
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Chapter 67: Exams Part 12

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 67: Exams Part 12


[Third Person POV]

Neji looked at Lee with a bit of apprehension. He was sure he would best his self-proclaimed rival, but he was not sure just how powerful Lee truly was. Neji himself could just barely keep up with Naruto in taijutsu, and that was because Naruto was a cautious fighter and avoided leaving himself open to attack. Especially against a Byakugan user like himself and his cousin.

He thought about his once meek and shy cousin, meeting Naruto changed her in many ways, none of which he could say were for the worse. She'd grown strong and confident, decisive in her words and her actions. She'd grown beautiful, truly beautiful. She'd also grown wise, in some ways. She was always smart, that he knew, but this went beyond that.

Hinata had gained a maturity far beyond her years, even accounting for her rapid aging from the Space-Time Rift. She could still be shy and silly, immature at times when it came to being with Naruto, but she was always the picture of poise and class whenever she was facing the public. He was proud of her, and ashamed in himself for having been so crass with her.

She'd insisted he need not ask forgiveness, but he felt otherwise. If not for Naruto and her, he might still be obsessed with fate. He knew some people had great destinies, but just because they had the potential, didn't mean they'd achieve it. Nor would it be the case that someone without potential could not make themselves great.

Guy, Lee, and even Sakura, for example. had achieved greatness in their fields. Sakura, despite coming from your standard run-of-the-mill shinobi family, is quickly becoming one of the strongest shinobi in the village, her aptitude as a medic is just a bonus to her list of talents. Lee, unable to use any shinobi techniques that require the molding of chakra, is one of the strongest taijutsu users within the village. Often forcing Naruto to resort to kenjutsu to make up the difference in skill. His sensei, Guy being much the same in regards to taijutsu ability.

Neji ended his moment of reflection and got ready, he would face his rival.

Genma began the match and Lee started off his offensive.

The shinobi in the stands were in awe at the sheer prowess being displayed by both fighters. Their styles were so completely different, but they were able to counter each other perfectly. After 10 minutes of blocking, dodging, and parrying without being able to get a lick in, both fighters changed their approaches. Neji used his rotation to take Lee off guard, sending him flying toward a wall. Neji then used his air palm to try and capitalize on the opening.

Lee, however, recovered and was able to narrowly avoid being implanted on the wall by the powerful pressure wave. He threw a mixture of shuriken and kunai toward Neji, who deflected them with his own set of projectiles. Neji chose to use something very uncharacteristic of his clan, and created an earth wall to interrupt Lee's charge forward.

Lee jumped over the wall, throwing another set of projectiles to defend against a potential trap from Neji. His projectiles reached their target and Neji shimmered. A clone. Lee was surprised that Neji would use so many techniques not of his clan, but this Neji was different to the one he met when he started at the academy.

This Neji was more mature, sure, but he was less cynical, less prone to boasting his superiority or putting other's talents down. He barely preached fate anymore, and was much more relaxed and approachable. He was glad his friend had made peace with whatever was bothering him about his clan. He knew it was a sore subject, so he refrained from asking about the particulars. All he cared about was that his friend was doing well.

He missed Neji's approach as he reminisced, but was able to defend and counter to avoid losing the battle out-right. He created some space and tried to think of a way to defeat his opponent , but he could not. This exam measured more than one's ability to punch hard and fast. It measured strategic ability and planning, and much as he would like to continue this fight until a winner was determined. He knew he wouldn't get promoted at this rate.

He would continue his train of thought, but lost it when Neji spoke, "Proctor. I yield."

The stadium occupants were left speechless. None more so than Hiashi Hyūga, who would never have thought he would hear those words coming out of Neji's mouth. Hinata was equally speechless in the bleachers.

Genma gave Neji a questioning look, but could see that the young man had made up his mind, "Very well, The winner of the fifth match, Rock Lee."

Lee was dumbfounded, his rival would never give up! He questioned him, "Neji! Why?!"

"Because, Lee. Continuing this match would only hurt our chances of promotion, we are unable to beat each other without tiring one another, and at this rate that might take hours", Neji smiled softly.

"I'm fine with not promoting this year, I'll have more chances", Neji grabbed Lee's shoulder and looked his friend in the eyes.

Lee was emotional and his tears flowed down his cheeks, "So... So YOUTHFUL!!"

Neji shook his head and walked up the stairs to the competitor's box with his overly emotional teammate. The looks of surprise he got were expected, the hug he got from his cousin, was not. 

"You've grown so, nii-san. I'm proud", Hinata told him as she hugged him tightly, his face in her bosom.

"L-Lady Hinata... you're older than me...", he protested the mode of address.

"Perhaps... but you are still my nii-san", she hugged him once more and smiled.

"I'm sure Tsunade will take your actions into consideration", Hinata nodded to herself.

Naruto just watched with a small smile, he wished the day would just stay as happy and warm as it was now. But he knew that as soon as his battle started, things would get hairy and fast.

He sighed and got ready to subdue Gaara, he needed him alive, so he would avoid lethal force as much as possible, but that would need to come after smashing Orochimaru's face in. 

Hey everybody,

There will be a short break in uploads so that I can go through and review the story. Fixing or clarifying any discrepancies or things that require a more in-depth look.

This should take about two weeks at the most, you'll know once I start uploading again.

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and will come back to see it progress further towards its conclusion.

SilverSnow125creators' thoughts