
My Life As a Psychopath

Have you ever wondered what happens in the mind of a phsycopath? Neither have i, but Edward McCollin decided to tell us his life story anyways. Listen to how he became the way he is, his lifes work.... and how he managed to survive . Being able to feel something became his goal at some point. Do you agree with his choices? could you have done better?

Fairn · สยองขวัญ
7 Chs

New Family!

Tommy, Ryan and Sally.

These three were my new brothers and sister.

When my new parents took me from the orphanage, I was excited.

They drove an expensive car, and the house we stopped in front of was huge. It had a big garden with a pool.

Though my excitement was short-lived, I was introduced to my new siblings.

The situation was uncomfortable, I didn't know how to react or what to say.

I never had siblings. Plus they didn't make it easier.

Tommy was older than me and a bit chubby, he had a curious look on his face, like I was a new pet.

I didn't like him.

Ryan was younger, but he acted like he wasn't. The rude bastard chuckled, looking me up and down. I nearly punched the little rat.

I didn't like him.

Sally was around my age, I later found out she was a year younger. She was pretty, shorter than me with long hair, she had a welcoming smile on her face.

I kind of liked her. At first..

My new father, 'Edward', showed me around the house and my room. while my new mother, Rachel, went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

After the tour, He left me alone with the 3 fuckers.

Tommy stood there, still looking at me.

Ryan approached me, touching my old clothes and making jokes. The guy had no future in comedy. I can tell you that.

While Sally, the moment Edward walked away, she dropped her smile and tickled her tongue. "Another orphan" she muttered before walking away.

I pushed Ryan away, and went into my room.

I knew that if i stayed there any longer i would have skinned those fuckers alive.

My room was huge, or at least to me at the time. It was around the same size as my old parents' living room.

I had a king sized bed which I liked a lot, an average desk and a window.

After I unpacked, Rachel knocked on my door.

"Dinners ready," she said, pinching my cheek.

I gave her the best smile I could muster and walked down with her.

The table was big, enough to allow 5 more people to sit with us.

We said prayer, which I didn't know people did and ate.

I went straight back to my room, closing the door and going to sleep.


The days passed quickly, and the school year was nearing.

I had to repeat a year due to the events with my father.

Surprisingly, my new parents got me a new laptop, a tv and a gaming console.

To be honest with you, even though i always pretended like i didn't care about stuff like games, that's all i did.

I felt like my luck had finally changed, I no longer had to worry about food, about if I'm going to be beaten today or not or about kids making fun of my old clothes.

I had everything.

I was happy for once.


Sadly it didn't last long.

Short chapter, sorry.

I needed to get the new foster parents, house and siblings out of the way.

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