
My love for a demon

Angel's and demons at war. Earth is the battle field. Love blossoms in a world that doesn't allow it. Will love be triumphant or will it tear the world apart.

nicol_poe · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Angry Angels

"Skyla!!!" yelled her mother.

"Sorry mother I am here.." Skyla replied out of breath from running home.

"Did you forget that you promised to help with the other children today? I have been calling for you for a hour young lady. What have you been doing that you can not come when called upon?"

" I apologize mother I was just sitting on the clouds day dreaming. I did not hear you call for me. I did forget about helping at the nursery today. Please do not be angry with me."

"It is not my anger you should worry about. Head over to the nursery as promised and apologize to Mrs. Justine. She is the one who has to handle all those children while you day dream all day long."

"Yes mother, I will go there now."

Skyla began running to the nursery while her mother watched, shaking her head. She knew her daughter was a dreamer, and had made her promise in hopes that it would keep her on track. Looks like a promise won't even keep that girls head out of the clouds.

Skyla reached the nursery and slowly opened the door. When she peeked inside she saw a very frazzled Mrs. Justine. Skyla slowly approached her and said," I'm so very sorry I'm late please forgive me ma'am.

"Good Heavens girl where have you been? You know that I have extra children due to the Warrior training sessions today. That's why your mother and I asked for your help in the first place.. If you were not going to be here to help you should have said so. I could have asked someone else..."

" I apologize, time just slipped away from me. I did honestly intend to be here on time to help you."

"Never mind that, go prepare the childrens snacks and dont get lost on the way to the kitchen!"

Skyla walked slowly to the kitchen beating herself up for disappointing her mother and Mrs. Justine. In the kitchen she began to cut apples and peel oranges to make a snack platter for the children.

Two Angels Skyla did not know came into the kitchen talking in whispers. Skyla was curious and stayed quiet in hopes of over hearing.

"Yes the gate to earth is stuck open. They have a warrior posted just in case a demon tries to come through. They are waiting for a engineer to come fix it."

"I hope he gets their soon. It is a scary thought that we can not close the gate. If the demons find out they could swarm us, and we dont have enough warriors here to help seeing as a good majority are on earth training."

Skyla was excited to hear the gate was stuck open. She rushed back to the nursery room with the snacks and waited for Mrs. Justine to be occupied, and quietly slipped out the door.

Skyla ran as fast as she could to the gate to see if it was true. She hid behind the trees watching and listening. The engineer was explaining to the warriors how to work the new mechanism for the gate.

"It is almost like putting together a large puzzle. To unlock the gate you pull this lever, turn this bronze piece, then you remove it and you will see a small silver piece inside. Remove the silver piece and place it in this whole and the gate will open. To close it you put it all back together. Any questions?"

The warrior shook his head no and the engineer left. the warrior returned to his post and waited for the others to return. Skyla on the other hand ran back to the nursery full of excitement. She now knew how to get to earth...