'd ever seen. It was a tiny brick building, with hanging flowers surrounding it. 

But what mainly caught her eye was the multiple book on display in the window. She turned to face Charles, "You brought me to a bookstore??" She asked, trying to contain her excitement. The man nodded, "You had told me that the one you normally visit didn't have too many options, so I thought I'd help out." Loren smiled, "You are so sweet. You didn't have to do this." Charles merely shrugged, "Only the best for the most perfect woman." 

Loren glanced away, feeling her face flush. The woman cleared her throat, "Shall we go?" She suggested, wanting to find a distraction to cover up her blush. Charles laughed beside her, such a beautiful sound, she found it to be music to her ears. He extended his arm, linking it with her, "We shall." 


first off, i am so sorry for the short chapter. school started Thursday, and I have volleyball tournaments this weekend, and i wanted to at least post something. chapters will probably tend to be shorter, because it is easier for me to get updates out quicker if the chapters stay shorter. 

thank you for reading, please check out my other book, Dancing In The Dark, it is a Steve Harrington fic i am currently working on. 

as for my other fics, i will be trying to update them often as well, so if any of y'all read those, be on the lookout for updates.

ALSO: Happy birthday to our king Rudy Pankow also known as JJ Maybank AKA my husband [3
