
Chapter 5

So meat, but before that, I should open my eyes, because I have yet to actually do that. Slowly I open up my eyelids and the light in the tunnel blinds me momentarily but after I adjust I finally get a clear picture of where I am.

Stone walls on all sides with green moss resting atop with vines going downwards, and a low-hanging ceiling not attached to the wall. Lanterns lining the wall, and dried blood pretty much everywhere, I look over at mother's body and find its the color brown, just like my own body. Then I turn my attention to the two other guys, the one I stabbed with my horn looks like a pretentious prick, he even has blond hair and blue eyes with a clean babyface that looks like he's never had hardships in his entire life.

The other one though, has black hair and black eyes, his face has a blade scar right under left eye, his hair is messy and burnt, which is partially my fault but other than that his exposed chest was toned and had more scars, but now his skin is slowly melting off his body, and his face is all goopy and looks like he was dropped in acid.

It's kinda nasty but


I refuse to eat mother and these two are the only ones here so I have no choice. I walk over to the corpse and grab the Aaron guy's arm, I tear it off easily by just pulling and bring it up to my open mouth and dig in.

Not bad

A little gamey

Little chewy

But not bad

His blood really compliments the thin texture of his muscle tissue, and his skin really just brings it all together, overall a 7/10, might have been better if there was more meat on his bones, but the other guy should have that covered.

I finish the arm and head over to the other guy still planted into the wall, I rip off his leg and bite down on it. I started with his thigh and it's already much better than the Aaron guy, much more volume and the skin is slightly cooked giving it a crunchy texture, the meat is fluffy and easy on the teeth, and the taste is just better, its kinda sweet, but at the same time spicy and it really just explodes in your mouth when you chew, even the other guy's blood is more filling. Would be better if I had some rice or potatoes on the side, but overall pretty good, 8.6/10






After finishing off the meat I use their bones to pick my teeth and get the excess off, No clue if I even need to brush my teeth as a monster but better safe than sorry. I gather up all their materials into a pile sorted by metals, fabrics, and shiny stuff.

There are two chest plates, four shin guards, 1 shield, a long sword and a short sword, a helmet, and two genital cups, and finally a prosthetic leg with golden rims, that emits steam. Kinda cool looking, also got me wondering what level of technology these guys have.

They have robot limbs and cups here and shit but would I even need one? And now that I think about do I even have my dick anymore?





There's literally nothing down there, do I not have a gender anymore?

Shit do monsters even have genders?

That's a dumb question I was literally birthed not even an hour ago so I guess I'm different, might have something to do with mini-minotaur.

Anyway, For the fabric pile, I have two tunics and pants, four boots and an eye patch, two fingerless gloves, a book titled Magic and magic technology for dummies that I set aside for later, as well as a book on monsters called a monsterpedia that I also set aside for later. There is also two bags, one that filled with some coins and another one with lots of random items, a syringe with a green liquid inside labeled cure-all, a small disk with a golden ring around with the same design as the leg, twin vials, one red and one blue, a pouch filled with green dust, a large rolled-up map, and last but not least a condom.




For the last pile, 4 oval-shaped glowing rocks of various colors, green, blue, black, and orange, a stolen large red lizard scale that I assume is from a dragon, because there's no way these guys killed a dragon, a golden ring with a red gem in the center, and a furry egg. I have no idea what to do with these things so it's time to get to reading because information would be really helpful right now.

I open up the Monsterpedia and check the table of contents, what I'm looking for is minotaurs, specifically the mini ones because I want to know how tall I can grow, not tryna stay a midge for this entire life. I flip through the pages very carefully trying not to tear the paper and finally get to the page I was looking for.

[Mini Minotaur - A rare genetic mutation of Minotaurs stemming from a lack of growth cells in the body, they have very small statures and never grow taller than 5ft at most, however on the upside because of their smaller structure their magical energy is much denser than normal Minotaurs and it increases all of their stats to a ridiculous level. They are a very dangerous foe as only minutes after coming out of the womb they are able to walk, use their skills, and even summon their very own Celestial Soul Weapons. With great strength, they are registered as danger level A from birth and only grow stronger after. If you manage to find one then immediately flee if you do not have an adventurer rank of S.]

Oh wow, so pretty much I'm stronger than a normal Minotaur but much smaller, but what the hell are growth cells? Like do they just help a person grow or something? Probably, anyway I have better things to do rather than get a headache trying to figure out this confusing terminology.