
Chapter Forty-Four

Back at the Bridgerton Household, Anthony found himself in his study stressing. The words Loren had spoken to him resonated throughout his mind. '' 

"How could I be so stupid?!" He exclaimed, slamming a large stack of papers to the floor, not caring about the mess he was making. Anthony felt like an absolute idiot. He was too prideful, he could've waited for Loren. But he didn't. And his reasoning was absolutely idiotic. 

He was afraid that Loren had found someone better in France, and that was the reasoning for her lack of responses to his letters. And even after the realization as to why she didn't respond, he was too stubborn. He believed that he would find someone else. 

But not even the fascinating Kate Sharma could steal his attention from Loren Smith. Kate was a fiery woman who knew exactly what she wanted, and took absolutely no nonsense. In a way, she reminded Anthony of Loren. Their personalities were similar. Maybe that is why the eldest Sharma had drawn him in at first. 

Anthony glanced down at the floor, his eyes scanning the fallen parchment until his eyes landed on a specific envelope. It was addressed to Alexandre's home, for that is where Anthony knew the woman would be during her time away. He reached for it, taking the delicate paper in his hands. 

His heart ached as he pried open the delicate envelope, knowing exactly what was inside. It was his final letter to Loren. Many tears had been spilled during the writing of the letter, and he knew many more would come as he began to read. 

His cheeks were wet with tears as he flopped into the large desk chair, his head falling into his hands as sobs wracked his body. How could he have done this? He finally found the love of his life, but his prideful and stubborn nature ruined his chances with her. 

Now she was whisked away from him. She had found someone better than him in every way. And now he would never be with her. Never be able to hold her, kiss her, . All because he couldn't allow himself to open up to her love.

He had fucked up.

And there was now no chance of ever being with his lovely lady.

