
My love for a demon

Angel's and demons at war. Earth is the battle field. Love blossoms in a world that doesn't allow it. Will love be triumphant or will it tear the world apart.

nicol_poe · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

In the beginning...

The clouds were beautiful and fluffy today. I guess God was in a good mood. Skyla sat on the cloud staring down at the world below her and imagined walking the earth, swimming in its oceans, and playing with its creatures.

She dreamed of being a warrior and helping to protect the land below, But she was only 16 and warrior training started at 18. She was still learning about Gods creations and how Heaven and hell came into being.

Angels are forbidden to go to earth. On earth they would be exposed to the evil demons, who could cause them to be banished from the heavens by seducing them into evil. On earth they were unprotected.

Heaven and Hell had been at war with each other for a very long time. They have had many battles. Gods Angels have always been able to defeat the demons and protect their Heaven and familys. Only Gods warriors could go below to help the creatures and not all Angels are warriors.

Skyla's father was a warrior. He always told stories of the battles he had fought. His stories were gruesome and captivating and made Skyla yearn for the day she became a warrior.

Her mother was a creator. She went to God with ideas of how to improve earth and the Heavens. Skyla loved talking to her mother about flowers and animals, but when her father got home she wanted his stories more.

Skyla sat on her cloud for hours imagining the heroic battles of Angels versus demons. Imaging she was the warrior with the glistening sword that struck the demons with a mighty blow. That when she arrived back to Heaven everyone would come out to praise her courage and strength.

She imagined walking with tigers at her side, her sword on her back and the wind blowing her long silver hair making her look like a force to be reckoned with. All the other warriors looking into her deep purple eyes for direction and knowledge.

Someone yelled her name breaking her from her imaginary victories. Someone was mad at her. As the fog lifted from her thoughts and reality came smashing back like a tidal wave she realized, that person, was her mother...