
My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

His legendary class is The Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! While other players went through common quests to get their classes, Alex started by getting a legendary class: Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! He got three beautiful wives from the start and the legendary castle! What would his girlfriend and friends say about this once he reveals his class to them? And what about Deathwill Sisters? What is their plight, and why would they suddenly get a husband?

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470 Chs

A dinner with parents

Chapter 361: A dinner with parents

A few days passed ever since the incident with Meiya Deathwill.

She was mainly with her daughter first. But after Celia invaded her room, Meiya Deathwill spent more time with everyone, becoming closer with her new family.

She was the subject of odd looks and teases in the first two days, for everyone knew that Alex had his eyes on her.

On the third day, Meiya Deathwill could no longer be nice to everyone, openly sharing her thoughts with them.

She started with Olivia first, "You have bold lips spitting debauchery on every occasion, yet you have a tight snatch with cherry, at that. You can only drink so much with that insulting mouth, you know?

Ah, a little girl is hiding her itchiness below through sharp tongue or perhaps too scared to compare herself to others?"

Olivia narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms beneath her growing chest, "Better a tight canal than a loose vagina enough to store two cocks. Am I not right?"