
Is there a point in breeding?

Chapter 362: Is there a point in breeding?

"Yasir…" Harvey couldn't believe his eyes, for a man that he shouldn't see for at least a few years more had actually appeared before him.

Yasir looked like before, smiling in a usual, confident way. He wore a suit with a hat, and as he took it off, his white hair fluttered alongside the wind. In fact, he seemed relatively gentle like gentlemen his age.

"Won't you invite me in? I'm in the mood for some tea. I would love to drink with my old friend," Yasir parted his lips, speaking in a soft tone.

He didn't seem like the antagonist leader or the top 1 player whose demon had killed thousands of people. He didn't carry any killing intent.

And as Harvey knew that Yasir couldn't match him here, for he kept his powers from another world, he invited Yasir for tea.