
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · สมัยใหม่
253 Chs


Running Aqua bolt was easier than I thought, mostly because Mark personally taught me the basics.

Thinking about him and all the wonderful memories we had always made me cry, but I only did it alone.

I was in a meeting with a possible merger and I looked around. Then he said,"So Tommy, you are living the American dream, super rich, having a beautiful girlfriend and everything you want, how is that going for you?"

"Uuuh fine."I said awkwardly.

"But how would you feel when that all ends?"


"You know, when your nieces grow of age and share the company with you. Two companies are big, but sharing them among four people could be quite a hassle."

"So what are you insinuating? That I get rid of my nieces, my family, the only things I have to remember Mark by?"

He waved his hands and said,"No, no, I..."

"...have heard enough, the deal's off."

"What?! I knew it, you're too young to run the company, no experience, you're just a spoiled little brat!"

I called security and they escorted him out. I was so relieved when that happened and went back to my college room after that.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I thought about what that man said.

What did he mean?

I'm sure he's the kind of person who'd do anything for power and money.

I just studied for an upcoming test.

I walked into the lecture hall and all eyes were on me. This was normal for me by now because I could tell they were all jealous of my life, specifically my job, family and girlfriend.

I just walked to my seat and spun my pen, as was my custom, then began.

I was halfway done when I received news that the last target—who was the boss of them all, the chief—was with Mr Nelson, talking.

This was the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't miss it for a dumb test so I stood up to leave but the lecturer asked where I was going.

I hesitated then said,"I have some errands to undergo."

He said,"So you'd miss a test like this for some household chores?"

I said,"Yes."

"Don't come back to me later on and beg to retake the test."

I walked out but on my way, I heard someone say,"A rich guy like that doing real work? Yeah right and I'm a turtle's father."

I just ignored them.

I was on a motorcycle and reached the venue. I snuck in and was spying on them. I took some pictures then I found something weird, the chief was nervous, his bodily gestures gave him away, as if he wanted something to happen.

Then I realized.

It's a trap!

I couldn't turn back before someone knocked me out.

I opened my eyes and was tied up. I looked around and Mr Nelson said,"Oh Tommy, I see you want to die just like your brother did."

I kept my cool, analyzing my surroundings.

Four snipers and ten guards...

I can't escape them all, I'll need help.

But how will I contact them without my phone?

Mr Nelson said,"Will you not respond? Oh I get it, now you have my company you think you're better than me? Respect your elders!"

He slapped me across the face.

I actually had been hit harder over the years so it wasn't much.

But I smirked, I had a plan.

He released me as he did for Mark and his guards gathered around me, I had to keep my cool.

I ran towards him then one of the guards tried to pepper spray me but I caught his hand and sprayed him. Then side kicked the guard who was charging at me.

The snipers couldn't get a clean shot and I used that to my advantage.

One of the guards charged at me but I tripped him and pulled his phone out of his pocket and a gun, then I b aerial kicked Mr Nelson.

He was bleeding on his nose as I held him in a headlock and put the gun on his head. I yelled,"Guns down or I will shoot him!"

The snipers were getting up when he yelled,"He doesn't kill, you idiots!"

Just then I changed my aim and shot past his cheek. He felt his right cheek hurt and I asked,"Are you sure?"

He yelled,"Stand down, you idiots!"

They walked away and I walked backwards with Mr Nelson and kicked the phone to the chief and said,"Now, confess."

He chuckled and said,"And what makes you think I'll do that?"

Mr Nelson yelled,"Snipers!"

Then one of them shot the chief's arms. That wasn't what I wanted and I got distracted then a guard from behind put a bag on my head.

She tried to suffocate me and I struggled, I thought I was going to die as I had no way out till I heard a bang and saw the chief drop dead.

Mr Nelson signalled the guard and she removed the bag.

He pointed the gun at me and smirked then said,"I guess you'll be reunited with your brother after all."

Just then a red flash moved behind him and knocked him down. It was Rose.

I asked,"How did you find me?"

"Run now, talk later."

I nodded and we ran. We dodged the sniper bullets and got on our motorcycles then we drove away.

When we parked, she told me she tracked my phone when she found out I had skipped a lecture.

I was angry at myself, I had been doing this for a year yet I couldn't tell it was a trap.

I apologized to her and more to Lucy who was furious that I left class and when the music had ended, I was able to get back to my studies.

I just had to get Mr Nelson apprehended and then I could rest.