
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
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253 Chs


The triplets' birthday came up soon and I made sure to be there for the party Lucy threw.

Everyone adored the triplets who were shown to the public for the first time. It wasn't just I who thought they were the most adorable I'd ever seen.

I cried everytime I saw them and that kinda got to Lucille. She was used to having all the attention and everyone calling her the cutest thing they ever saw, now most people were ogling over her sisters.

Lucille was ten now and I was eighteen, so as Rose and Ruby, Mack was twenty-one and out of college. Lucy was twenty- nine.

I didn't have to take care of Mack anymore as his family had come to their senses and apologized, Rose's family on the other hand, never did.

But back to the now, Lucy was sitting right next to her three daughters and people begged to take pictures of the four of them so she agreed.

As they took pictures and complemented her heavily, Lucille felt left out. Even though her mother insisted Lucille joined, she said she was okay and left.

Rose and Ruby totally knew the child actress/model/singer was lying.

Lucille sat on the swing, alone and was just thinking about how lonely she was and how she missed both her dads.

Ruby was talking to Mack when Rose smacked my head, I yelled and rubbed it in pain and asked,"What gives?"

"So you can tell when someone feels anxious but you can't tell when your niece feels left out."She said.

"She's a good actress, how is that my fault?"I asked.

"Fine, you're right, now do something about it."

I nodded.

Lucille was sitting on the swing when she heard one of her original songs being played. That made her feel even worse till Lucy walked forward and said,"Lucille, I'm sorry you felt so left out... you forgot to wear this."

It was the necklace Mark had given her so many years ago. She widened her eyes in shock and said,"My necklace? I lost it when I was in the coma, how did you find it?"

"I had help."

Just then, everyone in the party came and sang along to the song and she smiled. Then Lucy gave Markella to her and she cried for joy as the baby laughed and tickled her nose.

Lucille no longer felt left out, but rather saw what everyone else saw in the triplets, the joy they gave her mom and uncle, the way they connected everyone and the way they reflected her parents.

She hugged her little sister and I joined in the hug, soon Lucy—who was holding Lucia—joined in and Ruby, who was holding Markella came in as well, soon, everyone in the party was in the concentric hug with Lucille at the centre.

I was making a painting in my art course of a model who had posed, but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable everytime she winked at me.

After the course, the model walked to me and said,"Hey there cutie."

I said,"I'm sorry but I already have a girlfriend."

She said,"That's disappointing, because Mr Nelson is making his most devious plan of all."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at her then she smiled. I pinned her to a wall and asked,"What are you talking about?"

She said,"Don't you see the resemblance? Okay let me break it to you, I'm Oleh's sister."

My heart sank as she continued,"Oh don't worry, you are too cute for me to hurt you, but I do want revenge for my sister. So if you don't want me to hurt your sister or any of your nieces, I think we can start with a kiss."

I was breathing heavily and I saw Rose walking in my direction from the corner of my eye, she said,"Tick, tock goes the clock."

I just kissed her and Rose stopped in her tracks. Tears started streaming down her face before she ran away.

I pulled back and turned to explain everything to Rose but she said,"Don't you dare, I want you for myself. Tell no one of what I told you, or I will be compelled to tell my brother in law to continue with his plan."

I said,"You and your sister are snakes."

She smiled at me and I stormed off.

I was walking on campus one day and she stuck to me like a fly glued to a fish.

I had no other choice than to do her bidding. Just then, Rose walked to me and I felt my heart sink.

Rose, I didn't mean to...

She seemed filled with pain and regret then said,"If this is for me pretending to cheat on you, I'm sorry. But please can you stop?"

I was going to talk when Oleh's sister said,"I'm sorry but my little Tomcat isn't interested in you anymore, so scooch, isn't that right my snookims?"

The word sent a chill up my spine.

Rose looked into my eyes, waiting for an answer then I said,"Are you deaf? Or you just don't understand English? My girlfriend said I'm no more interested in you, you can go now."

Rose burst into tears and ran away.

I also burst into tears when she was out of sight then Oleh's sister said,"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, my boyfriend has to be tough, not a cry baby. Now man up before I make a phonecall."

I stood up and wiped my tears. I felt terrible for hurting Rose like that.

The doorbell rang and Lucille answered while her mom pumped some milk for the triplets.

Lucille saw me standing with something clinging to me and tilted her head then asked,"What's that?"

The expression on her face turned deadly before she said,"Tomcat, tell her who I am."

I said,"Lucille, I came to show you my new girlfriend."